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Rod Hilton

He talked about electric cars. I don't know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Then he talked about rockets. I don't know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I've ever heard anyone say, so when people say he's a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.

Einfach Nein :verified:


Honestly, I had that impression after his buzzword spilling about crypto. I always wonder about how questionable on an epic scale his acting in all this Twitter acquisition appears. And how that seems to have been needed to reveal his “personality”.

It looks like it needs an epic shitstorm, fueled by key accounts with far reach to tell a fraud from a genius. What does this teach about social media?



Love it, lol.
I am sure you are right about this! 👍

Barry Cook

@rodhilton - the rich buy (or at least, rent) all those that actually make the rich what they are. Remove that, and it's 'The Emperor has no clothes'. He challenges the above by divesting himself of those that make him wealthy - showing he knows even less than we thought. As Fox News has shown, talking and being knowledgeable are too different things.


Except that the cars and rockets are pretty good.

I am increasingly convinced that this is due to being surrounded by personnel who know how to guardrail his mercurial hijinks into "emissions test" fart jokes or using one of his cars as a static payload mass test. But I think it's fair to say that without a lot of the money he's poured into Tesla or SpaceX we'd still be lamenting the demise of the GM EV1 and the space program writ large rather than looking forward to wider deprecation of cars fueled by fresh-squeezed fossils and a return to Luna by humankind.

Except that the cars and rockets are pretty good.

I am increasingly convinced that this is due to being surrounded by personnel who know how to guardrail his mercurial hijinks into "emissions test" fart jokes or using one of his cars as a static payload mass test. But I think it's fair to say that without a lot of the money he's poured into Tesla or SpaceX we'd still be lamenting the demise of the GM EV1 and the space program writ large rather than looking forward to wider deprecation...


@rodhilton So happy you posted this! I don't have that knowledge but suspected that might be the case so it's nice to have it confirmed.

Incorrigible Maker

Definitely "Toot of the Day" on my feed! Masterfully composed!


Maybe just out of his lane? Have Starlink. It’s great. Rocket boosters that return to their launch pad and are reused are amazing. Our Tesla 3 has been flawless (🤞). Twitter he destroyed….


@rodhilton no, his cars are genius, but he didn’t invent them. He just bought the company. Other electric cars are just copies and will be for some time.


@rodhilton oh this happened to me when he talked about bitcoin. I imagine it happened to many cave divers a long time ago too.


@rodhilton Right on the money. What I still was on the fence about was management style, but it’s also becoming quite clear that most of his companies operate DESPITE his management style, likely not because of it.

Sojourn :coffefiedyellow:

@rodhilton tbf, he isn't the CEO of SpaceX and they're pretty competent. They also enjoy all that government money! Also no idea how involved he is with OpenAI but they've done amazing work. Hopefully he keeps his grubby hands far away from them.

Philip Ives 🖖

@rodhilton Hi Rod, these comments are spot on. Well said!

The Werewolf

@rodhilton It's like when you wonder why doctors get upset watching movies about doctors, or lawyers get upset watching movies about lawyers and then you, as a software dev working for RSA, watch Swordfish.

(Which bizarrely my entire team did together because for some ungodly reason RSA helped sponsor the movie...)

Tennyson E. Stead

@rodhilton Elon understands engineering in exactly the way Trump understsnds finance.

Rob Reid

@rodhilton this is the most accurate and eloquently worded description of EM I’ve ever read.

Shares Truth

@rodhilton Absolutely Brilliant.. 🎯 🎯 🎯 This should be reposted a million times.

🎸🌃 All The City Lights 🎶🚴

It’s been gratifying and validating seeing software people lose their damn minds the same way transportation planners lost their damn minds when he started going on about tunnels.

@rodhilton I'll stay away from cars and rockets in general, if the people in the cars and rockets communities are calling this guy a genius about their field of expertise.
Angie Adamson

Working for him must be like being stuck in a never-ending rant scene from Downfall (already parodied to good effect).

ryan onstott

@rodhilton the funny thing is he was quoting his joe rogan/incel sciency nonsense at real (celebrity) scientists and they just nodded along because some of them are children who really wanted to watch somebody die on mars


Elon Musk doesn’t know shit about the products that his company’s produce. He simply buys businesses in an attempt to increase his own financial bottom line.
The man is no genius. He knows nothing of tech, space exploration, or automobiles. He inherited his money and uses it to buy companies and people that he wishes to control. He contributes nothing to society and is just an all around bad human being.
He’s the best example of the problem with capitalism.

