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788 posts total
Darius Kazemi

Pleased to announce that, for the first time in ~20 years of using Debian and/or Ubuntu, I remembered the command "lsb_release -a", for finding out what version of the OS I am running, without having to look it up.

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maggie "still" "ass" margaret

@darius this sounds like something a super user would do!!! 😎


@darius For those used to Python, I will often run `python -m platform` to do something similar.

Darius Kazemi

I love this lidar scan of an archive room at the Centro de Henri Lenaerts in Navarra, Spain (an arts organization).

But it makes me heartsick for visiting archives in person :(

Darius Kazemi

A year ago I wrote this article on how to be a tourist at library archives and it feels like another era...

Darius Kazemi

Did Ted Wheeler just say he would encourage the police to nazi? (no he said "not see" but it sounded funny)

(Mayoral debate here: )

Anthony Sorace

@darius I mean, that’d be on brand...

Darius Kazemi

The absolute worst thing about Dependabot is when I'm following someone else's repo and I get spammed with dependabot PRs. Like it's not even my project, come on!!!


@darius i have a worse thing i think but i've gotta give a presentation right now. be on the edge of your seat

Darius Kazemi

yesss thanks to this article from @aaronpk I managed to set up a little server that lets me put any service I want behind Mastodon's OAuth so that only people with a login can see it. It works for web apps that don't know what OAuth is -- you are just kind of "gating" them so that any request to any URL for the app must be authorized first. A little like .htpasswd but for OAuth.

I'll write this up in detail later but Aaron's post has everything you need.

yesss thanks to this article from @aaronpk I managed to set up a little server that lets me put any service I want behind Mastodon's OAuth so that only people with a login can see it. It works for web apps that don't know what OAuth is -- you are just kind of "gating" them so that any request to any URL for the app must be authorized first. A little like .htpasswd but for OAuth.

vera 🍄

@darius it says instance not open, there a list of hometown instances anywhere?

Darius Kazemi

Best possible outcome from Oracle v Google is I'm never able to write code ever again and I just stop using computers.

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@darius my hope is their legal shitfight flattens the landscape such that GEOS 2.0 for the Commodore 128 is most peoples' best computing option.

Blake C. Stacey

@darius I heard some chatter that a bad decision might motivate better legislation from antitrust-minded congress-folk, but honestly, your prediction sounds more plausible

Ben Zanin

@darius maybe we'll all end up being banned from using libraries and we'll just jump to opcode offsets

Darius Kazemi

The worst thing about Trump getting sick is that it's distracted me from Fat Bear Week


@darius 747 is gonna be so tough to beat.

Darius Kazemi

Excel fucking rules. I mean, it's shit, but all software is shit. Excel is the best of the software shit-pile. I will never scold a non-technical person or organization for using Excel, which 99.999% of the time is a perfectly acceptable tool for the job.

(I'd link an article about the alleged Excel errors that caused a miscount in COVID cases in the UK but there is wildly conflicting information and I don't know what to trust.)

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@darius whoa whoa whoa give PowerPoint its due!!

The Bean Identity

@darius Excel did more for the democratization of computing than most other software.

Still it's absolute shit and I'm not sure it would have to be that way (e.g. imagine if it did a little less automatic data coercion)

Григорий Клюшников

It would've been better if it didn't turn random things into dates when you least expect.

Darius Kazemi

admin dot social, instance of a thousand admins

Darius Kazemi

"I have heard the worst person in the world, who has personally attacked me many times and who I clearly despise, has fallen gravely ill. I wish him and his family well."
- politicians who think 20th-century concepts of decorum are anything but a liability in 2020

Tony Stark :verified:

@darius @artilectzed

Well, maybe we're just not a bunch of deplorables who wish death on those who have acted against us.

Quite frankly, that's their territory and I don't want to live in it.

Darius Kazemi

How can I construct a Zoom shortcut url if I know both the room ID and password for a meeting I'm invited to? I'm not sure how they hash passwords for URLs so it's not as easy as just sticking the password in.

(Any other way to generate the shortcut url for a meeting I'm invited to but don't "own" would be equally helpful.)

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@darius i love fat bear week. i'm making my office do brackets. i had to ask someone how to do brackets


gooo walker!
435 cub is cheating; we want the fattest bear, not the fattest bear in its weight class, right? (nor cutest bear, which 435 cub has hands down, which I foresee bringing her a bunch of votes.)

Darius Kazemi

My keynote for ActivityPub Conference 2020 is now online a few days before the conference begins! Since it's a fully remote conference, the idea is you can (should?) watch the talks before the interactive/live sessions later this week.

Here's the keynote, which is about ways to provide value to users that CANNOT be re-centralized by the big corporations:

And all the other talks, which I'm excited to watch:

My keynote for ActivityPub Conference 2020 is now online a few days before the conference begins! Since it's a fully remote conference, the idea is you can (should?) watch the talks before the interactive/live sessions later this week.

Here's the keynote, which is about ways to provide value to users that CANNOT be re-centralized by the big corporations:

Darius Kazemi

I reference OAuth a lot in my talk, and I can already tell that @aaronpk's discussion of OAuth 2.1 is going to be of interest to anyone who wants to develop the "suite of community apps" pattern from my presentation.

DNA Levity :intention:

@darius that was excellent. Thank you. I am in the vision with you and stoked on the future of hometown.

Curious if there is a list of RSS feeds already available on

Darius Kazemi

If you want to follow the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure podcast that @courtney & I do with our friend Eliz, this is a great time to start. We have moved on from the anime (since we covered all of it to date) and just yesterday started on Part 7 of the manga. Part 7 aka Steel Ball Run is a full series reboot in a new timeline so if you have never even read JoJo's, well, this is an ideal starting point. It's also the best arc of the series, so read along with us!


If you want to follow the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure podcast that @courtney & I do with our friend Eliz, this is a great time to start. We have moved on from the anime (since we covered all of it to date) and just yesterday started on Part 7 of the manga. Part 7 aka Steel Ball Run is a full series reboot in a new timeline so if you have never even read JoJo's, well, this is an ideal starting point. It's also the best arc of the series, so read along with us!

Suitably ballyhooed

@darius @courtney @explainjojo nice, I was looking for a new podcast to fill the gaps left in my subscriptions’ schedule (:

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