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Darius Kazemi

I finally wrote up something explaining that Twitter has not allowed people to pick usernames during signup for almost 3 years now, and that a "jsmith12345678" username pretty much just means you're dealing with a not super technically savvy social media literate person.

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we're ALL jordan

@darius thanks! this will be useful to point people to

Suitably ballyhooed

@darius that’s a good write-up! I agree with the conclusion that it’s rude to dismiss these folks but I think we could do a lot better at criticizing the system that throws them into the midst of it like that: they are probably behaving in a rude way, without realizing it - and Twitter the platform does nothing to teach them how to behave well in this chorus of misery.


I wonder what played a bigger role in this design choice:
• Twitter wanting to put less focus on pseudonymic usernames/handles and more on 'real' names.
• easier to understand to 'normies' / non-techie users who perhaps don't know what is meant by a username or handle, or why they'd need one
• reducing potential on-boarding friction from telling users their desired username is already taken


@darius this explains why my mom's twitter handle has the word "gmail" in it lol

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