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David Revoy

The crowdfunding for 'Super Tilt Bro' − a new online NES game with Wi-Fi enabled cartridge and where Pepper is a playable character − ends in 20h: €87,000
pledged of €40,000 goal while I write this lines 😮 Bravo to the team and @RogerBidon ! 🎉

(note for clarity: this is a derivation reusing Pepper as a Free/Libre character and I'm not part of the team or earning on this: and I'm ok with it 🙂 The game is open, free, and you can play it here )

@davidrevoy @RogerBidon holy fuck. I have to read it three times. an ONLINE nes game. How sick is that ^^
Roger Bidon

@davidrevoy Merci pour les encouragements durant le projet et maintenant des félicitations 🥰

Et encore merci d'avoir développé ce personnage et son univers aussi charmants l'un que l'autre. C'est vraiment un plaisir de porter un personnage si complet dans le jeu.

Elvith Ma'for

@davidrevoy @RogerBidon

"To fit on the very constrained NES, the rollback engine exploits the fact that the entire system memory can fit in only one internet packet."


maxmoon 🌱

@davidrevoy @RogerBidon Do I understand it right, that there is a wifi module on the cartridge and you can play online with your NES?

Am I dreaming?

And Pepper is a free/libre character? Didn't know this either!


@davidrevoy @RogerBidon Oh, that's incredible!

You know, when I had trouble with the BFF-2000 in Freedom Planet 2, I assumed it was just a giant robot thing. But now that Kiki is wiping the floor with me, I begin to suspect that Tyson Tan is just too powerful.

On second thought, after recording this, I tried out Arcade mode, and after I finally survived Kiki, Pepper one-shotted me. Perhaps I am just bad at video games? (Pfft, I already knew that.)

Alyssa Voronin

@davidrevoy @RogerBidon WiFi enabled internet multiplayer on the NES? 🤯

I love old cartridge systems, in part because their cartridge slots allow for these wild hardware expansions.


@davidrevoy @RogerBidon Félicitations! J'ai hâte de recevoir ma "cassette"!

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