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235 posts total
David Revoy

"Fa Bd Comics" books on SCAMazon: don't buy them. A new article on the blog about the worst publisher reusing my artworks and the one of the Pepper&Carrot community. Full story here:

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Harkalé Linaï

@davidrevoy à la lecture de ton article, c'est de pire en pire :D l'adresse caramail, sérieux. J'image que leur business model, c'est de chourer pleeeein de BDs en ligne, de les mettre en forme automatiquement et de les vendre en espérant que quelques personnes se fassent avoir ?

Enfin bref, bon courage, c'est pas cool tout ça. D'expérience, la "DMCA takedown request" d'amazon marche bien, je ne pense pas que cet "éditeur" aille contester pour cause de license CC.

Sylvia Ritter

@davidrevoy So sorry that this is happening to you. If someone breaks one of the rules of the creative commons, the rules of copyrighted artworks apply. I saw that two of these books aren't available for purchase anymore but Amazon has to remove the whole product page...

maxmoon 🌱

@davidrevoy It's so sad, that someone wants to make money this way, even if it's okay to use the work of others.

They just don't appreciate the work and want to make money.

David Revoy

A speedpainting inspired by Devin Townsend's 2022 music album. I'll go to his concert tomorrow in Toulouse! Lightwork Tour. I listen to his music since 2000. I can't wait!
#krita #MastoArt
#devintownsend #concert

David Revoy

I made this 3D mockup for the backgrounds of my future webcomic episode. It's WIP, not finished, and will receive a lot of paint-over later, but I love this process and wanted to share Blender screenshots 🥰.

#b3d #MastoArt #wip

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Darn, the rendering style almost gives a slight animation vibe to it.

Scruffy Dux :krita: :inkscape:

@davidrevoy I would absolutely love to see a video capture of your 3d paint over process if that's something you ever feel inclined to make in the future.

Blender + Krita, FOSS creative heaven. ❤️

jfml ✨ Jonas Laugs

@davidrevoy Wow, that is so cool! Love the towers/roofs and the lighting!

David Revoy

Are there any GNU/Linux users of Wacom MobileStudio tablets around here? 🤔 I'm curious about your feedback.

#linux #device #mobile #wacom

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@davidrevoy Don't know if this counts, but I have a fairly ancient and smol tablet called CTH-490
Halla Rempt

@davidrevoy Until it broke (fairly quickly, in under three years) I used one. Mostly with Windows, because Linux desktops really need a keyboard, and on-screen keyboards were not very good.

It ran Krita much smoother under Linux than under Windows, though -- I think both you and Timothee played with the device during a sprint?

In any case, overheating and after a year or two, three autoshutdowning were a bummer for a device that expensive.

David Revoy

:fediverse: Tiny Fediverse Family Sketches

I'm still penciling on the next episode of Pepper&Carrot, and this week, I did my daily warm-up before working on the pages with these sketches. Here is a cleaned compilation of them (credits in alt).

#MastoArt #krita #sketches

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@davidrevoy I have to admit I love yours drawings.


@davidrevoy would love to see the time when GoToSocial Sloth is part of it.

Poroto Sórdido

@davidrevoy It's nice to find them here 💜 I saw the title in my feed reader but your site was down and couldn't see the images.

David Revoy

It's the first SEO/Adv email I receive of this kind with a custom header that attempts the fake-friendly "hey, see, I speak about you" intro and the wording looks like a poor mashup of my About page.

That's why I'm suspicious this is part of a new generation of AI-enhanced spam (I can't verify it, it's only a guess) and I wanted to share it.

Have you got this recently in your mailbox? What do you think about it?

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I'm a programmer with a LinkedIn, and my email address is in a ton of public repository commit histories, and I've been getting the same kinds of emails for about a decade and they sound about the same. Whether it's AI or not really doesn't make a difference to me; it's the same kind of spam either way.

Solinvictus :verified:

@davidrevoy my goodness, this is like next level phishing... that’s not bad :0560:


> ...if you're getting best value


David Revoy

Concept-art for the future episode of Pepper&Carrot (click to see Carrot hissing at the bottom).

#krita #conceptart

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@davidrevoy you sure that's an teapot because it looks a lot like a catpot to me?

Dan Jones

I love this.

I regularly use 418 in unit tests that have anything to do with HTTP responses.

I'll have to find a way to incorporate this image somewhere in my tests.

