"Fedi is sexist" and "Fedi is racist" are propaganda. I don't mean that fedi is perfect, or that it's sufficiently anti-sexist or anti-racist. But what I mean is that it's become a constant refrain from tech reporters and they are doing it for propagandist reasons.

On Bluesky a Black user who had worked hard to grow the platform, Aveta, was harassed and had death threats sent. Is the narrative now that Bluesky is racist? maybe it should be.

This is being used as a wedge issue, to position corporate platforms as more capable of moderation. It's not substantiated at all, and the events on Bluesky show that (there were some improved policies after that event, but not much). Corporate platforms are known to tolerate hateful posts, this has been the same story over and over on Twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere, there's no signs of it changing.

When I hear this kind of stuff from a tech reporter I read it as marketing speak in support of corporate platforms, because that's what it is. It lacks all nuance and it ignores the *exact reasons* many of us left those corporate platforms, where reporting harassment didn't work!
"Fedi is sexist" and "Fedi is racist" are propaganda. I don't mean that fedi is perfect, or that it's sufficiently anti-sexist or anti-racist. But what I mean is that it's become a constant refrain from tech reporters and they are doing it for propagandist reasons.