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Johannes Ernst

The head of the #threads project says:

"Politics and hard news are inevitably going to show up on Threads - they have on Instagram as well to some extent - but we're not going to do anything to encourage those verticals."



On Threads there seemed to be some push back on this. If Threads is just another Fediverse server then how they promote or moderate content is up to them. You can choose to use that server or not.

Once it is integrated, I assume through my chosen server ( I can follow anyone I like on Threads with a Mastodon experience.

Lee 🌏

Watch Adam become a new right-wing hate figure...

Kévin ⏚

@J12t "... that are interested in a less angry place for conversations ..."

Ah yes, the shining light that is Facebook, who totally never once performed social experiments to make people depressed and angry by adjusting their feeds

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