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779 posts total
Darius Kazemi

I finally wrote up something explaining that Twitter has not allowed people to pick usernames during signup for almost 3 years now, and that a "jsmith12345678" username pretty much just means you're dealing with a not super technically savvy social media literate person.

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Suitably ballyhooed

@darius that’s a good write-up! I agree with the conclusion that it’s rude to dismiss these folks but I think we could do a lot better at criticizing the system that throws them into the midst of it like that: they are probably behaving in a rude way, without realizing it - and Twitter the platform does nothing to teach them how to behave well in this chorus of misery.


I wonder what played a bigger role in this design choice:
• Twitter wanting to put less focus on pseudonymic usernames/handles and more on 'real' names.
• easier to understand to 'normies' / non-techie users who perhaps don't know what is meant by a username or handle, or why they'd need one
• reducing potential on-boarding friction from telling users their desired username is already taken


@darius this explains why my mom's twitter handle has the word "gmail" in it lol

Darius Kazemi

I wrote an article about the history of the HTTP status code and what I think it tells us about designing specifications and APIs:

If you liked my @365-rfcs project, this is a direct outgrowth of that work.

Darius Kazemi

I included a digression on the concept of historical contingency that got edited down significantly. It probably helped the article read better but I wish I'd figured out a way to talk about that more.


@darius this is great, thank you for writing and sharing. I appreciate the breakdown of the history, which was very easy to follow (as a semi-laypersonnin this area)

∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷

@darius @365-rfcs Thank you for sharing this. I'm curious how many opportunities are there today to actually invent something new, technology-wise. It seems most things are more like refinements and improvements of things that already exist(ed), or ports / reimplementations of existing techology between programming languages. On the other hand, there are still an infinity of problems to solve (often created by the technology itself), but they are rarely as signnificant.

Darius Kazemi

Whenever I type in an Outlook Web Access url (, etc), in my head I hear a DJ doing a baby scratch on a sample of someone saying "oh" (owa-owa-owa-owa)

Darius Kazemi

Attempting to make sense of my music collection once again. Basically iTunes circa 2004 was my perfect music management situation: all my mp3s in one place, searchable database, synced to a mobile device (iPod in that case), dynamic playlists. After iTunes became unusable, I moved to Google Music, which is of course now deprecated, so I downloaded my collection and am seeking suggestions for music library management software!

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@darius I use Logitech media server so I can do multi room audio. It's a bit of an old school web interface but it's cool. It's all open source these days.

3 Rocks Stacked :manjaro:

@darius Great question. If you find it, let me know. I am living with Rhythmbox and Lollipop on Linux, but still not as good as I imagine it could be.

Darius Kazemi

This little game where you control a "maple copter" as it floats to the ground is really lovely.

Darius Kazemi

Seriously considering eating one BLT a day until peak tomato season is over.


@darius can i arrange some sort of blt-by-mail club?? 😭

Darius Kazemi

Been meaning to make this for a while

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Shinobi Frankenstein

@darius You don’t have to drive like your kids to be here… but it lives.

Shinobi Frankenstein

@darius You don’t have to drive like your kids to be here… but it lives!

Darius Kazemi

@Alex Let me know if you'd like to be listed on the wiki page of Hometown instances, btw!

Alex P (She/Her)

@darius That would be cool, thank you! What sort of information should I send/how should I send it?

Darius Kazemi

New #Hometown release, v1.0.5+3.2.0! This upgrades us to Mastodon v3.2.0 and also adds a new feature: if your admin sets a custom emoji called `local_only`, then any post made including that emoji will be forced to be a local only post. This allows users of third party apps like Tusky to make local posts.

Darius Kazemi

@catalina So I am just about done with Yakuza 0... do you recommend skipping Kiwami 1 and going straight to 2? Everything I have heard about 1 makes me feel like I definitely wouldn't enjoy it

Alex Garnett

@darius @catalina fwiw I also tried jumping to 2 after 0 on the same assumption and I fell off immediately, it feels a lot more padded and less intentional in its design than 0

Darius Kazemi

I keep having dreams where I'm out in the world and then I suddenly realize I'm not wearing a mask. Then I panic and try to find a mask. I have been having these dreams several times a week since March.

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Jason Cosper

@darius Sarah and I both have been having pandemic dreams for months now.

Either we're at a large social gathering and realize we (and everyone else) don't have our masks *or* we go out to the store after finding out the virus is gone but everyone other than us is wearing masks. 😕

Blake C. Stacey

@darius I've only had that dream once, but it wasn't pleasant.

Doug Orleans

@darius I had this dream last night! But when I panicked and went to put my mask on, I found that I did already have one on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Darius Kazemi

Is there a concept (like a specific cognitive bias or logical fallacy) that describes the human tendency to see evidence of something highly shocking happening a small number of times, and then to assume that the highly shocking thing must happen often, in spite of evidence to the contrary?

A mundane example is someone hearing about a person being hit by lightning and then hyperfixating on the possibility that it might happen to them. Less mundane: the "stranger danger" panic of the 80s & 90s.

Darius Kazemi

I think Google should save everyone a lot of time and effort and jump straight to discontinuing new services:

"We are proud to announce that Google Kitchen Tools will no longer be available on Sep 1st 2020, nor has it ever been available. Should you wish to export your Google Kitchen Tools data, you should be aware that there is no data, as Google Kitchen Tools has never existed.

The Google Kitchen Tools Team"

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@darius @snaums erhole mich immer noch von der Schließung von Google Plus.

Jason Scheirer

@darius @heartles I find things like superfluous google services as a general good as they keep smart people distracted on button layouts and shit and not making cryptocurrency products



Google is constantly making an argument for why oligopolies are bad. The company is so obviously full of incredibly intelligent people but the bloated behemoth that it is just seems totally incapable of growing new ideas and staying behind them long enough for them to blossom.

Microsoft is the same way.

Its like, something about being that big just makes you incredibly fickle.

Unless you are Apple, then you just lock everything down and continually change the charging port.

Darius Kazemi

Free idea: a Crusader Kings or Europa Universalis type strategy game based on Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities, where the point of the game is to forge nation-states through the development of national print-languages and various forms of cultural, legal, and military coercion (but with a focus on the cultural stuff)

Darius Kazemi

"I've only ever struggled with docker as a dev, it might be a nice change of pace to struggle with it as a sysadmin."
- me, just now

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Karel P Kerezman

@darius My first experience with docker was my early attempt at deploying a masto server, and no experience since has improved my opinion of the whole dingdang docker circus.

Darius Kazemi

Tune in to WordHack right now!

@nickmofo is showing some Apple II poem programs he made. Me and @aparrish will be speaking later, at around 8:15 Eastern (me first, then Allison)

Darius Kazemi

My talk is in maybe 5-10 minutes? Depends on when the current talk (by the great Kate Compton) ends and if they decide to skip the 5-min break or not.

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