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Rod Hilton

He talked about electric cars. I don't know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Then he talked about rockets. I don't know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I've ever heard anyone say, so when people say he's a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.

Lt.Cpl Хуёвый Пчеловод

@rodhilton You obviously know nothing about software. Elon will show the world his true genius as soon as he single-handedly rewrites entire Twitter stack... in PHP...

Brian Dear

@rodhilton Never heard this genius talk until this year, frankly. It’s someone’s narrative.

SpaceX was and is a team of scientists and engineers. Tesla was and is a team of scientists and engineers. They designed and built the rockets and cars.

It’s also a narrative that SpaceX = Tesla = Musk. “His cars.” “His rockets.” It’s one of the stupidest narratives anyone’s ever said, but millions upon countless millions believe it and get all bent out of shape from it and make decisions based on it.


@brianstorms @rodhilton exactly. Musk went batshit crazy with Twitter, and all of the sudden re-usable rockets, and all the geniuses behind them that put in extreme amount of their lives to make them happen can be completely dismissed? The same with Tesla engineers. This sounds stupid to me.

#Musk #SpaceX #Tesla


@Gerego @brianstorms @rodhilton Afaik, SpaceX is the first company he actually founded, which actually achieved something noteworthy (although largely government sponsored, so no business success in a purely capitalist sense). Starlink is imo actually useful, as well for crisis regions (Iran, Ukraine) as in rural areas e.g. in Germany.

Not saying it was Musks achievement, but this one company does not fit into the rest of the list.

Not a dog

@brianstorms @Gerego @rodhilton yeah I agree we should hate on Tesla automobiles for their own merits, that is being luxury priced yet incredibly bad build quality, and having baffling design decisions such as car doors that require power to open and won’t open in the cold, the ability to brick your car by an OTA update, and selling access to hardware by software locks (ie seat warmers)


@Gerego @brianstorms @rodhilton the most effective way to prevent genius engineering from becoming genius products is by having someone like musk in charge of the business.
A car company with genius Tesla engineers who realized musk is an absolute idiot and got the hell out? I'm all in.


@brianstorms @rodhilton
Agree with your conclusions but just ought to note that I have heard a shedload of this genius talk over several years, mostly at the dinner table when visiting a certain relative who is in his seventies and a huge fan of Musk, SpaceX and Tesla. This used to annoy the other half so much we more or less developed a No Musk At The Dinner Table rule. So... it's not a *recent* narrative.

Mikko Lipasti

@brianstorms @rodhilton

Even the greatest team of engineers and scientists can be completely betrayed by delusional, incompetent or dishonest leadership.

Case in point: Tesla Semi

Mazal ​:blobcatpeek:

@pasti @brianstorms @rodhilton

^ Case in point: Tesla Semi

Case in point…
…Tesla Self Driving
…The Boring Co.
…The Hyperloop
…Neuralink Corp

ClipperChip :nsa:

@rodhilton For a guy knowing nothing about software, Paypal was quite a success.


@clipperchip @rodhilton Musk was quickly fired from PayPal for trying the same crap there that he is now doing at Twitter.


@clipperchip @rodhilton PayPal was suffering with a lot of issues so the board ousted Musk and replaced him with Thiel. Best decision they ever made


@gnolan @clipperchip @rodhilton maybe, but Thiel is also a dangerous ideologue

Don Tomas

@clipperchip In spite of Musk. PayPal came from the Confinity side of the merger with Musk's company He was ousted coz he preferred his own tech to PayPal.

Mazal ​:blobcatpeek:

@dontomas @clipperchip 🤭​

correct except, Musk preferred Microsoft! to Unix.


@dontomas @clipperchip This. He is always just an injection of money.


@rodhilton literally the same sensation when you listen to a non-specialist journalist talk about something you have experience in when you remember reading their previous column about something you were dumb about going “man this makes sense this writer is amazing”


@rodhilton for the journalists reading my comment I didn’t mean YOU haha I meant the bad journalism haha


@hammancheez @rodhilton this is what makes me wonder how incorrect everything I read in the news really is. They get the general idea but boy, the devil is in the details.