Adrian Morales

@rodhilton Probably the funniest, most sensible post I've ever read! 😅👍

Nectarine Nadine

@rodhilton stay away from them out of principle! That a-hole doesn’t need any more money.


@rodhilton weird, I can't share this post outside of Mastodon? Or any of your other posts... #helpfediverse

It's Kimberly

@rodhilton The thing is Elon Musk is the kind of guy who gets all the credit for what his workers accomplish. He's not a rocket scientist or an engineer, I really question what he actually offers up.

Steven Molnar

@rodhilton I thought all along he was obviously a con man, and I don't understand how anyone could fail to see it. Same as Trump, but with cars and rockets instead of steaks and universities. I genuinely don't get how anyone could fall for either of them (even the racists and fascists, who don't realize they are the marks).

Take It EV Podcast 🎙️

@rodhilton he can promise nonsense when it comes to complex hardware projects. But software , he’s full of shit. King is naked.


@rodhilton The chance anyone is a genius is very small, so usually when lots of people use it, it is incorrect


@rodhilton first they came for the cars, but I was not a car…

Karl Williams

@rodhilton a genius who has to fake his degree? I'll pass


@rodhilton so true, the first time I knew he was full of it was when he said Tesla would have full autonomous driving in a couple of years


@rodhilton this reminds me of "The Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect"

"the phenomenon of experts believing news articles on topics outside of their fields of expertise, even after acknowledging that articles written in the same publication that are within the experts' fields of expertise are error-ridden and full of misunderstanding"

Josef Davies-Coates

@rodhilton see also all the people who know about #mobility stuff who've known he is certainly not a genius for a Long Time. IMHO not only is he not a genius, he's quite possibly the most pathetic person on the planet.


@rodhilton The reverse of Gell-Mann amnesia, also known Gell-Mann's club-to-the-head.

Kevin Carson

@rodhilton I'm honestly amazed that a guy who could come up with something as gobsmackingly stupid and unworkable as car tunnels hasn't drowned from staring up at the shower head.


@rodhilton they called JJ Abrahams a genius, too, and he single-handedly planted Star Trek and Star Wars with his crap. Especially, the Trek franchise, something he had no right even being in the same room with, as far as I am concerned.

I was going to buy a Tesla this year. Then musk showed me who he really was when he destroyed all the value in Twitter, you can imagine the relief I felt at not having spent a nickel with him. I’d have subsidized a piece of shit facist.


@rodhilton “Wisdom is one of the few things that looks bigger the further away it is.”

Terry Pratchett
“Witches abroad”


@rodhilton I know about cars which is why I always said he was full of it because despite certain good qualities about them, his cars suck.


@rodhilton people like him are the reason bullshit bingo was invented

Michał Kawalec

@rodhilton the moment of realization for me was him talking about trains in vacuum tubes.

George Mitchell

@rodhilton Agree; it was his blatherings about AI that woke me up.
I still bought a Tesla because at the time it was the best way to support the fledgling EV industry, but I’m very much looking forward to my next EV not putting a dime into his pocket.


@rodhilton the one (excellent) thing Tesla did for electric cars was start with a high-end sports car: low volumes, high margins - and killed all myths that electric cars couldn't be superior to IC cars.
Now it's just another volume car manufacturer, but with bad quality control.

SpaceX's ideas came from the founders; Musk brought money and benefitted from a workforce *really* into creating reusable rockets.

Christopher Smith

@rodhilton In fairness, CEO domain expertise almost never impacts the product. They need enough knowledge for a vision, but if they're working the line, something is horribly wrong.


@rodhilton so a genius has to be a genius at everything? We're all morons then. And I'm not saying Musk is a genius.


@rodhilton fortunately i stay away from cars and rockets in the first place


@rodhilton Not many people need a rocket 🚀 Electric cars are sold well in China. Software remains to be seen.

It's Just Jenn 🏳️‍⚧️

@rodhilton That is such a good point! A lot more of us are programmers or adjacent to finally get that he's full of shit.


@rodhilton saw this posted to reddit and immediately knew I should follow you haha


@rodhilton I think a lot of us feel the same way; I know I do.



There is an alternative explanation
he actually is a genius in cars/rockets, but then like many ultra rich people he became arrogant and as C Munger puts it, stepped out of his sphere of competence

Bart Decrem :mammoth_gold:

@rodhilton not a bad take. He has been saying his cars drive themselves for like 10 years, right?


