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Johannes Ernst

What’s going on in #russia today is not something I ever heard of even in a history book.

When does it ever happen that a general in an active war turns around and marches on his own side’s top leadership?

Patty A. Gray


When he’s NOT a general, but a private mercenary. #Prigozhin #Wagner #Mercenary not a #Coup

Johannes Ernst

@Pattyagray for months, he got his own section of the frontline with regular troups left and right, he was being supplied by the Russian military, and has been a kremlin insider for many years. I don’t think the mercenary vs official distinction makes much of a difference here. Maybe (?) he was never inside the official command below the sec defense, but he wouldn’t have ended up with that frontline if somebody (even higher up) hadn’t let him / made him.

Patty A. Gray


You can’t think of it is a military in the way you usually do. It’s a mafia. This is just one of the princes turning on the don.

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