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16 posts total
David Gerard


"Glassdoor now requires your real name and will add it to older accounts without your consent if they learn it, and your only option is to delete your account. They do not care that this puts people at risk with their employers."

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Zorin =^o.o^=


I see more and more companies doing this authoritarian "we do what we want" bullshit and not caring what their users want. It's disturbing.

Don't give these companies your data. If they care so little about what you want, they will do shady things with your info behind your back when it benefits them.

George Borewell

So now none of their data is good.

Glassdoor was a trustworthy source on employers because if its anonymity.

Now it's just an employer circle-jerk recruitment tool.


@davidgerard thereby eliminating their sole distinguishing value proposition. Yet another brilliant business decision from Silly Valley

David Gerard

BUYOUT NEWS: The beleaguered and heavily indebted social network formerly known as "Twitter" is acquired by the X Org Foundation, a 501(c)3 scientific charity

"Fixing Twitter will be easier than finishing Wayland," said a spokesdroid

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@davidgerard Haha I think it's the contrary in fact. 😅


@davidgerard Will startx still launch the graphial interface for Linux or will it soon open a social media client?

David Gerard

lol, Bluesky is now getting it on LinkedIn

"When your racism is so bad old white guys on LinkedIn think it's bad"


Scott Hirleman
Data Mesh Radio Host - Helping People Understand and Implement Data Mesh Since 2020

Hey Jay Graber, Paul Frazee, Emily Liu, Rose Wang you have an incredibly bad anti-blackness problem on your platform. It says you are hiring. Where is the posting for your head of Trust and Safety? Why is this such a big problem every week or two it seems? If you don't want to run a social media platform, split the company in twain and go focus on the protocol and fund the platform with another team that cares. Or do you not care about marginalized groups?


Hey Neo, are you aware that your most recent investment Bluesky PBLLC has a pretty big anti-blackness problem? They didn't even think to block the N word from being in usernames... that's just 101 level. They did block someone from taking the username 'danieltosh' at least... yeah... It's a VERY recurring problem of anti-blackness and the entire userbase is not happy. The company has refused to make an apology or statement, barely doing an update to the codebase.

If you took a board seat in your seed investment, can you be reached for comment regarding not hiring a Trust & Safety Lead? Is this what you want to be associated with? I can mention some reporters in the comments that might like to write a story on it.

Ali Partovi, Suzanne Xie, Jan C., Emily Cohen, Stephen Cornwell please address immediately with your investment.

Are you okay with this type of lax attitude regarding Trust and Safety towards underrepresented groups being associated with your brands Neo mentors? Aduke Thelwell, Amir Kantor, Anand Subramani, Aston Motes, Ben Newhouse, Camille Ricketts, Carol Reiley, Claire Shorall, David Mace, Fuzzy K., Jason Dorfman, Jehron W. Petty, Jesse Zhang, Kyle Parrish, Lin-Hua Wu, Maria Zhang, Melissa Tan, Neha G., Omoju Miller, Pavla Bobosikova, Pierre Martin, Shyamal Hitesh Anadkat, Sima Gandhi, Rainer Sainvil, Alan Flores-LĂłpez, Anne Solmssen, Ansh Nanda, Ari Steinberg, Asta L., Dhruvik P., Mihir Garimella, Neil Patil, Nidhi J.

It's simple to say we're sorry and will do better. Why is the company refusing to do this. T&S is an urgent need if Bluesky is going to actually be a social platform and not only develop the protocol. Please spur them to do the right thing.

lol, Bluesky is now getting it on LinkedIn

"When your racism is so bad old white guys on LinkedIn think it's bad"


Scott Hirleman
Data Mesh Radio Host - Helping People Understand and Implement Data Mesh Since 2020

Scott P. Johnson

@davidgerard The devs have started blocking the users on bsky, several of them locked their twitter accounts, and one of them took their website offline.

Jo Jitsu


racists are gonna racist. Not sure why this guy sounds so surprised.

Erin Conroy


I mean, the entire reason for #Bluesky was because Jack Dorsey doesn't want to block Nazis and other racists from using his social media platform cash cows - like Twitter, where he still holds a $1 BILLION investment - to radicalize others.

He said many times that his solution for Twitter is a protocol so that abusive accounts can't be banned, & their victims will be forced to use algorithms to hide from them, but give them free rein to radicalize others


I mean, the entire reason for #Bluesky was because Jack Dorsey doesn't want to block Nazis and other racists from using his social media platform cash cows - like Twitter, where he still holds a $1 BILLION investment - to radicalize others.

