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Rod Hilton

He talked about electric cars. I don't know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Then he talked about rockets. I don't know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I've ever heard anyone say, so when people say he's a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.

Ghost Disco

@rodhilton People said Elon Musk was the world's greatest EV genius, and I said, "sounds plausible." Then people said he was also the world's greatest rocket genius, and I said, "Wait, the math here doesn't add up."

En Buen Ora 🆗

@rodhilton I knew he had terrible, anti-union, abusive, racist business practices and lots of his supposed projects seemed to not be happening and very likely scams but I didn't realize he was a complete moron until he pitched his fit about his stupid submarine that would not fit through the passages needed to rescue the children in the cave from drowning


@rodhilton thank you for the honeypot for ignorant bandwagon followers I can block.


@rodhilton Brand is everything. And Musk has destroyed his.

Bernd Porr

@rodhilton As somebody who's worked in neuroscience, robotics and AI I have been feeling the dread for a long time. But then people love to be sold lies and hyped up stories. And of course he sells them identity/validation so that people can show off their wealth guilt-free with an overpriced car with a green image. #musk

tuanon shaman

@rodhilton @Colman what’s baffling to me is that he was plainly full of shit on the cars and space stuff: there was never going to be a mars colony or (outside of uneconomic geofenced areas for cars with lidar) functioning fsd. there was never going to be a $40k cybertruck or a robot maid
but yea the software is one where many people know enough to see through his bullshit

tuanon shaman

@rodhilton @Colman even on the electric car front: the whole story of tesla is one of elon lighting money on fire for a decade and *still* not being able to figure out even a respectable level of manufacturing competence

even in areas where he’s supposedly done great work it falls apart on a little bit of examination


@rodhilton I fucking love being a software dev. Really puts into perspective how little people know about the craft while pretending otherwise.


@rodhilton I don’t know anything about cars, rockets or software but I know a bad person by his actions : the way he destroyed lives of journalists that criticized him ( even before this #twitter fiasco) how he treats his employees like shit, his misogyny and megalomaniacal narcissism. We better stay away from anyone like him ( reminds me of another morally corrupt yet dumber psycho that was President here 2 years ago )

Flatbush Gardener 🌈

Retired software developer for over 40 years


@rodhilton @artcollisions I dunno. He’s help to usher in EV and reusable rockets. He’s got vision, just no sense.

Granny Art (Shrimp) (Joni)

@VidmoOreda @rodhilton I'm very curious about how much he was actually involved in those things.


@VidmoOreda @rodhilton @artcollisions

"He’s help to usher in EV and reusable rockets."

Neither of which were remotely NOVEL ideas, nor HIS ideas.


*Edit/redraft, omitting my 1st smart ass answer... sorry. Let's read that again, shall we. "he's HELP to"... does that read to you "he single-handedly" or "all by himself"? I have had an off day. I never said he did the full picture, only that he helped.

Trombone Joe Jackson

@rodhilton he didn’t design the cars. And they’re really well-designed.

Those two sentences go together.

mike bayer :python: :redhat:

@rodhilton cars and rockets built in large, tangible industrialized processes, didn't have any easy slots for inserting Dunning Kruggerands. With some whiteboards drawn for him by the remaining third-level Twitter engineers who have only been on the outside of the code to start with, he's been able to spend a jarful.

Kagan MacTane (he/him)

@rodhilton And also I should reevaluate everything else I've heard from all those people who said he was a genius before.


@rodhilton seine Autos waren gut, jetzt nicht mehr so, seine Raketen sind gut, auch heute noch. Der Erfolg aber hat Elon Musk größenwahnsinnig gemacht und das ist katastrophal.


@rodhilton This is the best description of that horrifically behaving individual I’ve read. 🎯🤣 It’s priceless. Thank you.


@rodhilton don’t know so much about all three, but know enough to see he’s not some visionary genius.


@rodhilton It is true that he's an absolute moron when it comes to his software knowledge, but his rockets are proven to work amazingly. I'm conflicted a bit about his cars but he definitely started the whole EV thing, and they at least work fine. I think it's cool to criticize Elon on his dumbass takes but don't shit on everything he did, it makes you sound spiteful.


