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Darius Kazemi

I think Google should save everyone a lot of time and effort and jump straight to discontinuing new services:

"We are proud to announce that Google Kitchen Tools will no longer be available on Sep 1st 2020, nor has it ever been available. Should you wish to export your Google Kitchen Tools data, you should be aware that there is no data, as Google Kitchen Tools has never existed.

The Google Kitchen Tools Team"

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Kit Rhett Aultman

@darius Agreed this would save some time. I'm really becoming loathe to try anything they come out with at this point, since I'm just going to end up abandoning it or moving to something else.


@darius there was a lot of internal friction between the Google Kitchen Tools team and the Google Countertop team, which is a shame, because I hear that Google Countertop would have been the superior tool if it had had the opportunity to not ship first

The Big Mammoth

@darius @anna This is so upsetting even if you’re on a strict Apple diet and do not own a kitchen. I hope they will release the source and we can build a community edition!


@darius @snaums erhole mich immer noch von der Schließung von Google Plus.

Jason Scheirer

@darius @heartles I find things like superfluous google services as a general good as they keep smart people distracted on button layouts and shit and not making cryptocurrency products



Google is constantly making an argument for why oligopolies are bad. The company is so obviously full of incredibly intelligent people but the bloated behemoth that it is just seems totally incapable of growing new ideas and staying behind them long enough for them to blossom.

Microsoft is the same way.

Its like, something about being that big just makes you incredibly fickle.

Unless you are Apple, then you just lock everything down and continually change the charging port.

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