He said many times that his solution for Twitter is a protocol so that abusive accounts can't be banned, & their victims will be forced to use algorithms to hide from them, but give them free rein to radicalize others

David Gerard

bluesky moderators hitting home fucking runs here lads

you will be unsurprised to hear that the skeet line has been, in the hours since, composed of as creative as possible slurs for white people

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Vegetable Gremlin âŒâ€‹đŸ‘»

@davidgerard yeah idk why anyone thought that would play out differently

Syllus Green

@davidgerard I was not aware that was a slur. Bluesky helps us learn 🙃

Ricardo Harvin

@davidgerard Cracker isn't a slur. Ask any number of white people here in Florida and Georgia.

As I posted a few days ago, former Florida governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham loved to call himself a Florida Graham cracker. And that's a sentiment widely shared by probably millions of white people across the South in the U.S., even today.

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David Nash

@davidgerard Lesbian wrath is absolutely deserved these days, but bisexual sloth sounds pretty awesome, honestly. A bunch of bi folks doing nothing for days at a time, maybe watching Netflix or cuddling cats or a whole bunch of other stuff needed to stay sane in these insane times.

David Gerard

there's probably some insane arsehole with nostalgia for the bang path era of Usenet

Charlie Stross

@davidgerard Forget NNTP, I'm nostalgic for uucp over V.22bis modems these days! No room for large GIFs, never mind video. Web hadn't been invented yet. No advertising, no fucking new media oligarchs pwning the internet, just raw ASCII text files.

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@davidgerard Who is "us"? Many people have remarked for a very long time that offices were terrible environments, and many people have been working remotely for decades if not longer.

Chris L

@davidgerard "Hello I would like to hear half of your Zoom call" is chef's kiss.

David Gerard


people don't seem to get the kit these days. read these:

* What Makes A Fuckhead?

* A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy

* The Tyranny Of Structurelessness


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PJ Coffey


RE: A group is its own worst enemy

I did see two people flirting on Mastodon once, then they stopped. And there's a guy I know who seems pretty thirsty but he's been quiet. So not so much on the sex talk.

The lesson that one needs to build in moderation from the start seems to have been missed again on a different site. And you can't solve social problems with tech has not been learnt here! And size of server keeping small and interesting is not .social.

christina bowen

@davidgerard Thanks for sharing this. Clay Shirky’s piece “A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy” is really relevant and helpful for stuff we’re working on right now in

Much appreciated. 🙏

green-threaded gay

@davidgerard yes but it's fine, it won't actually remove them, it'll just shove an icon on them so you'll actually get to see everything.

David Gerard

the Go maintainers are now claiming that objectors to Google's opt-out telemetry proposal on the Go compiler - yes, really - are arguing in bad faith and violating the Code of Conduct, and their comments are getting hidden.

well done lads, you just keep doing that as hard as possible. i'm sure it'll work out great.

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Larry Garfield

@davidgerard Wait what? First I'm hearing of this. What's going on?



It's not just a code of conduct that is being used as a weak excuse.

A quick scan of reveals egregious abuse of "spam", for things which by no reasonable definition are unsolicited bulk messages.

One person was marked as "spam", for example, for saying that xe thought this as wrongheaded in Go as it was for .NET and objected to it in both for the same reasons.

#github #golang #Google


@davidgerard *curseword*. I really liked Go. And I'd quite like to read the full story on that, and how gcc-go is affected.

David Gerard


If you are curious about leaving the cooked turkey site and going to the elephant site, here are some important tips:

1. It sucks. But then, so does every site.

2. You can still shitpost. Take great glee.

3. Picking your server instance is super important.

Ideally you should start at a large instance, and leave because it's full of white suburban NIMBY reactionaries who joined in November because they were promised 0 uncomfortable experiences in their lives and lash out whenever this turns out not to be the case.

Then you move to a smaller server where suddenly you can't talk to your friends because the admin of your instance is feuding with the admin of their instance. Then you wait a month before you can move again.

In this regard, the feudal structure of Mastodon instances is very like early 2000s message boards, whenever the admin got drunk and deleted the site.

4. You can work around the feudalism by running Mastodon yourself. It's the size of a mastodon and costs a fortune.

You can run Pleroma, which is smaller, and is also favoured by Nazis by unfortunate historical accident. Pleroma is perfectly good software that fulfils a need for something smaller than Mastodon, but also the devs are definitely not Nazis but are the other ten guys at the table.

There was a hilarious moment where the guy behind Spinster was so obnoxious he got kicked out of Pleroma and started his own fork called Soapbox/Rebased. He is now known as Soapbox Terf.