@rodhilton Without sounding like a hipster (lol) —It didn’t take seeing him talking about software to allow me to understand how little he knew about things. I could tell by the way he talked, in general. (I too work in tech, just on the security side.)

I don’t want this to come off the wrong way, but if you look at his history and how he’s carried himself, it’s pretty easy to see. I want what I’m saying to serve as a suggestion in how people view someone. There are a ton of different indicators you can use to form an opinion on whether or not someone is trustworthy.

If you look at any of his “promises” or “goals” he’s set out to accomplish, you’ll very quickly find that next to none of them have come to fruition.

He’s very outwardly been a bully for the entirety he’s been in the public eye, but people have historically made excuses for him under the guise that those promises might be fulfilled. “He’s just misunderstood!” They’d say. Or, “That’s the price you pay for being a genius.” —If people are saying this about someone else, that can be a cue that they’re not all they’re cracked up to be.

Not only does he always try to position himself at the smartest person in the room, he has always been someone that openly acts racist, homophobic, and misogynistic. Each of his ex wives and girlfriends have alleged that he was abusive.

His education was never “proven” to be substantial and it has been discovered to be yet another falsehood he’s perpetuated, much like his upbringing.

The wealth he’s amassed started as generational wealth he obtained from his parents, of whom, owned an emerald mine in Apartheid South Africa. He painted himself as an underdog to gain favor amongst the public.

The bulk of his new money was mostly made by pushing founders out of companies.

His dissenters have been bullied or paid into silence. The employees he’s hurt, he’s tried to make sure they don’t ruin his image.

He fears anyone that sees through his facade and targets them with a heavy handed harassment campaign.

I was never a fan of his, but my first realization he was a fraud was seeing how he reacted to that diver who saved those kids. He labeled the man a pedophile and had a Private Investigator follow him around to try to dig up dirt about him… Just because he felt as though the limelight was stolen from him. It had nothing to do with actually saving the children. Then, I found out about his abusive nature toward his exes and his employees alike. That’s all I needed to know he was a fraud and a POS.

He talks out of both side of his mouth consistently and acts as if he’s above everyone and everything.

Moreover, he is (and was) VERY frequently caught in lies. He’s spent a lot of time, money, and resources building up positive PR around himself, despite his horrific actions.

He rarely, if ever, admits fault or holds himself accountable for the things he says and does. Anyone who cannot admit they’re wrong or accuse everyone else of lies is probably someone who is not telling the truth.

To add, those he spends time with and supports speaks volumes about who he is as a person. He bumps shoulders with other grifters and harmful individuals. (Take Kanye for instance…)

These are all things people, as a whole, should look out for. Particularly when people are elevated to a high level and treated as some kind of genius messiah.

Divisive cult of personalities aren’t typically the kind of people that you want to look up to or support. Especially when they can impact the world in such a significant way.

We don’t always have to know exactly what someone’s talking about to know they’re bad news, there are other ways to come to that conclusion as well. But, many seem to want to ignore those details until they can no longer be ignored.

Again, I don’t mean this in a judgmental or mean way, I’m just a little shocked that people didn’t see this sooner with the mountains of evidence.

Though, I am glad people are starting to see it, nonetheless!

@rodhilton Without sounding like a hipster (lol) —It didn’t take seeing him talking about software to allow me to understand how little he knew about things. I could tell by the way he talked, in general. (I too work in tech, just on the security side.)

I don’t want this to come off the wrong way, but if you look at his history and how he’s carried himself, it’s pretty easy to see. I want what I’m saying to serve as a suggestion in how people view someone. There are a ton of different indicators...

Mike Mallinson

@rodhilton the only advantage, at least with the rockets, is there are a bunch of really smart people working there making the rockets not suck (I know some of them). I don't know if it's because he doesn't have as much free reign over the rockets as he does over the software, because he's fired the people who make the software not suck

Barry Schwartz 🫖

@rodhilton He was called out for bullshitting on Twitter’s software, so I do know one thing: he’s a skilled bullshitter.

There are principles of psychology that say he almost surely uses the same method in all fields.

(I’m not a psychologist, but I am a skilled psychiatric client.)

frater mus

@rodhilton It's like reading Consumer Reports. The reviews/recommendations seem authoritative until they review something you happen to know about. Then it's a trip to "who is writing this crap and why?" land.


Hes been an expert fkwit on twitter for years now.

