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Johannes Ernst

Instances with together almost 400,000 users so far have pledged to #block #meta when they show up in the fediverse. But growing rapidly.


@J12t Is that roughly the size of mastodon before the 2017 wave?

Johannes Ernst

@maegul probably different people judging from the domain names, but then …


@J12t I mean, there's that implication, but that can never be precise enough to mean much, I'd guess.

I was more thinking about it as a separate "fediverse".

A common defence against the possibility of things going wrong with meta is that we can always start again with our open protocols and software.

In a way, these meta-blocking instances could be said to also be starting again, going back to 2017 mastodon with their own network and are maybe rather happy with that.


@J12t An interesting thought ... squinting at the numbers in the table ... do these instances have relatively higher MAU/User ratios than mainstream instances.

If you look at the big instances, they sit around 15% MAU/User. Many of these may have more (don't know about pixelfed).

Johannes Ernst

@maegul There are soooo many interesting analytics queries one could ask about the Fediverse. I would not be surprised if the more "active" (activist?) fediverse users were more ready to block #meta


@J12t I did some quick analysis on MAU/User ratios at some point earlier this year.

Found that instance size doesn't predict the ratio, except that the instances with the highest ratios (ie most active instances) were all smaller instances, which is intuitive.

Many small instances also had low MAU/user ratios.

In a way, it looked like bigger instances just regressed to the mean while smaller instances could vary.

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