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Darius Kazemi

I wrote an article about the history of the HTTP status code and what I think it tells us about designing specifications and APIs:

If you liked my @365-rfcs project, this is a direct outgrowth of that work.

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Darius Kazemi

I included a digression on the concept of historical contingency that got edited down significantly. It probably helped the article read better but I wish I'd figured out a way to talk about that more.


@darius this is great, thank you for writing and sharing. I appreciate the breakdown of the history, which was very easy to follow (as a semi-laypersonnin this area)

∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷

@darius @365-rfcs Thank you for sharing this. I'm curious how many opportunities are there today to actually invent something new, technology-wise. It seems most things are more like refinements and improvements of things that already exist(ed), or ports / reimplementations of existing techology between programming languages. On the other hand, there are still an infinity of problems to solve (often created by the technology itself), but they are rarely as signnificant.

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