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Will Allen

@rodhilton we don't talk enough about how robust a lot of systems are. I worked at the state level in an essential system for most of five years, and the normal, everyday story was making it work in spite of idiots in charge. And we did. We got people in the door and back out the door, mostly with what they needed. During my stay, as a team, our metrics even improved even though the new CFO came in and implemented the exact same program that had failed before this one.

It's actually not super hard to be in charge of a good company while being a raging boor and an idiot. I'm not suggesting you buy a Tesla or join SpaceX. I know fuck all about rockets or cars.

I'm saying we really need to get rid of this "successful company = genius" nonsense.

1 comment

@willallen @rodhilton THIS!! The only smart thing he did/does is hire Genuine Genius to do the work

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