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@davidrevoy That' very Cool! how much did it take to finish? also who took the picture? both of your hands are busy with the tablet and pen so how did you take it?

David Revoy

@herobrine7gamer hey, it was a less than 1h session, and i asked my wife to take the picture for me 🥰


@davidrevoy Cool! I wish I could draw this quick. I usually take a few hours just draw anything, then it doesn't turns out very great. Do you have any tips on drawing faster?

David Revoy

@herobrine7gamer The 'fast' aspect comes by itself on the way, with repetion, imo. I used to take twice or more time on it. It's ok, as long as you enjoy the drawing session, knows where was the challenges and what you did to overcome them.


@davidrevoy Well, that's what my art teacher used to say. But at least I improved so much along the way. I used to draw for days. I still remember spending an entire weekend on one drawing. That drawing is still my favorite. but still, I am not completely satisfied with my skills. Do you have any drawing tutorials? I really like your style and so I want to learn about how you draw.

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