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V the Saint 💙🧡❤️🖤

@rodhilton well I know nothing about CO2 emissions except that chemistry and psysics school classes, so when Musk said Tesla Model 3 is gonna reduce CO2 emissions... that was a lie. Most of the electricity in the US is made out of fossils, and then even that's not enough, imagine terawatts more to produce somehow?


@Crookhorne @rodhilton Sounds like you’ve fallen for PR from the fossil fuel industry. Even if you power electric cars entirely from fossil fuels, they’re still more efficient than gasoline cars on a “percentage of energy used” basis, and the electricity grid is way more efficient than trucking fuel around.


@rodhilton @Crookhorne That said, clearly Elon doesn’t care about the climate crisis, just look at his private jet usage. Private jet from San Francisco to San Jose? Yeah, he’ll do that rather than use one of his own cars.


@mathew @rodhilton @Crookhorne

"just look at his private jet usage"

Shhh! We're not allowed to talk about that..!

V the Saint 💙🧡❤️🖤

@mathew @rodhilton that still means Muks is a liar and idyat, until the US start producing most of its energy from non fossils and that was way before additional load came from all those electic vehicles


@Crookhorne @rodhilton In typical musk fashion, he promised in 2014 or so that all their charging stations would be exclusively solar powered, and also in typical musk fashion none of them are today.

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