@SpookedByRoaches @rodhilton

"...he definitely started the whole EV thing"

He really, REALLY didn't.

"and they at least work fine."

Because someone else designs and builds them.


@keithreeder @rodhilton
"The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells"
Took me 8 seconds to find this. It's not hard to criticize someone without criticizing their whole existence. You can't deny that even if he didn't invent the EV, he popularized it as a regular consumer car and showed how viable it is, making established brands invest in them without worry.

@keithreeder @rodhilton
"The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells"
Took me 8 seconds to find this. It's not hard to criticize someone without criticizing their whole existence. You can't deny that even if he didn't invent the EV, he popularized it as a regular consumer car and showed how viable it is, making established brands...


@SpookedByRoaches @rodhilton

""The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells" "

That's not REMOTELY the same as "...he definitely started the whole EV thing".

I was coveting the the first Zero electric motorcycles (EVs don't just come with four wheels) LONG before the Tesla Roadster was A Thing.

In the UK (not everywhere is the US) we had the Sinclair C5 in the 80s; and the G-wiz was commercially available from 2001.


@keithreeder @rodhilton So you're basically saying that Elon and Tesla had no effect on how fast EVs are being adopted?


@SpookedByRoaches @rodhilton

Not saying that at all: but I AM saying that you're wildly wrong to credit him with "definitely" being where it all started.

Steve in Ventura

@rodhilton I had a similar experience when he started talking about mass producing the Model 3 using robots. That was just before the year of production hell began.

Kansas Grant

@rodhilton In that regard Elmo's desire to "rewrite all of Twitter from scratch" is particularly damning.

Dimitri Drekonja

@rodhilton I had the same realization when he made the ventilators that weren’t ventilators 🤦🏻‍♂️

Christine Hall

@rodhilton I had a lot of admiration for Musk until he threw his hissy-fit when the rescuers were thanks/no thanks about the vehicle he built and tried to push on them during the Thai cave rescue. Then when he called the rescuers lead guy a pedophile in retaliation, I knew everything I needed to know about the guy.

Matt D Kerr

@rodhilton @sinbad he isn’t the one doing any of that stuff so it varies wildly— they do the best they can given the dumbass things he says, but the rockets are designed by former NASA folks (they just have stupid development schedules sometimes)


@rodhilton I won't disagree. He does say stupid stuff about software. But…

AFAIK at the beginning of their electric cars, he said s lot of stupid shit about cars.

AFAIK at the beginning of their rocket company, he said a lot of stupid shit about rockets.

Maybe what he is good at, is to learn his way around a business and gather the right people and process to collectively achieve the goal.

івась тарасик

@rodhilton ...or rather from all those people who probably know sh*t about cars and rockets as well as about software.


@rodhilton “There is a race between mankind and the universe. Mankind is trying to build bigger, better, faster, and more foolproof machines. The universe is trying to build bigger, better, and faster fools. So far the universe is winning.” - Albert Einstein (an actual Genius)


@rodhilton Actually, his rockets are arguably the best in the world for the simple reason that they aren't his, and were designed by real experts. Completely agree about the cars!


@rodhilton This is so exactly how I feel about it. Well said. I have no respect left for the man whatsoever and I wish I had sold my Tesla shares long ago.

Peggy Stuart

@rodhilton This sort of reminded me of Rev. Martin Niemöller's "First They Came for the Communists."
Yes, my thoughts are the same, but with little background in software. I've been on Twitter for a long time, though.


@rodhilton This is to inform you that you, Elon Musk, have been removed from The League of Evil Geneii for making unfounded threats without sufficient knowledge and lack of a deviously clever plan. We do of course thank you for your generous contribution of $45B.


@rodhilton Grrrr… I came here for blood and gore… you were far too kind to the #Muskrat in this toot. 😤 (cynical humor attempt)


@rodhilton It's worth noting that he didn't found either Tesla or SpaceX, and isn't the brains behind either. Companies he's actually started -- Hyperloop, Boring, etc. -- are huge failures.


@rodhilton At this point I wouldn’t drive a Tesla if he paid me.

Wade Wainio

@rodhilton The Model 3 is a nice-looking car, but that wouldn't mean Elon Musk is not a jerk.