@n3wjack @hammancheez @rodhilton
It's something that bugs me about local news TV journalists. Most now are glorified teleprompter readers.
And that's led to the current trend for police stenography in journalism, wanting the qucok over the right, and be cop "insiders" rather than accountability.


@datenwolf @hammancheez @rodhilton the article is succinct and to the point, and I love the last bit:
"By the way, why is the effect named after the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Murray Gell-Mann?"
Crichton explained "I refer to it by this name because I once discussed it with Murray Gell-Mann, and by dropping a famous name I imply greater importance to myself, and to the effect, than it would otherwise have."


@hammancheez @rodhilton this is an enormous problem with Wikipedia. Whenever I read an article about a topic, or even a place, I know quite a bit about, I shake my head and sigh very deeply.

Edge :toad:

@rodhilton he did for rocket scientists what Ben Carson did for brain surgeons (although he actually had been one). It was the chess comment which busted it all open

Caleb Brown

@rodhilton I don't know anything about electric cars or rockets or software. But I do know what people who know a lot about a thing sound like. And Musk never sounds like he knows what he is talking about. He always sounds like a kid who did a book report after quickly skimming the back of the book plot summary.


@rodhilton @petelambert You can probably include business on that list. Bullying and hostility is what he does well.

Owen Nelson

@Denis @rodhilton @petelambert I remember someone mention his true skillset is navigating businesses to unduly quality for government subsidy. Seems likely.


@onelson @rodhilton @petelambert indeed, I’d recommend Mariana Mazzucato’s ‘The Entrepreneurial State’, it has a whole chapter on that!


@onelson @rodhilton @petelambert …I think it was half a billion that they got from the US gov.

Dr. Eric J. Fielding, PhD

@rodhilton Fortunately for the astronauts that depend on SpaceX rockets to carry them to and from the International Space Station, the SpaceX company is run by President and Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell who leads an excellent team of engineers. The loudmouth CEO has little to do with the day-to-day design and building of the rockets.

Dani — MLT(ASCP)

Seconding this mostly. He has had zero hand in any engineering at SpaceX. I'm pretty sure he's had a lil' bit of input on the culture and some of the weirder ideas, but that's about it.

If our relationship with Russia were to ever normalize again (lol) I'd still trust Soyuz over Dragon but that's just me.


@warkittens @EricFielding @rodhilton yeah, I've head that spaceX basically has people who's job is just to distract him and take him on tangents so he'll leave the productive people alone.


@EricFielding @rodhilton soooooo... he's not gonna strap rockets to a Tesla to make them hover cars? 🤣

ozy oh he's talking about software? I'd like to know what he's saying


@rodhilton TBF he revolutionised the trip to low-earth orbit with his cheap/reusable rockets.


@sbi @rodhilton Sure, SpaceX is in production mode. Now. 🙄


@jayarava @rodhilton Alright. Let's talk again once you, too, got disinfected.


@sbi @rodhilton Nope. I'm not a fan of Musk, especially the new openly fascist Musk.

No. *I'm a fan of rocketry*. And, like it or not, SpaceX changed rocketry for the better.

It is ironic that the autistic guy who sees the world in black&white terms, to his detriment and likely downfall, is now being criticised by neurotypicals solely in black&white terms.

We can do better.


@rodhilton something I've been increasingly convinced of is that he isn't smart.
He manages to cover that by having a decent memory and being able to cold read people.
All the SpaceX stuff I've seen where people say he's smart deals with conversations about generic stuff, or him talking with experts on their opinions.
Things where he can keep up with what he's read, and respond to people like a psychic does.
Also why he's so socially awkward- it needs definitive topics to get cueable reactions


@rodhilton of course, I also knew he was full of shit since the start.
I too wated to go to mars,, but instead of buying a degree in economics focusing on business management, I went and studied robotics focusing on teleprescence, and then particle/astrophysics .
Lots of his own statements have been crap, often elementary things dressed up to be big deals, and never any explanation why, or what next steps could be, because he just doesn't understand, only regurgitate what he's read.


