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@J12t IMO, someone needs to make a very beginner friendly and attractive video that:
-Explains Mastodon with the level of detail that is needed for a beginner (keep it simple but accurate)
- Introduces different schools of thought for choosing an instance
- Links viewers to the various tools that lets them see what instances exist so they can choose one.

We just need to de-mystify Mastodon and make the entry process easier. Everything else falls into place once someone's account is created.

Johannes Ernst

@Malcriada note that #threads doesn’t need any of this, apparently. If they don’t, why do we?


@J12t yes but that's only because Threads only has one operating instance at the moment, so of course they don't need to explain what instances are and how to choose one. Everyone is just joining the corporate owned instance. They didn't deal with the fact that most people either never knew or have forgotten all about a de-centralized internet. Users have only had a flattened internet for so long that they will need a map.

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