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David Revoy

Work in Progress on episode 38: yesterday was an important milestone with the 'Alpha-FR' version posted for the proofreaders and contributors. For more info, check the second production report on the blog:

Here are four work-in-progress steps on a scene. It's not finished yet, and a step 5 to paint-over and increase details and harmonize everything is necessary before the release.


There's something I am wondering since months if not years.

Allow me to take the opportunity here.

When I first discovered Pepper & Carrot I quickly went to the very first episodes and read all of them.

I was surprised to find translations in Platt(deutsch/düütsch), i.e. Lower German.
It's a separate language next to High/Standard German. There's fluctuating support w.r.t. teaching it.
Pepper & Carrot could be one way to preserve the knowledge.


@davidrevoy Superbe, comme d'habitude. Je vais montrer ça à mes élèves et à mes enfants pour leur faire comprendre tout le processus de #creation . :blobcatheart:
Je mentionnerai aussi l'utilisation que tu fais des #logicielslibres of course. :blobaww:

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