So he's using the arts of a grifter to pass himself off as a genius instead of a psychic. That tracks.


@adversary @rodhilton
Yeah, what clinched it was a talk with Brian Mosdell, where when he was being hired, instead of Musk wanting to talk to him about landing pads (the area he was being hired to do) and wanted to talk about the delta IV engines Mosdell had worked with previously. The engines were public info he could read up on, but cold reading makes you look weirdly over-competent when the other person is THE expert in the field (since you're reflecting their knowledge).

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@rodhilton Reminds me of the first time I read an article in Scientific American that was about a subject I actually knew about.

It wasn't actually "stupid" or "shit" but it was unbelievably simplistic, well below level of lies-to-children that I might have expected.

Marcos M.

@rodhilton In rockets no necessarily a genius, but he achieved really low-prices for launching. That's something. Of course, he achieved that through labour abuse, so that's something too. 😬

Heraclio Mantegazzi 🚈🇨🇱🌳🇵🇹

@euklidiadas @rodhilton I guess if you have a big government agency subsidizing your business with expertise, it's easier to succeed at doing what they already planned but cannot do for lack of funds


Exactly, he should've kept it shut and become a little mysterious. Glad he didn't n everyone gets to see the bullshitting, scrooge channelling scumbag for what he is

The old one

@rodhilton His main skills are greed and the ability to play the system that developed to reward greed. Unfortunately for him, he started to believe the stories about him being a genius and having the midas touch. The funniest part of what he has done is that most of his businesses depended on people who leaned left. Electric cars, solar city, space travel, even the boring company cater to people who are inherently left leaning.

Then he attacked them.

V the Saint 💙🧡❤️🖤

@tomcrinstam @rodhilton I only said about his Crimea tweets he needs to go to Ukrainian jail for preaching violation of art. 110 pt. 1 (territorial integrity), 3 years. Then he noticed it and I got suspended

The old one

@Crookhorne @rodhilton Pretty sure he muted me a long time ago as nothing I say or do over there gets me suspended lol. The only things I've done there in the last while is insult him, call him out and do things that other people say they get suspended for lol.

V the Saint 💙🧡❤️🖤

@tomcrinstam @rodhilton the other thing I could possibly have done before getting banned is my visiting general Hertling, that usually ends up with strikes (my pinned toot is about it)


@rodhilton I felt similarly but on the topic of neuroscience - stay the hell away from his brain implants 🧠 😳🤯


@rodhilton Elon managed to destroy what ever credibility he had, once he purchased the Twitter Bird.


@rodhilton As much as Tesla's seem safe I worry that they have crashed in the past when they did not have radars, so they added radars like the other electric cars and now there is a push to remove the radars again to save money. It is a stupidly driven company, it's not Volvo that's for sure.

ScottinSoCal 🇺🇦 🕊 🏳‍🌈

@rodhilton Particularly since his cars and rockets rely so heavily on software.

Sean Lake: famous ballet :bc:

@ColinTheMathmo @rodhilton Hah! I know a closely related idea as “Cowboy Bebop at His Computer” and now I have two terms!

Charles ☭ H

@ColinTheMathmo @rodhilton

Is it ironic that this link lead me to learning how Crichton testified to legislative bodies that they should ignore climate change?

While I agree with the OP's point about Musk, I think there's a related phenomenon where people may be very good at one thing and have a deep understanding, but might be bad at different things.

V the Saint 💙🧡❤️🖤

@rodhilton well I know nothing about CO2 emissions except that chemistry and psysics school classes, so when Musk said Tesla Model 3 is gonna reduce CO2 emissions... that was a lie. Most of the electricity in the US is made out of fossils, and then even that's not enough, imagine terawatts more to produce somehow?


@rodhilton I am also in IT and this has also been my experience. He reminds me of a clueless boss I had who would go into meetings and spout nonsense because he knew the other people had no idea.