The nice people went to Pleroma fork Akkoma, which Soapbox Terf calls the "tr***y server", a review I understand they were delighted by. Try that.

There's also Misskey, which is a bit weird and Japanese, and supports cat ears right there in the protocol.

5. Any bozo who complains about your posts with assertions about the Fediverse that assume it all runs on the rules of is one of the suburban NIMBYs and invariably joined in November. Block and don't look back.

6. If anyone annoys you about your posting, you can improve their feed for them by blocking them from ever seeing your posts. The blocking tools are marvellous.

7. There are NO QUOTE TWEETS on Mastodon and anyone who wants QUOTE TWEETS is an invader, pollutant and corrupting influence despoiling the suburban vistas of Mastodon who only wants quote tweets so they can wreak EVIL.

So quote-tweeting is well supported in Akkoma and Misskey (and forks thereof), is in the Treehouse fork of Mastodon, and will be coming to more Fediverse software soon.

8. In Mastodon, Eugen Rochko has achieved the creation of something greater than himself. And he will *never forgive it*.

9. The Fediverse interprets Website Boy as damage and routes around him.

10. Mastodon is yet another demonstration that worse is better. So come onto Mastodon, and *be* that worse.
EDIT: this post is attracting some very dumb reply guys. Consider *not* posting debate club fatuity.


If you are curious about leaving the cooked turkey site and going to the elephant site, here are some important tips:

1. It sucks. But then, so does every site.

2. You can still shitpost. Take great glee.

3. Picking your server instance is super important.

Ideally you should start at a large instance, and leave because it's full of white suburban NIMBY reactionaries who joined in November because they were promised 0 uncomfortable experiences in their lives and lash out whenever...

Swagpuss McG

Sorry, how does it suck...? Best social network I've ever used by a longshot and the fedilabs app (or tootsy I hear) add lots of functionality

David Gerard

You may have heard that the principals of the collapsed FTX crypto exchange were into Effective Altruism.

Let me explain what Effective Altruism is:

* Some charities are more effective than others, and you should donate to the more effective ones.

yeah, sounds obvious and sensible

* As a first-worlder, you are basically rich, even if you don’t feel like it, and you therefore have an ethical obligation to contribute to those who aren’t - almost certainly more than you do now.

this is pretty sound reasoning actually, I can get behind this

* Therefore, we can and should stack-rank every charitable initiative in the world according to an objective numerical scoring system,

wait what

* and clearly the most cost-effective initiative possible for all of humanity is donating to fight the prospect of unfriendly artificial intelligence,,

what the

* and oh look, we just happen to have a charity for that precise purpose right here! WHAT ARE THE ODDS,,,,


You may have heard that the principals of the collapsed FTX crypto exchange were into Effective Altruism.

Let me explain what Effective Altruism is:

* Some charities are more effective than others, and you should donate to the more effective ones.

yeah, sounds obvious and sensible

* As a first-worlder, you are basically rich, even if you don’t feel like it, and you therefore have an ethical obligation to contribute to those who aren’t - almost certainly more than you do now.

David Gerard

to be fair: the "EA" movement is three or four movements in a trenchcoat. some do good stuff, others are rationalist AI cultists.

EAs are desperately sincere, and they probably make more good things happen than would happen otherwise

but they need to get rid of the AI cultists

who are also the Longtermists, who literally care more about 10^54 hypothetical future human emulations running on computers than about real people who exist now, and who care more about the possible suffering of electrons than the real suffering caused by climate change or racism

and the FTX-Alameda crew were hardcore from the AI cultist wing of EA

it's systemic, because the AI cultists named it "Effective Altruism" and gathered the others into the trenchcoat, and still do a lot of the organisational slog, so it's hard to get free of them.

This FTX catastrophe offers a chance: so many EA initiatives got screwed over too.

how to infuriate an EA: point out that the Make A Wish Foundation is literally a more efficient use of charitable dollars than MIRI, the AI cultists' charity

take care not to let EAs ambit-claim the concept of charity, or the concept of measuring charity, which even the good ones have a nasty habit of trying

to be fair: the "EA" movement is three or four movements in a trenchcoat. some do good stuff, others are rationalist AI cultists.

EAs are desperately sincere, and they probably make more good things happen than would happen otherwise

but they need to get rid of the AI cultists

who are also the Longtermists, who literally care more about 10^54 hypothetical future human emulations running on computers than about real people who exist now, and who care more about the possible suffering of electrons...

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