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Johannes Ernst

I miss Fry's. In previous times, I would have visited a few times today.

Rich Stein (he/him)

@J12t It was a regular 'go to' when I lived in Glendale and Manhattan Beach. So much fun retail -- no need to shop, just look -- gone. Look up Edmund Scientific. Online isn't the same.


@J12t if you miss the experience of getting hardware that doesn't work, I have a large collection to choose from

Johannes Ernst

@lufthans Why do you think I wanted to go to Fry's several times today??


@J12t yup, the Frys life cycle was buy it, it doesn't work, return it

Usually I had to wait to the next day to return it as I only went to Frys if they were the only place open, once in a while they would surprise me and accidentally sell something that actually worked

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