Bert Latamore

@rodhilton Exactly. I don't know a lot about software, but I do know things about societies and how they work. And I know that he is purposely destroying Twitter by importing a lot of bullies whose whole goal is to destroy society.

Michael - [ now is the time ]


As an anthropologist I study human engagements with space and I had this same experience as soon as he started talking about, and then doing, things in space. It's like he's trying to build the worst possible present and future for humanity in space, and on Earth, because everything we do here shapes what we do there, and vice versa.


@rodhilton I never believed that. The fact of the matter is he had money and he backed the right plays. The engineers did the real work.


This argument seems fallacious. Ignorance in one area doesn't automatically imply ignorance in another, just as intelligence in one area doesn't imply intelligence in another. You acknowledge this standard for yourself when you admit your lack of knowledge with regards to cars and rockets, yet you don't afford the same standard to Musk, who may well be reasonably intelligent with regards to one or both of those things.


@vacatio A person doesn't need to be a complete polymath in order to listen to experts. If someone is visibly and horrifically ignoring their highly paid experts in one area, I think it's reasonable to start questioning whether they're listening to experts in other areas.

Rod Hilton

@vacatio What I am (clearly) saying is that I have no way to evaluate what he says about those subjects. But people say he's an expert on them, so I assumed he was right.

Now he's saying stuff about building production software and everything he says is wrong as hell. However, the same people are insisting he is a genius. Since I know better, I now know that they say that about him no matter how dumb the things he says are, so they are not reliable testimony.


@vacatio In terms of battery electric vehicles thats not the case.

Elon is neither an electrical engineer nor are his statements on this subject accurate.

After two sentences from him on this topic, you realize that he has hardly any technical background.

Nonetheless, Elon is a terrific entertainer and businessman.


@rodhilton end of the day it seems as if he just desperately wants to be the "cool rich guy". Admired by the trolls of Twitter


It's like the opposite of Gell-Mann amnesia.

Learning about #ElonMusk and Twitter makes it so very obvious he was bullshitting his way through his other CEO-jobs as well.


@rodhilton he spent decade+ on rockets and cars with lots of failures before finding success (and not necessarily by himself). He just bought a software company and this time was a well stablished one. Give him a decade and he might succeed, but a decade is multiple times the necessary to ruin a working software company.

Aldo Bruno


#Musk is peak white privilege and toxic masculinity.
#tesla is the Blackberry of EV’s, the market has finally realized this fact.
#spacex was never him. My guess is they would be further along in development without him.
#neurolink is a prime reason you should never add content to twitter.

As Jimi Hendrix said “fall mountains fall, just don’t fall on me.”
Enjoying his very public decent.


#Musk is peak white privilege and toxic masculinity.
#tesla is the Blackberry of EV’s, the market has finally realized this fact.
#spacex was never him. My guess is they would be further along in development without him.
#neurolink is a prime reason you should never add content to twitter.


Hey, Blackberry wasn't nearly that bad :blobcatwinktongue:
They never tried to monopolize the smartphone market with anything near the aggression of modern day Google and Apple!!
@CiaoBruno @rodhilton


@CiaoBruno :crying_cat_2:
I feel nostalgia now. Unless you use a swipe keyboard effectively, nothing's going to replace the perfect tactile feel of that company's keyboards @tofugolem

Brace of Hounds

@nus @tofugolem
They had the world by the short hairs, but then smugly sat on their hands, and snoozed. The first sign of their impending doom, for me, was in about 2008 - receiving HTML-formatted email and having to weed through the raw code to find the actual message text buried in it. The native BB email client was garbage. Meanwhile, my wifi-only iPAQ was doing a perfect job with HTML, and a few other things that my BB couldn't do. Plus, it had a colour screen.


@recurve @tofugolem I forget Blackberry history goes all the way back to pre color screens! I'd love to have every one of those devices now.

Say what you will, but I don't think they were ever universally terrible.

Tofu Golem

@nus @recurve
There's an important tech lesson there.

One of the big selling points of Blackberry was the encryption. They promised that only the sender and receiver would know what was sent, them it was discovered that they were giving those messages to any government that asked.

