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Johannes Ernst

About now, #meta’s #threads app is surpassing the size of the #fediverse. According to mark zuckerberg, it took 7 hours since opening it up for 10 million sign-ups.

Let that sink in. 7 hours for 10 million sign-ups. It took the fediverse … at least 5 years since the standard, and lots of time before that?

This is significantly faster than even the most aggressive projections. At this speed, #twitter will be surpassed within weeks not months.

Will they keep their #activitypub commitment?


@J12t even if they dont, it is none of your concern. You literally have zero right.

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t believing anything Zuckerberg says is doing a lot of work here.

And the obsession with numbers is part of the problem.

Johannes Ernst

@emmah quantity creates its own quality. The world will be different tomorrow.

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t my god, you believe nonsense like that?

A 10km pile of shit is a pile of shit.

Johannes Ernst

@emmah you gotta provide more tangible arguments to convince me of anything :-)

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t Threads is garbage, even if millions of idiots sign up for it.

Rob Gilton

@J12t will they keep their activitypub commitment? No, of course not! In the short term it makes them look good to regulators.

In the long term they'll kill it off, probably with some handwavy justification along the lines of "spam is difficult", or "monetisation" etc.

Dennis Jernberg

@J12t I heard it's now (at this writing) 50M. Of course that's easy if you make signing up trivial (if you're on Instagram, just one click puts you on Threads too).

As for their ActivityPub commitment, my Mastodon timeline's already showing instance admins declaring they've already blocked Threads...

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