🧜‍♂️ Trophy Husband 🧜‍♂️

@rodhilton this whole process has been EYE OPENING. It's crazy how fucking clueless he is


Musk has done something right. Tesla and Space X completely upended their century-old competitors. Even if he is a complete idiot, he chooses competent people to manage production. One sign of leadership is who you surround yourself with; he chooses excellent teams. I rate our recent presidents and candidates. Bush I B+, Bush II C-, Obama A+, Hillary C-, Trump F-, and Biden A+. I give Kamala Harris. a C-, and worry about this because of Biden's age.

Dave Dawkins (D. Harrigon)

Tesla to a lesser extent, but very much so at SpaceX spent a lot of time and energy making sure that EM had nothing to do with actually running the company. Twitter did not.


Apropos of nothing the Glass Onion is out on Netflix. You might find some resonance in the character played by Edward Norton.

Adam Ierymenko

To get why Musk looked remarkable you have to go back to the 2000s.
In the 2000s it was widely believed that EVs were a pipe dream and that oil depletion would halt all modern civilization. Remember “the oil drum” or
Space was the same. Economical launch was impossible. There’ll never be a space age.
Then Musk bursts out with practical EVs and reusable rockets. It seems magical, superhuman, like he was some kind of savior. I definitely felt that way.

Adam Ierymenko

@rodhilton I think Musk looks less remarkable now for two reasons. One is that he has definitely declined on a personal cognitive level. He’s always been a bit of an ass and mercurial but this level of irrationality is new. Secondly the world seems less bleak today in the specific area or real world innovation. More people are really doing stuff like space and fusion and EVs and such today than were doing so back in the 2000s.

Adam Ierymenko

@rodhilton That being said I do still give him some credit for maybe even helping end the little dark age of stagnation in areas like transportation and energy that began in the 1970s. I think when people saw EVs beat Lamborghinis and rockets land themselves a lot of people realized they needed to just ignore the pessimists who said such things were impossible. The pessimists really took over the narrative in the 70s and seem to be losing it now. Keep your eye on fusion!


@rodhilton he made a mockery of Tesla the original was meant to be self sufficient, but musk made it so you had to recharge it Nikola Tesla would be writhing in his grave

Brian Gluckman 🏳️‍🌈

@rodhilton I know quite a bit about cars and the auto industry, so imagine my surprise how when I pointed out that many of the things he said about it were beyond stupid, people would respond with how I just "lacked vision" or was just "spreading FUD."


@rodhilton stablest genius ever ever ever! Believe me!!!!!!!👍👍👍👍👍

Martha Howell

@rodhilton I used to run the marketing end of a Fortune 100 consumer website. I didn't do the coding, but I worked closely with the people that did, and I could mostly hold my own. He sounded like our marketing VP, who went along with the $3M project to revamp the order management and ecom foundation. That VP and most of upper management were out months short of the 2nd year, and it was scrapped a year past go-live.


@rodhilton and I know something about brains, stay far away from his brain chips.


@rodhilton same! It slapped me across the face… This guy can’t code!

Polygon Pusher📻

@rodhilton You know the only move left is to re-brand like meta. I present to you Elon's new Twatter™ social network, where everyone is a twat.

🏳️‍🌈Proverbial Monkeys🏳️‍⚧️

@rodhilton When he bought Spacex he was contractually barred from speaking to anyone below the board because they’d seen what he’d done at Tesla when he bought it. And Teslas just burst into flames like, whenever.

⚳ rapid unscheduled assembly ⚳

@rodhilton he talked about electric cars. I know quite a lot about electric things in general, and when people said he was a genius I figured they must have meant in business stuff, so okay, maybe he was a business genius. I don't know much about business. the shit he was saying about electric stuff was pretty stupid, but hey, if he can finance it then whatever.

⚳ rapid unscheduled assembly ⚳

@rodhilton he talked about rockets. I know quite a bit about rockets, enough to know how much I don't know, and he hired really smart people, so I figured his contribution was business stuff and that seemed to be going okay, so okay, I don't know much about business. Maybe he was a business genius. He seemed to be able to keep the company going and only explode a couple of rockets. That's pretty good right? And to make it profitable and retain the smart people, that's hard.

⚳ rapid unscheduled assembly ⚳

@rodhilton then he bought twitter in the world's worst business deal, burned literally all of his business buds, and incinerated $130 billion dollars of his net worth and counting. it's pretty clear he is not a business genius at this point.

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