Google and Apple should take note about what happens when you make promises about data privacy and don't keep it.


@rodhilton there’s a well-known product review magazine in the US. I used to think they were great, until I read about products I actually knew something about, and realized their criteria for good and bad reviews is terrible.



Yup. That policy about judging devs by how many lines of code they write set a new record for upper mgmt idiocy…


@rodhilton It’s embarrassing, an absolute joke.


@rodhilton He spent years and lots of money creating a genius facade. But his narcissism is showing out exactly how stupid and shallow he really is.

John Pierce

@rodhilton 100% As a Sr software engineer I can guarantee his techy-talk stuff he puts on his twitter feed is pure nonsense. He has no idea what he is talking about.

I too used to respect him, but he's shown us he's just another grifter, not a genius.

Michael Szell

@rodhilton Those of us who know at least a bit about transport / EVs already heard him say the stupidest shit (on that topic) several years ago - it's good this now happens in a broader domain and more publicly so more people get to understand.. 🥴


@rodhilton It’s quite amusing when you think about it. All the major car manufacturers are trying to imitate Musk’s Tesla by producing very expensive EV’s. The public’s ardour for these heavy not so green lumps is starting to wain as demonstrated by slumping sales figures and lack of adequate infrastructure never mind the cost of putting it into place.

Pissy Badger

@rodhilton Not to mention he wants us to stick his tech into our brains. Big NO.


@rodhilton same here. Thought he was smart but now think he’s just a bloviator.

Brian Miller

@rodhilton “his” cars are great. I think a lot of other people made them that way though.

Mike | Abundance Protocol

@rodhilton as a skeptic I'd like to see evidence before jumping to conclusions.

I also thought Musk was brilliant because of Tesla and SpaceX. Now that I see his ridiculous performance at Twitter I see 2 possibilities:
1) he's not really that smart. It was all just great PR.
2) he's out of his depths with Twitter, thinking to himself "it doesn't take a rocket scientist, ehm, to run a social media platform" - but still brilliant otherwise.

How do I know it's (1) and not (2)?

@rodhilton as a skeptic I'd like to see evidence before jumping to conclusions.

I also thought Musk was brilliant because of Tesla and SpaceX. Now that I see his ridiculous performance at Twitter I see 2 possibilities:
1) he's not really that smart. It was all just great PR.
2) he's out of his depths with Twitter, thinking to himself "it doesn't take a rocket scientist, ehm, to run a social media platform" - but still brilliant otherwise.


@rodhilton indeed i know about cars and id stay away from them.


@rodhilton Its fascinating to watch someone running three pro-social business endevours (space lift, EVs & remote internet) take a red pill & hallucinate out in the open so much that the pro-social consumers supporting those businesses start to abandon him.


@rodhilton I've been having this exact same thought process lately. His antics at Twitter have been nothing short of a disaster for so many good people and for a product that has been relied upon by millions to help get their message out to the world.


@rodhilton what did he say that makes you think he does not know software? He sent people to the space station that docks with millimeter precision.
If he says he is hardcore is that because he does not understand “soft”core?


@rodhilton you forget: he’s also trying to put chips in people’s brains.

Wes George

@rodhilton someone coined the term Murray Gell-Mann amnesia effect for this phenomenon in the context of journalism. Applies here too I guess.

Tiakuh Son

@rodhilton haha, a false logic but fun nonetheless 🤭


@rodhilton at this point we should name a subtype of the dunning kruger effect after him. When you manage to make yourself sound like an expert by knowing just enough of the lingo to make non-experts buy into you knowing what you're talking about.

The thing with the RPCs was bad. What has come since is worse.

Arina Aránkina

@iyalei @rodhilton guess that would already be too much of an honor for a person who is simply nothing more than a privileged #fraud and #grifter

Arina Aránkina

@iyalei @rodhilton well I have to admit his erratic/pathetic Twitter outbursts, when aggrivied, are def. entertaining :blobpeek:

Alim Jiwa

@rodhilton I know quite a lot about politics, and when I saw him start to talk about politics, I realized he was an idiot.


You could hide in his tunnels…….

