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Timo Grün

@davidgerard @lisamelton
A Jewish Nazi hotdog vendor, and also the head of the troll farm that helped to get Lord Cheeto elected. A very weird character.

Kevin Russell


Democracy is actualy closer than Russians think. All these bozos are bozos.

Oliver Schafeld

When a cook comes for the head of state and brings an apple and seasoning. Beware.



@davidgerard I’m really not liking Bluesky’s whole vibe though

Nate Did I just blindly step into a writing prompt or are these things actions happening in the real world? This is beyond wild.

Marcas Ó Doibhilin

@davidgerard Gotta be honest here. When Zelensky was first elected, I thought, Srsly? Go home, Ukraine, you’re drunk.

I cannot adequately express how delighted I am to have been so wrong about the man. He is a goddamn superhero.

As is his entire nation.

David Gerard

@marcas also, being able to play a piano with his dick turns out to be the necessary skill

Patrick Chizeck


This is priceless.

And also accurate.


@davidgerard to be precise - a restaurant owner. Probably, of a shitty restaurant, but nevertheless.

David Gerard

@rushraptor and - importantly - can play a symphony with his dick. this is why ukraine is winning.

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