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Johannes Ernst

Why does #Meta do #Activitypub?

I now think they are just buying themselves a developer community.

As @tchambers and others have pointed out, the size of the entire #fediverse is a rounding error in the user numbers that companies like Meta have and expect, and need to have to make it worth their while to create a new product.

So in a few months or a year, it's very possible that 90%+ of all ActivityPub endpoints will be controlled by Meta, and they will be the de-facto standard.

Tim Chambers

@J12t Hence:

A robust ActivtyPub Test Suite and standards effort become critical.

cc: @activitypubtestsuite

Johannes Ernst

@tchambers @activitypubtestsuite The ActivityPub test suite is absolutely necessary but also far from sufficient.

I proposed a branding program (that goes with the test suite) months ago, but there has been not much agreement or understanding that this might help.

Tim Chambers

@J12t @activitypubtestsuite I say start where we can and go... both sound wise to me.

Johannes Ernst

@tchambers I wonder whether we could get Meta to fund it.


@J12t @tchambers
Meta's actual work is to encourage and promote the practice of fart smoking

Pablo Martini

@J12t @tchambers yeah
When you see a better idea you can't make or do, DONT PANIC!!! it's time for the old buy & wreck, buy & break, buy OR join & take over! Join and deride as you poop in the communal pool! It's a Gig zukkers has done it before! Ok most companies have? gates MuckySift, Anti Virus co's you wonder what happened to a nice bit of software you valued but no more? well watch & remember!

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@J12t @tchambers The simple answer is they don't want to extinguish the fediverse, they want to extinguish Twitter.

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