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David Gerard

bluesky moderators hitting home fucking runs here lads

you will be unsurprised to hear that the skeet line has been, in the hours since, composed of as creative as possible slurs for white people

extreme organic gay

@davidgerard i see they're sourcing from where stux gets his mods

millionsofplayers :troll:​

@davidgerard the site with the political hate groups slider everyone

Vegetable Gremlin ⍼​👻

@davidgerard yeah idk why anyone thought that would play out differently

Syllus Green

@davidgerard I was not aware that was a slur. Bluesky helps us learn 🙃

Ricardo Harvin

@davidgerard Cracker isn't a slur. Ask any number of white people here in Florida and Georgia.

As I posted a few days ago, former Florida governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham loved to call himself a Florida Graham cracker. And that's a sentiment widely shared by probably millions of white people across the South in the U.S., even today.

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