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Dr. Eric J. Fielding, PhD

@rodhilton Fortunately for the astronauts that depend on SpaceX rockets to carry them to and from the International Space Station, the SpaceX company is run by President and Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell who leads an excellent team of engineers. The loudmouth CEO has little to do with the day-to-day design and building of the rockets.

Dani — MLT(ASCP)

Seconding this mostly. He has had zero hand in any engineering at SpaceX. I'm pretty sure he's had a lil' bit of input on the culture and some of the weirder ideas, but that's about it.

If our relationship with Russia were to ever normalize again (lol) I'd still trust Soyuz over Dragon but that's just me.


@warkittens @EricFielding @rodhilton yeah, I've head that spaceX basically has people who's job is just to distract him and take him on tangents so he'll leave the productive people alone.


@EricFielding @rodhilton soooooo... he's not gonna strap rockets to a Tesla to make them hover cars? 🤣

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