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Johannes Ernst

Re-reading tyhe #EU Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act ... it strikes me again, how much the stated objective is to "improve the proper functioning of the internal market".

We do not have a political objective like this one in the US. Not that I know of anyway. What would happen if we did?

James M.

@J12t consumers would be much better off, almost certainly.

Ever since Reagan, regulations of corporations and enforcement against monopolies have been gutted. This has been especially damaging in our age of quick technological advancement.

Bob Wyman

@J12t Amercian competition law was changed dramatically by a movement led by Robert Bork who taught that the law should focus only on business practices' impact on prices. Prior to Bork, antitrust had often addressed issues related to market power, concentration, barriers to entry, etc. Bork and Reagan dramatically limited the scope of antitrust enforcement.

Many hope that Biden's FTC Chair, LIna Kahn, will return the law of competition to its roots.

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