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Johannes Ernst

The Twitter-to-Mastodon migration looked like a one-off.

Until the Reddit-to-Lemmy migration. Which makes it two now.

I am sure our favorite cloud overlords are watching very closely.

Who is next?

#Twitter #Mastodon #Lemmy #Reddit


@J12t it’s time for a decentralized #youtube πŸ˜‰ for real though!

Mike D

We have to wait and see which corporate run site makes a big mistake.


@J12t I feel like github is a likely coming. Copilot might have been the start, but I think they could get worse


@J12t i hope itll be facebook, friendica could have a total reborn if that will ever happen

Dale Reardon

@J12t I just wish Masterdon supported lists as I made great use of that on Twitter

Steve Bennett

@J12t my best guess, outside of social networks would be Google and particularly Gmail.

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