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David Revoy

@chengdulittlea oh yes, 11h! Litteral pain to the butt, but i'm now arrived on Reunion island. Ready for Pepper and Carrots signing session and conferences ( but tourism too 😎)

David Revoy

@jan Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 370, with a Wacom Bamboo stylus. Fedora KDE X11, with tiny modifications and settings tweaks to get a better mobile painting experience. I'll share a guide and review on my blog once i'll be back my trip. 😁

Mx. Savanni D'Gerinel

@davidrevoy @jan Excited to see that. A good drawing screen on a mobile Linux device would get me to buy a new device. I'm also looking at a Fydetab duo for the same functions.


@davidrevoy Tiens ça fonctionne un stylet Wacom sur un PC tablette ?
J'ai reçu un nouveau pc tablette pro avec un écran tactile (marque HP), si j'achète un stylet de tablette graphique je pourrais l'utiliser dessus ? :o

David Revoy

@zeroday hello, le touchscreen ne veut pas forcement dire un digitizer de tablette, et il y a differentes technologies, dont des cacas, et des tech bien mais monté avec les fesses (lag/bruit dans les coordonnées). J'en parlerai bientôt dans un article de blog.


@davidrevoy mmmh, d'accord
Hâte de lire cet article dans ce cas !

Mariya Delano

@davidrevoy doesn’t your wrist cramp up?

My carpal tunnel would not let me draw in a space that small 🥲

David Revoy

@mariyadelano oh no for your carpal tunnel. For me, it was ok, but i have not tested more than 2h. Also, i was lucky: the seat on my right was empty.

Mariya Delano

@davidrevoy oooh if the seat on the right was empty that makes a lot more sense. I feel like I’d hit the other person in the face with my elbow otherwise 😂😂

“Gotta get that line just right!”

“One more swooping motion….”


“Oh my god I am so sorry I was just trying to fix the curve of this single eyelash”

Mariya Delano

@davidrevoy gotta suffer for art, what else can I say 😂😂

On a serious note - you draw much more consistently than I do, do you have any tips for avoiding pain?

Because honestly I’d be drawing for hours every day if my carpal tunnel didn’t flare up so often 😖

David Revoy

@mariyadelano No idea for a good advice , sorry : i'm on the very lucky type oh hand that can handle the pen/stylus for ~10h per day without any pain.
Before the release of a new episode, I often go up in time budget, and in this case my hand muscle hurts and get tired. When i can't keep the rythme, I just do bath it in cold water, and apply various cream for sport before sleep. It helps. Sometime cream for tired feet too 😆 I had to do that last week for ep38, but i already recovered fully.

Mariya Delano

@davidrevoy do you stretch or do any warm-ups before drawing?

when i've looked for advice before a lot of it boiled down to posture, stretching, and warming up

I wonder if you do that consciously or naturally. Or maybe you simply have better genetics than me 😅

David Revoy

@mariyadelano oh, i can't really praise my genes for many reasons, but on this topic I'm lucky. I don't stretch or do special routine. I usually have the "crepes" effect, i sketch and the first one is always bad, rigid, not in sync. Knowing it will be bad anyway helps me to just get into it without to much anticipation or expectations. It's certainly a warm-up necessary step. I try to get it done at breakfast, (but i'm bad at routine, more like chaos) so i feel ready for the day.

Mariya Delano

@davidrevoy do you think about your posture much? I notice in the airplane picture you're holding the tablet with the other hand and keeping it at a good angle

Do you try to keep your back straight?

David Revoy

@mariyadelano I probably adapt all of that unconsciously. Regarding to drawing, i'm never perfectionnist about condition: seat, light, paper... It's always a "now or never" and "deal with the situation" feeling. It helps on signing session, or plein air drawing.
Oh yes for lifting the display at an angle. It helped me on the plane, maybe because not a lot of room to bend my neck above the device. I'll try to DIY litlle legs I can fold on this device 😁

Mariya Delano replied to David

@davidrevoy I think I need to pay more attention to how much I'm bending my neck 👀

I am a bit envious that you don't have to think of these things much, but we've all got our own unique health problems 😅

Appreciate you answering all of my questions here!

David Revoy

@kallaria merci! C'est trop jolie ici 🤩 j'ai hate de sortir la boite d'aquarelle

Mx. Savanni D'Gerinel

@davidrevoy oh shit! I just recognized your icon.

I read the Esperanto version of Pepper and Carrot!


@davidrevoy That' very Cool! how much did it take to finish? also who took the picture? both of your hands are busy with the tablet and pen so how did you take it?

David Revoy

@herobrine7gamer hey, it was a less than 1h session, and i asked my wife to take the picture for me 🥰


@davidrevoy Cool! I wish I could draw this quick. I usually take a few hours just draw anything, then it doesn't turns out very great. Do you have any tips on drawing faster?

David Revoy

@herobrine7gamer The 'fast' aspect comes by itself on the way, with repetion, imo. I used to take twice or more time on it. It's ok, as long as you enjoy the drawing session, knows where was the challenges and what you did to overcome them.


@davidrevoy Well, that's what my art teacher used to say. But at least I improved so much along the way. I used to draw for days. I still remember spending an entire weekend on one drawing. That drawing is still my favorite. but still, I am not completely satisfied with my skills. Do you have any drawing tutorials? I really like your style and so I want to learn about how you draw.


@davidrevoy ça donne envie ce genre de périphérique.

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