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∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷

@darius @365-rfcs Thank you for sharing this. I'm curious how many opportunities are there today to actually invent something new, technology-wise. It seems most things are more like refinements and improvements of things that already exist(ed), or ports / reimplementations of existing techology between programming languages. On the other hand, there are still an infinity of problems to solve (often created by the technology itself), but they are rarely as signnificant.

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Darius Kazemi

@setthemfree Generally speaking if I could wave a magic wand and cause say 90% of people who do computer programming to magically know some other form of engineering instead I think it would be a better application of human minds, since I think there are more genuinely interesting unsolved problems in, say, environmental or power or civil engineering

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