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aetios ▶️ kwsp
@davidrevoy Yooo beautiful work! You use tipp-ex as a colour? Or just for corrections (as is intended? )
Arne Babenhauserheide

@davidrevoy That’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

(and I wouldn’t have thought of using tipp-ex for snow :-) )

Tristan Nitot✓

@davidrevoy @Lapineige Gorgeous! Plus you managed not to draw the cars, which makes your watercolor better than reality :-)

David Revoy



🗒️License: Fan-art derivation of Studio Ghibli © materials (fair use).

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Gen X-Wing

@davidrevoy Studio Ghibli would be proud.

Now we need a fediverse app that reminds us of a catbus :)


@davidrevoy That is wonderful beyond all description!

Ixtli Dekami :coolified:


Added to my wallpapers folder…=)


David Revoy

🌱 My Neighbor Mastodon 2

Thank you, thank you, *thank you* for being more than 20K to follow my art here. It's fantastic.

#Mastoart #ArtWithOpensource #krita #HumanArt

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T.A. Walker

@davidrevoy As an avid anime (and Ghibli) fan, and someone who wishes he possessed more than a speck of visual-art talent… I loved “My Neighbor Mastodon 2” 👏👏👏 Now following…

David Revoy

I'll do a 50min commented Krita live painting for the first edition of Creative Freedom Summit, a new virtual conference for creatives using open source tools! ☺️🎨

It will be next Thursday, January 19 at 8:30 am (EST) and it's free. More info:

Question: What should I speedpaint that day? **Wrong answers only** 😺

#CreativeFreedomSummit #krita #ArtWithOpensource #LiveStream #Matrix #Peertube

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Valvin (framapiaf)

@davidrevoy a forest near hippiah school with automn colours and a mysterious witch maybe a student.

G'MIC 🎩🐯

@davidrevoy A picture of a cute magician tiger wearing a top hat and waving his magic wand to create a giant firework in the sky with the three numbers 3.2.0 (as the version number of the next G'MIC release which will happen Monday morning :) ).

I relieve on real artists, because AI are not able to do that sort of things :) (see attached screenshot from DALL-E, with the exact same request).

Everything is wrong in that generated image. The magic wand has even turned into a barbecue spike :)

Unattributed 👤 ☑

@davidrevoy Way cool - I can't attend the summit itself (live streams don't work well here), but I will watch the VODs on @creativefreedom later...

David Revoy

Digital painting made from scratch using Krita 5.1.5 on Fedora 37 KDE spin (no A.I.). Tablet: an Intuos Pro Large. A description of each step is written on the alt text of pictures.

📦Source and 4K wallpaper:

🗒️License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-By)

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James B.

@davidrevoy love this, thank you! Always curious about other artist's process and how they achieve their final results with digital media. Still finding my way around digital drawing.


@davidrevoy merci David de partager à chaque fois les processus. Ca permet vraiment de se rendre compte de tout le travail derrière !


@davidrevoy Tes dessins sont superbes ! Bravo ! Je me permets d'en prendre un pour changer mon fond d'écran !

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Torstein Krause Johansen

@davidrevoy beautiful! So much atmosphere in the picture. Wish you would do a point and click adventure so that we could live inside of that world for a few hours a day.


Je me demandais d'où venait le chapeau de sorcière...
Si j'en crois Wikipédia, l'image de la sorcière vient de l'image des juifs, après qu'ils ont été chassés d'Europe de l'est. Le pape les obligeait à porter un chapeau pointu. Le nez crochu vient aussi de l'imaginaire antisémite.
Au Moyen-Âge, les sorcières étaient représentées en femmes du peuple, ordinaires, avec simples robe et voile, sans chapeau.

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Adonay Felipe Nogueira


en-US: As a #FreeSoftware activist, this reminds me of Duty Calls (386) from #XKCD:

pt-BR: Como um ativista do #SoftwareLivre, isso me lembrou de Duty calls (386) do #XKCD:



Well, now that it’s clear you are doing EVERYTHING wrong, what do you have to say for yourself?

That shitty letter actually brightened my day. 😂😂😂

Ross B from the oaty sea

@davidrevoy mm… Sounds like they've got shares in Apple or something.


@davidrevoy I like the top pose. Whenever I've tried to draw, I stumble often by focusing too much on the details and everything ends up looking wrong, but you always seem to strike a good balance between broad shapes / proportions and details, which is nice to see.

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