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Hrefna (DHC)

@J12t Not trivially, no. It depends a bit on their QPS, but by the time you hit that many users you are looking at needing a bunch of components that all need to scale up individually.

Even scaling up that much if you already run something like instagram is not trivial.

Johannes Ernst

@hrefna I think they just repurposed Instagram's backend, or perhaps even run it on the same backend with just a different client.

Some evidence:!uHqAjmOtrLtidOicz

Hrefna (DHC)

@J12t Oh I strongly suspect that's at least partly correct.

I can't open the link (no secure connection?) but instinctually they are probably adding a set of microservices somewhere in the mass of systems that is Instagram.

Like, I think about "how would I build this quickly with that kind of scale" and the answer comes back to "I'd build it out of an existing framework so that I didn't need to worry about setting up separate load balancers, etc, then do more as time goes on"

Johannes Ernst

@hrefna I notice you actually wrote "mass of systems that is Instagram" not "mess of..." that my eyes originally read :-)

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