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Darius Kazemi

I keep having dreams where I'm out in the world and then I suddenly realize I'm not wearing a mask. Then I panic and try to find a mask. I have been having these dreams several times a week since March.

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@darius I have also had this dream :|

Darius Kazemi

It's not even really a dream *about* the mask, it has just become a kind of recurring nightmare/stress layer *on top* of my dreams.

Jason Cosper

@darius Sarah and I both have been having pandemic dreams for months now.

Either we're at a large social gathering and realize we (and everyone else) don't have our masks *or* we go out to the store after finding out the virus is gone but everyone other than us is wearing masks. 😕

Blake C. Stacey

@darius I've only had that dream once, but it wasn't pleasant.

Doug Orleans

@darius I had this dream last night! But when I panicked and went to put my mask on, I found that I did already have one on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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