Dralagar George

@rodhilton he wants to talk about everything literally making everyone else look stupid in their own profession while he is cherished as a genius.

V the Saint 💙🧡❤️🖤

@rodhilton most batteries degrade in several years, and I know it from using smart phones, but no company would wanna replace a phone that they made one with the battery. Imagine the car with the battery that costs a sizeable portion of a car, and people like Muks never plan to compensate the costs


@rodhilton he's just another man-child who inherited his father's ill-gotten money. #ElonMusk #Oligarch #SpaceX #Tesla #Twitter


@rodhilton Well, as someone with you on the first 2, but also knows nothing about software, I will defer to you judgement. 😆
...he seems to be flaking apart a bit, the last several years, though.


@rodhilton It's staggeringly stupid how many people believe every lie uttered by white men.

And don't even have the capacity to believe women when we tell the truth.

He never invented anything.


@rodhilton Yeah the “bring me your commit history so I can review it” was quite the arrogant statement.


@rodhilton Tesla was the first mover for EV, like apple was for smartphones. The difference is that teslas are pretty crappy and other manufacturers are catching up.
SpaceX is pretty dope, but I read the team hat to work around Elon's stupid ideas all the time to create a good solution.

Chris L

@rodhilton When I was a teenager I got a gift of a book of essays by some opinion columnist or other. And I was reading them and sort of nodding along, until I got to the one where she was opining on the early internet, and it was immediately obvious to me, early internet person, that she was chatting complete shit. And then I wondered about the rest of it.

Same sort of experience, I guess.

Missing The Point

@rodhilton Luckily, neither cars nor rockets require software.


@rodhilton in fairness, staying away from rockets is an all-round good policy

Dark Photon Studio

@rodhilton he doesn't even run SpaceX . And clearly, he ain't running Tesla either. Gwynne Shotwell runs SpaceX. He just takes credit for everything. He's a moron surrounded by real geniuses.

Sean Lake: famous ballet :bc:

@rodhilton He lost me real early on with his weird hardcore rationalist talk.

I’ve read some in depth hardcore rationalist articles before. They were complex and took some time and thought, but I understood them without an excess of difficulty, so I guess they did well explaining. It was sometimes very interesting as thought experiments, but it tended to be so incredibly limited by often unstated assumptions of scope that that’s as far as it went. And that’s fine, except there are some people who take it deadly serious and do not seem to recognize that perhaps you can’t actually do things like control interactions in advance to prevent anyone from ever deciding to hurt you by being a person on whom threats don’t work? It gets outright mystical at times.

So I had some idea of what he’s been talking about regarding AI for a long time now, and it’s. Frankly it’s so ridiculous that I stopped listening to him entirely almost immediately because it made me so incredibly tired.

@rodhilton He lost me real early on with his weird hardcore rationalist talk.

I’ve read some in depth hardcore rationalist articles before. They were complex and took some time and thought, but I understood them without an excess of difficulty, so I guess they did well explaining. It was sometimes very interesting as thought experiments, but it tended to be so incredibly limited by often unstated assumptions of scope that that’s as far as it went. And that’s fine, except there are some people who...

Sean Lake: famous ballet :bc:

@rodhilton I suspect that he has spent a long time signaling to intellectually insecure people who hang their self worth on the notion of their own intelligence that he’s officially smart because he understands the convoluted rationalist stuff. Who’s gonna risk revealing themselves as a faker who just wasn’t smart enough to get it by asking questions?

Nick Wilsdon :verified:

@rodhilton increasing transparency and shining a light doesn’t always end well for some people - especially senior leaders. Elon is going to be an extreme example of that. I’m sad for the people driving the actual success at Tesla, SpaceX and Starlink. They must be fuming.

Capt'n Amy


Wise. I happen to know little about rockets and cars. I needed a new car. So I bought a Subaru.

Catherine is Tired

@rodhilton he’s very good at getting funding, I’ll give him that. Scratch off the surface dazzle and what you’ll find is a salesman.


