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Johannes Ernst

And here you have it what I’ve been saying all along:

#Meta is hoping for at least 10s of millions of users within the first few months” for their Twitter competitor #p95

The #fediverse and #activitypub will be a small minority show within months.

Assuming they can do it, but getting 1% of Instagram users if they promote it from within Instagram? Sounds very doable.

Tim Chambers

@J12t As I have been pointing out too …the “Embrace” of ActivityPub is coming regardless of if existing Fedi did preemptive blocking or not. We have to fortify against the “Extend” risks.

Johannes Ernst

What’s going on in #russia today is not something I ever heard of even in a history book.

When does it ever happen that a general in an active war turns around and marches on his own side’s top leadership?

Patty A. Gray


When he’s NOT a general, but a private mercenary. #Prigozhin #Wagner #Mercenary not a #Coup

Johannes Ernst

I’d expect Prigozhin has a deal with the Ukrainians. Something like looking the other way when he makes his play for Russian ascension in exchange for substantial withdrawals after he succeeds.
Should he succeed, which seems not what I would call likely. Unless there are a lot of undeclared players on the board who will declare themselves soon.
Indeed “we are watching”.

I’d expect Prigozhin has a deal with the Ukrainians. Something like looking the other way when he makes his play for Russian ascension in exchange for substantial withdrawals after he succeeds.
Should he succeed, which seems not what I would call likely. Unless there are a lot of undeclared players on the board who will declare themselves soon.
Indeed “we are watching”.


@J12t I really don’t get the sense that Ukraine would make deals with the people committing war crimes against them

Johannes Ernst

I miss Fry's. In previous times, I would have visited a few times today.

Rich Stein (he/him)

@J12t It was a regular 'go to' when I lived in Glendale and Manhattan Beach. So much fun retail -- no need to shop, just look -- gone. Look up Edmund Scientific. Online isn't the same.


@J12t if you miss the experience of getting hardware that doesn't work, I have a large collection to choose from

Johannes Ernst

There are some days where all the computers seem to be broken at the same time. In very different ways, of course, to keep life interesting.

Johannes Ernst

In the latest version of the AWS web console, when you hit refresh while your session is expired, you get such helpful messages such as this:

Always amusing that big well-funded companies don't do sufficient testing either.

Dan Lyke

@J12t "undefined", "imaginary", I mean, they're not *that* far off...

Johannes Ernst

I want time warp.

For data migrations.

Johannes Ernst

Why does #Meta do #Activitypub?

I now think they are just buying themselves a developer community.

As @tchambers and others have pointed out, the size of the entire #fediverse is a rounding error in the user numbers that companies like Meta have and expect, and need to have to make it worth their while to create a new product.

So in a few months or a year, it's very possible that 90%+ of all ActivityPub endpoints will be controlled by Meta, and they will be the de-facto standard.

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@J12t @tchambers
Meta's actual work is to encourage and promote the practice of fart smoking

Pablo Martini

@J12t @tchambers yeah
When you see a better idea you can't make or do, DONT PANIC!!! it's time for the old buy & wreck, buy & break, buy OR join & take over! Join and deride as you poop in the communal pool! It's a Gig zukkers has done it before! Ok most companies have? gates MuckySift, Anti Virus co's you wonder what happened to a nice bit of software you valued but no more? well watch & remember!

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@J12t @tchambers The simple answer is they don't want to extinguish the fediverse, they want to extinguish Twitter.

Johannes Ernst

Read this thread from @tchambers on #meta and pre-emptive blocking.

Pull quote: "Even if the entire existing Fedi pre-blocked them. IG has 1.6 BILLION users. in one day just on their own they will be the size of the current Fedi's MAU and grow from there." Yep.

Which is also a strong argument that Meta sees the #fediverse as a tiny step to get started under good vibes, nothing that will matter to them after.

Johannes Ernst

“There were more than 700,000 legally registered machine guns in the US as of May 2021, according to official federal data”. The mind boggles.

Johannes Ernst

I just figured out why tech #support often feels so enraging:

I say something, and instead of responding to what I said, the tech support rep looks back into their script, doesn’t see anything that matches what I said, and then falls back to something like “reboot your modem”.

