@davidrevoy gotta suffer for art, what else can I say 😂😂
On a serious note - you draw much more consistently than I do, do you have any tips for avoiding pain?
Because honestly I’d be drawing for hours every day if my carpal tunnel didn’t flare up so often 😖
@mariyadelano No idea for a good advice , sorry : i'm on the very lucky type oh hand that can handle the pen/stylus for ~10h per day without any pain.
Before the release of a new episode, I often go up in time budget, and in this case my hand muscle hurts and get tired. When i can't keep the rythme, I just do bath it in cold water, and apply various cream for sport before sleep. It helps. Sometime cream for tired feet too 😆 I had to do that last week for ep38, but i already recovered fully.