@rodhilton @lostintech that’s the thing about smart people, they have limits, the real smart ones know those limits…

Susan Lewis

@rodhilton I know nothing about software, but I can see from those pictures of him at the World Cup, that he is a deeply troubled man who is way out of his depth in both the company he keeps and the businesses he is allegedly in charge of.

Gone 2 Threads

What's tragic is that the cars are good and the rockets are good. For all his faults (and false claims to genius) he has formed functional teams of engineers who have made good things. The problem is, as this was happening, he was becoming an isolated, vindictive, resentful man. And he bought Twitter as a way to display and deploy his personality. And that may be how he is remembered.


@rodhilton had that moment with hyperloop, was very puzzled by the whole 'he genius' comments
do we need to train better pausibility checking for when we don't understand all of what a person claims?


QT @rodhilton this reminds me of the "Wikipedia expert outrage" phenomenon: The ratio of "interest" to "outrage" one feels reading Wikipedia is directly proportional to the amount of expertise one has in the subject.


@rodhilton I wouldn't worry. He doesn't make the rockets. SpaceX is doing awesome work - I am just pretty sure it's not due to any genious from Musk.

But the reusable self landing rockets etc ARE awesome. And I LOVE that finally (and in large part thanks to them) we are finally seeing new progress towards the moon (permanent) and Mars again. I like scifi so I just want to see that in my lifetime.

But I don't think I have to thank him personally for it, lol. But the engineers etc at SpaceX.

Datarainbow Privacy Assistant✅

@rodhilton what about his stupid and highly dangerous experiments on #neuralink I have said for years is a dangerous idea?

Matisyahu 🏳️‍🌈✡️🌹🚆🚂🥑🇺🇦

@rodhilton My programing skills are average at best but I nailed project management along with system analysis and design when I was at polytech - long story short when I heard the audio recording of Elon Musk talking about the twitter software stack it became abundantly clear that he subscribes to the 'fake it until you make it' which only works if the people you're speaking to aren't able to call you out.


@rodhilton Same, but there have always been indications that his style of leadership is toxic, it just depends on how closely you looked.


@rodhilton Fellow I know works in transportation and says Musk has been a running joke in those circles for years. Otoh, the companies he’s the face of have many capable, even exceptional, employees. As usual, the success of the enterprise is dependent on the workers but an individual gets the lion’s share of the credit. Great Man Theory dominates our culture.

Stefan Scholl

@rodhilton it's like reading news about a topic you know something about.

Matthew Malthouse

@rodhilton Apparently the management at the car business and the rocket business have highly developed skills in managing Musk.

The software business problem is not having developed similar expertise.

Fons Goudsmit

Wrong conclusion.
Cobbler stick to your last

Verkeerde conclusie.
Schoenmaker, blijf bij je leest

Jim Sheerin

@rodhilton Well said sir. They said Bankman-Fried was a genius too. Mind you those who knew a lot about finance weren’t saying it.


@rodhilton everyone who knows about cars has been pulling their hair out all these years.

Alyce Miller

@rodhilton Precisely. Elon Musk is just a spoiled rich narcissist.


@rodhilton smart in some ways, dumb in others. That’s the problem with assumptions made from generalizations.


@rodhilton Elon is not a genius. He's a nepotism man-baby.

Joseph Ottinger


... because all knowledge areas transfer? One who understands circuitry is sure to understand plumbing on first contact, right? You're an expert in one area, so you're an expert in all areas? That's how it works?

There's probably a reason "jack of all trades, master of none" is a phrase people remember well.

Musk is out of his depth at Twitter. He may be out of his depth elsewhere. But the logic being used here is ... utterly assailable.


@rodhilton - Musk brings money to people with ideas, he does not bring the ideas himself. As we see with Twitter, when ‘he’ has ideas, they are not good.

Brad Rubenstein “:verified:”


Shades of this 2002 speech by Michael Crighton:

"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect works as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story—and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read with renewed interest as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about far-off Palestine than it was about the story you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know."


Shades of this 2002 speech by Michael Crighton:

"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect works as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories....

