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@J12t of course! I've got a blog post from over a dozen years ago when I talk about him ratcheting up the exploitation.

FYI @mariyadelano per your point yesterday about no ads on #threads (yet)

Mariya Delano

@jdp23 @J12t seems like I was mostly correct that they want to grow and get people hooked first then

Johannes Ernst

@mariyadelano @jdp23 Standard playbook ever since Paypal in the late 90's.

Johannes Ernst

@mariyadelano @jdp23 It would be nice to come up with a business model that does not lead to this.

Mariya Delano

@J12t @jdp23 that’s the real kicker

Rn it seems like there are 4 business models for any online communities and community-driven apps
1. Sell data
2. Sell ads
3. Sell subscriptions
4. Rely on volunteeer donations and pledges


@mariyadelano @J12t @jdp23

I would add a 5th and very important option, imo ⏵

5) Sell sponsorships (Not the same as algo-driven display ads. Reliant on NPR-like self-moderation.)

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