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David Revoy

New plants for the garden! 😍 🌱 🐈
#caturday #gardening

David Revoy

@ithanul Thanks! Yes, but it's mostly wild life herbs because I don't have a lot of time to maintain it. This year, I'll try to bring diversity with this. πŸ™‚



Herbs for sure seem to be easier to keep going. I been working on expanding my herbs as well this year.

David Revoy

@mokazemi 😹 πŸ₯• The original model himself.

Le Gnou

Y a une plante qui n'est pas en pot...

Daniil Baturin

@davidrevoy If a cat is on the loose in the garden, no plant is safe!


@davidrevoy forget about the plants, look at that handsome cute boy 😻
PS, you have a very good camera

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy Je savais que Carrot aimait jardiner :shibalaugh:
Super chouettes ces nouvelles plantes ! :shibasmile: 🌱
Je voulais profiter du printemps pour en ajouter sur le balcon mais le ravalement de façade de mon immeuble a démarré à ce moment-là :blobsob:

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