Amandine Bourg

@rodhilton I knew he wasn't a genius when I red this piece. It's not even a technical thing. His intentions of space mining (and greed) makes him incapable of appreciation for our planet and the cosmos:


@rodhilton nah, the cars are nice. He didn't start Tesla, either.

Jon Connorton

@rodhilton If you look at the reliability stats for Tesla, you very quickly end up getting a Hyundai or Kia EV instead (or MG in my case)


@rodhilton tesla is dogshit, but they are the only true, big electric cars manufacturer.
spacex is... debatable.
twitter is just gonna implode and i can't wait for that to happen.


@rodhilton to be fair, the markets are very much agreeing with you. This is not the share price graph of a company operated by a genius.
It seems MAGA accounts in Twitter may push the genius narrative but serious money just looks at the strategy, behaviour and the bottom line figures.


@rodhilton ...and you have to wonder how much they are "his" rockets and "his" cars, and how much they are rockets and cars built by engineering companies that have also successfully created a whole structure to manage Melon's antics, and shield the real engineers from him.

Mari Nemo

@rodhilton Thanks for putting it perspective.

He talked about electric cars and clearly didn't understand much of what he was saying, but I was already into electric vehicles well before he bought Tesla and pushed its founders out, so that was obvious...

He talked about rockets and that too was an area I understand wel enough to know that none of those 'innovations' was new, nor was he capable of implementing them for not being an engineer himself.


@rodhilton He's a man with money. He knew very little about rockets, NASA spoon fed him so he would be successful. It was his idea to have a reusable rocket, but it was his engineers that made it so. He lies. The workplace environ. is toxic, the work life span of an engineer is ~3-5 yrs, they're burned out, severely overworked, not compensated for the OT and told they're on the 'cutting edge' of development. New graduates believe him & are taken advantage of, women are marginalized at every turn

Thomas H Jones II

@rodhilton The real problem is that he is totally at sea when it comes to understanding people.


@rodhilton his real value and appeal is he never gives up 💯

@rodhilton It's so hard to tell the difference between a good manager who helps their people solve problems, and a terrible manager whose people solve problems *despite* them. When the workers are particularly skilled it's even harder to tell because they will find creative ways to minimize their bosses' BS.
Michael Busch

@rodhilton @Mwomack

You may judge Elon Musk regarding rockets by how he keeps hyping SpaceX's Starships, which only recently stopped exploding.

Mike Flugennock

@rodhilton Hell, man; I STILL want to see him develop that custom smartphone he was threatening us with. #Musk #Twitter

Benjamin Ross

@rodhilton @joe You missed the third step. He talked about tunnels & people who knew nothing about transportation figured he was a genuis. People who followed urban transportation figured him out, if they hadn't already from the electric cars.


@rodhilton EM seems more of an opportunistic person not an entrepreneur

Craig Weiler

@rodhilton Musk is an industrialist and probably one of the great ones in history. They're all dickish people, btw.

It's all production and capital equipment and he's a master of that.

Twitter is none of that. People are the capital and people are the production. No surprise then, that he's floundering.


It is no surprise that Musk wants to rewrite twitter. Most of those he could have asked to change the code left the company and wont return. I guess no one can understand the entire system from bottom to top with all details, where thousands of people worked on so far.


@rodhilton there is nothing more frightening than getting into an elevator after being exposed to the people in industry that design and implement them.

You and I are of similar mind. Before I felt compelled to learn about him I had also assumed the hype was real.

But man, if there was one person out there just dedicated to proving empirically they are not intelligent, it is him.

Dupree Valasek

@rodhilton Sometimes people equate genius with someone who can talk with extreme unwavering confidence about a topic, despite what they are saying being complete and utter bullshit.


@rodhilton Excellent logic. If I ever start looking for an electric car it will be anything but a Tesla. 😀 #ElonMusk #twitter #tesla


@rodhilton That's all he ever really has done is "talk" about these things. He takes, and has unfortunately been given, credit for the work of so many others.

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