Ana Tudor 🐯

@rodhilton When I first saw tweets from his account over half a decade ago when I had never heard about him or what he was doing, it never occurred to me he was a real person.

I was sure it must be a parody account. Something like "stupid shit that rich and disconnected from reality people say"


Will Allen

@rodhilton we don't talk enough about how robust a lot of systems are. I worked at the state level in an essential system for most of five years, and the normal, everyday story was making it work in spite of idiots in charge. And we did. We got people in the door and back out the door, mostly with what they needed. During my stay, as a team, our metrics even improved even though the new CFO came in and implemented the exact same program that had failed before this one.

It's actually not super hard to be in charge of a good company while being a raging boor and an idiot. I'm not suggesting you buy a Tesla or join SpaceX. I know fuck all about rockets or cars.

I'm saying we really need to get rid of this "successful company = genius" nonsense.

@rodhilton we don't talk enough about how robust a lot of systems are. I worked at the state level in an essential system for most of five years, and the normal, everyday story was making it work in spite of idiots in charge. And we did. We got people in the door and back out the door, mostly with what they needed. During my stay, as a team, our metrics even improved even though the new CFO came in and implemented the exact same program that had failed before this one.


@willallen @rodhilton THIS!! The only smart thing he did/does is hire Genuine Genius to do the work

Buster McNutt


ur jus jelly u aren't a master of 7D chess lol


@rodhilton I'm not a rocket scientist, but I can do basic arithmetic and I knew for a fact that it was impossible to colonise Mars by 2023.

The myth that cheerleaders constructed around that piece of shit is unbelievably damaging.


@vruz @rodhilton if he were a woman or black no one would believe a word he says. Nor would the government have thrown millions to him for his cars


The cheerleaders cheer for the ruling class.

Notice how they cheered for Sheryl Sandberg and Carly Fiorina too.

Whoever advances the interests of the ruling class will be cheered.

This is not a lesson in gender politics or race relations, it's a lesson in class solidarity.

They will cheer for even the most incompetent and ignorant of their own.


Yuriy Akopov

@rodhilton As the old Soviet jokes goes, that's what a peasant said to a soldier after listening to Kruschev's speech: "You are lucky, at least he knows the army stuff!"

Yuriy Akopov

@LizardSF @rodhilton Same with Putin, but the point there is that he was bad at both, but the peasant was only able to clock it in his own area.


@yakopov @rodhilton OK, I get it now. :) Missed some of the context of the era.

Hugh Ferguson

@rodhilton The bit that really got me whas him asking his developers to summarize everything they have been working on with printouts of the code they updated/created. I mean HOLY MICROMANAGER BATMAN!!


@rodhilton Musk is the perfect example of the mediocre white man born into a wealthy family and failed his way up

Ro Gutierrez Abreu 🤲✨️

@rodhilton 😆 Good deductive reasoning! Hubris that enormous doesn't develop overnight, he's been a delusional arse a long time. Apparently stockholders are beginning to agree!


@rodhilton And the tunnels. Don’t forget the tunnels.


@rodhilton do you think he actually writes any software at all?


Well said. Many of us took it as said that he MUST be brilliant.

But he put himself in top dog position…then opened his mouth.

Genius? No.

Then started making decisions about who could speak and be heard and about what.

Then we thought. Not a genius. Not a good person. Not wise. Maybe a bit thick.

Rich. But thick.

Sparky Santos

@rodhilton Dad & great uncle Leo were engineers for Pontiac, I did some years with GM also - he was shit for brains with cars as fit & finish are bad + 16 year delay for Hydrogen power. His factories were toxic & Racist. I am a NASA guy, I know it’s other NASA guys keeping SpaceX running while they distract #PonyBoy. HyperLoop went nowhere & tanked a bullet train project. Boring is old tech gussied up & going nowhere. He’s a stupid Bond Villain. #Hairplug


@rodhilton it's a fair guess that EM simply made the rockets and cars worse and the people who made them feel less valued.

Ricard Pardell

@rodhilton I don’t like the guy and I don’t know if he is a genius, but regarding #Tesla and #SpaceX these companies have made great contributions to their respective industries. Maybe he has just lost his head, drunk with so much power and ambition?

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