It’s profoundly invalidating because most times you try to be helpful, have an extra insight, or notice something, it gets discounted or ignored. Picking their incompetent, inane script over you, the individual.

Billy Smith


This is also down to the metrics-driven approach used by the call-centre contracts.

The contracts are completely inflexible, so the call-centre staff aren't allowed to deviate from the script, and they get penalised if they have to pass the call on to a higher level of support.

As the calls are recorded for the metrics, and, for contract compliance, the first-level tech support staff can't do anything but follow the script... :|

EmberQuill :v_gf:

@J12t as someone who worked in tech support for two years, I can confidently say it's just as enraging being on the other side of that call.

I had people straight-up lie to me and tell me they'd tried rebooting when I knew a reboot should solve their problem and they clearly hadn't. I had people yell at me for 20 solid minutes for being unwilling/unable to disable a critical security feature because it inconvenienced them. I had to argue with people who *thought* they knew what was wrong and supposedly had extra insight but really had no idea what they were talking about.

As for the script, often you don't have any choice and it's management's fault. A tech could know the exact solution to your problem but they're not allowed to tell you before following the script.

Also there's a reason why rebooting is such a common suggestion. Reboots and password resets solved 85% of the calls I took.

@J12t as someone who worked in tech support for two years, I can confidently say it's just as enraging being on the other side of that call.

I had people straight-up lie to me and tell me they'd tried rebooting when I knew a reboot should solve their problem and they clearly hadn't. I had people yell at me for 20 solid minutes for being unwilling/unable to disable a critical security feature because it inconvenienced them. I had to argue with people who *thought* they knew what was wrong and supposedly...

Johannes Ernst

The Twitter-to-Mastodon migration looked like a one-off.

Until the Reddit-to-Lemmy migration. Which makes it two now.

I am sure our favorite cloud overlords are watching very closely.

Who is next?

#Twitter #Mastodon #Lemmy #Reddit

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Dale Reardon

@J12t I just wish Masterdon supported lists as I made great use of that on Twitter

Steve Bennett

@J12t my best guess, outside of social networks would be Google and particularly Gmail.

Johannes Ernst

I'm trying to follow my account on from here. On the #Mastodon side, I issued the follow request and I'm current seeing "Withdraw follow request", which seems to say I have made it. But there is nothing on the #Lemmy side where I could approve it. What am I doing wrong?

Johannes Ernst

There's a real war going on between #Reddit moderators/users and Reddit the company. I'm hearing of subreddits marking themselves as NSFW, to reduce Reddit advertising revenue, and Reddit overriding the designation and forcibly removing moderators doing this.

I'm just observing this on a high level, I don't know what all the details are, but WOW.

It's been a long way from "user-contributed content" and "Web 2.0" vibes to this, which sounds more like a class war between overlords and serfs.

Johannes Ernst

Instances with together almost 400,000 users so far have pledged to #block #meta when they show up in the fediverse. But growing rapidly.


@J12t Is that roughly the size of mastodon before the 2017 wave?


@J12t An interesting thought ... squinting at the numbers in the table ... do these instances have relatively higher MAU/User ratios than mainstream instances.

If you look at the big instances, they sit around 15% MAU/User. Many of these may have more (don't know about pixelfed).

Johannes Ernst

Another coop running a fediverse server: . Imho that’s the winning “business” model.

Boris Mann

@J12t oh that's @liaizon as the admin there!

It's a wiki, so it's one of a few #FediverseGalaxies :)

Johannes Ernst

I would be much more supportive of a "Block Fediverse participants that do / don't do X" proposal than a "Block Meta" proposal.

E.g. Do: respect posters' indexing/not wishes. Don't: attach adverts to posts. etc.

Then it becomes clear what Meta has to do to participate, and what everybody else has to do, and that can change over time.


@J12t sadly, that's like saying google, don't be evil... Yep:(


@J12t It depends on the goals. It makes a lot of sense for instances that do want to federate with Meta -- in fact I suggested two similar criteria to @tchambers as red lines. But for instances that don't want to federate with Meta under any circumstances, that's just giving them a roadmap on what short-term tradeoffs to make and what lies to tell to suck more people in.

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