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mushroom 🍄
@davidrevoy awesome, you finally switching to iPad + Procreate, like the kind email asked you :cat_blush:
Mirre :mastocheck:

@davidrevoy love how the brush selector is like a buffet of options on platters

David Revoy

@foervraengd yes, the right click pop up palette on stylus button is really whats make krita usable without a keyboard.

Gerard Braad

@davidrevoy Which Lenovo? Looks like a Yoga...

Does it use a Wacom EMR or some other?

David Revoy

@gbraad yes, it's the 370. The built in digitizer is a AES, the stylus is a wacom bamboo first gen, with AAAA battery.

Gerard Braad

@davidrevoy At least this allows use of 'your own' pen!

Currently using a Galaxy Tab with EMR pen(s); staedtler noris and the wacom one.

How often do you replace the (4A) batteries?

David Revoy

@gbraad I have it only since a big month, i'm rarely using.
So far, still the same battery. I'm also curious about the lifetime of them .
i travel with a spare one in case of.

Yes EMR tech is the holy grail of digitiser, on samsung laptop and wacoms (and few other, an acer, etc) have it. But too hard to find one supported on Gnu/Linux and it was my priority.

Gerard Braad

@davidrevoy newer machines with EMR is an issue. we still have two lx230t here as my wife also now understands the appeal.

success with the machine. it does look nice(r).


@davidrevoy @gbraad

Bamboo ink first gen.
The only downside of this pen is 4A battery. I tried to find rechargeable one in my local market but without success.

I also use one for math at collage 😜 with Dell Latitude 7390 2 in 1. (Of course on GNU/Linux with xournal++) Actually this pen supports not only AES 1.0 but also some M$ protocol you can switch by holding two buttons.

Finding information about protocol support in both digitizers and stylus was hard...

@davidrevoy @gbraad

Bamboo ink first gen.
The only downside of this pen is 4A battery. I tried to find rechargeable one in my local market but without success.

I also use one for math at collage 😜 with Dell Latitude 7390 2 in 1. (Of course on GNU/Linux with xournal++) Actually this pen supports not only AES 1.0 but also some M$ protocol you can switch by holding two buttons.

Gerard Braad

@itmodulo hard to find these rechargeable...

... but sometimes you will find them as 6 total inside a rechargeable 9V battery. check online if that is the case in your region. I did find them a long time back here in China


@davidrevoy I know someone who has the exact same laptop. Is the 1st gen wacom bamboo the on’y one to work with it ?

David Revoy

@Lanza no, any stylus adapted for WACOM AES tech will work on the digitiser. Lenovo has some too afaik.


@davidrevoy bonjour, pourrait-on avoir l'info sur la machine utilisée ici ?

David Revoy

@RB_TCP Oui, Lenovo Yoga 370. Je fais une review bientôt dessus, c'est du vieux matériel avec bonne reparabilité et bien supporté sous Gnu/Linux ☺️


@davidrevoy OK 👌 merci pour le retour. Vous pourriez orienter le review sur l'angle 'digital painting' ? Merci d'avance. Bonne continuation.

David Revoy

@RB_TCP Oui 😊 Je comptais pas faire autrement.

Daniel Santos

I think artists like you, make magic... 😃


Thanks for naming the gear in the image text.

David Revoy

@bhaugen Thanks for noticing. I could have been a bit more precise: Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 370. A not new model.


It's hard not to notice if you (like me) are into such gear.....


@davidrevoy I once tried to draw on a touchscreen tablet, it reacted to the touch of a hand, not only a pen 😒

David Revoy

@Pixel_Lime yes, many touch screen with stylus (majority) are badly made. It took me a lot of time to find one working on Gnu/Linux


@davidrevoy Why are you using GNU/Linux?
I had some experience with it, but I had some technical troubles, so I can't use it as daily driver on my main device.

Rocky <3



Is this guide also good to follow along of one wanted to follow in your footsteps with the tablet ? Was there anything you found particularly tricky getting the mobile station set up ?

David Revoy

@revrocky @Pixel_Lime yes, i had a lot of issue, trial and error and special settings for the mobile. I'll make a dedicated guide later for linux mobile painting.

Rocky <3


Look forward to reading that once you put it together !


@davidrevoy I'm using a Lenovo Yoga 460 and with Linux Mint Cinnamon everything works fine including rotating the display and recognizing the hand and pen. With Manjaro I did not get it to run.

Kuroichi Neko

@davidrevoy Now it's intriguing to read an article on how well it's fares for creative work on Linux with this laptop 😆

Rocky <3


I have been scouring the internet trying to find a device that can replace the hole left by the surface. Thanks for sharing


@davidrevoy I have Krita on my tablet but when I opened it up my non-drawing hand immediately tried typing keyboard shortcuts and my brain malfunctioned and I never opened it again! Any tips for laying it out/using Krita on tablets?

David Revoy

@AesAthena It's long. The default are really bad and it need settings. It will be part of a future review i'll write about it (or make a video) 😊


Hello, comme tu utilises ton panel en mode vertical, tu peux installé ce widget :
Et ainsi avoir l'heure en vertical, et c'est plus lisible. Enfin pour moi, c'est plus lisible 😹, sinon ça l'air trop cool ton Yoga, ça marche avec blender en mode sculpt ? Ou la carte graphique ne suis pas ...

David Revoy

@maja merci pour l'applet vertical. Oui, j'imagine que la machine est pas faite pour blender en sculpt. On est sur un petit i5 avec un gpu intégré intel. Mais quand je ferai une review, je testerai ca et eevee pour le fun.

eev kuchenka

@davidrevoy this rules. Thanks for sharing. Would you have any info on how the new lenovo active pens behave on linux?

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy Wow 😍
Hâte de lire ta review sur ta nouvelle machine :blobaww:


Which ThinkPad are you using (I'm assuming its a ThinkPad)?

David Revoy

@jkepler hey, it's a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 370.

Balduin Jauise

@davidrevoy Hello, I have a question. What kind of model is this? Where can you buy this model?

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