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Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”

VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”


@rstevens it seems the important part of doing crime without facing any consequences is you have to already be rich.


I am in no way clever enough to make up that bit about petrostates funding AI, it’s an actual thing on this, the worst timeline


@jimray Up to now, I've grumbled about guilt trips over individuals failing to pretend-recycle every last scrappet of plastic, while corporations get to play 3-card Monty buying and selling (at profit) 'credits' rather than cleaning up their messes.

Everything about this what you've linked is _much_ worse.


Marc Andreessen: “And another thing! We would’ve solved climate change in the 70s if the pesky environmentalists hadn’t killed nuclear power!”

Also Marc Andreessen: “I’m proud to announce we’re working with one of the most brutal, repressive, corrupt regimes in history to help them launder their oil money on a computer that uses ⅛ of the global electric supply to generate ransom notes.”


@jimray , then and now mostly capitalism is the spanner in the spokes.

Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷

@jimray You _definitely_ could raise a couple hundred mil for that if you phrased it as "Virtual AI Companion for Management Advisors to aid in sustainably optimizing workforce allocation and operational expenses"


@jimray big problems like the climate crisis cannot be solved at the individual level, these are systemic problems driven by the selection pressures of the global capitalist system.

Abolishing capitalism is the only way forward.


@yogthos @jimray I believe parallel fight on individual/societal levels.
That's why I train throwing molotovs while riding my foldable bike.


@yogthos @jimray I wonder what the alternative to capitalism is.


@graywolf @jimray seems pretty obvious that it's communism


@yogthos @jimray I am not really enthusiastic about what the current capitalism looks like, but if the alternative is communism, regime with more blood on their hands than even Hitler, I am not sure I would prefer it. Is there a third option?


@graywolf @yogthos @jimray LOL. Look to the EU. Lots of examples of benign socialism.

Janne Ojaniemi

@carolannie @graywolf @yogthos @jimray EU is very much a capitalistic society. Just one with stronger social safety nets than USA.


@yogthos @Janne_O @carolannie @jimray too bad we can only think to lessen social spending whenever there's a little budget crisis but never raise the taxes on the very wealthy 🙃
I guess it can't be helped, we'll have to take that money ourselves 🤷


@Janne_O @graywolf @yogthos @jimray The EU is much more socialistic than the US, with a much more constrained capitalism. So the choice isn't capitalism vs "communism a la Pol Pot". It easily could be between pretty unconstrained capitalism such as we experience in the US or constrained and regulated capitalism with a good social structure. The note about Russian threats isn't relevant to this

Janne Ojaniemi

@carolannie @graywolf @yogthos @jimray I’m in Europe, Finland to be exact. And what you are calling socialism is just capitalism with social services. Private business is still very much the cornerstone of the economy and society as a whole.

Johan | PD1JMB

@Janne_O @carolannie @graywolf @yogthos @jimray

Pretty big strikes at the moment right? And a right-wing government that doesn't like that 😈


@carolannie the EU doesn't have socialism, they at best have social safety nets with a capitalism economy. Workers don't collectively own their work places, people aren't guaranteed home ownership, food still has to be bought by selling ones labor to someone else. Many EU countries have health care for everyone but that alone doesn't make it socialist.


@squeakypancakes i am totally crushed by the point being made, that the EU is not a communist heaven. I see the definition of "socialism" varies a lot. To clarify, i am talking about forms of democratic socialism, which can have more or less tightly regulated capitalist or free market components. The argument to start off was that either we have mostly American style unregulated capitalism or blood soaked "socialism" aka as the USSR or other authoritarian countries, which were socialist or communist in name only. But perhaps this goes into No True Scotsman territory. Suffice it to say that i dont even think that socialism or communism need to be blood soaked. But... depends on people, right?

@squeakypancakes i am totally crushed by the point being made, that the EU is not a communist heaven. I see the definition of "socialism" varies a lot. To clarify, i am talking about forms of democratic socialism, which can have more or less tightly regulated capitalist or free market components. The argument to start off was that either we have mostly American style unregulated capitalism or blood soaked "socialism" aka as the USSR or other authoritarian countries, which were socialist or communist...


@graywolf @jimray so what you're saying is that you're an ignoramus who guzzles propaganda out of a fire hose.

Maybe spend a bit of time actually learning about what Communists have accomplished instead of regurgitating nonsense.

Rebecca Cotton-Weinhold

@yogthos @graywolf @jimray Which communists do you mean by "The Communists"? What are the things you like about them and what they did? Maybe being more precise here could lead to a constructive exchange, rather than ideological head bashing.

Erik Haugen

@rlcw @yogthos @graywolf @jimray Well, in their defense, the Vietnamese Communists put an end to the genocide in Cambodia.

Also they get most of the credit for stopping the Nazis.

I mean, they weren't all bad, despite killing 100 million people and impoverishing 100Ms more.

Erik Haugen

@yogthos @graywolf @jimray It sounds like graywolf isn't the one who needs to learn about Communism's legacy.

Amici Nybråten 🇵🇸 🇺🇦


The examples of communism-inspired evil totalitarian deeds are not difficult to come by, but there are some very important counter-examples as well.

1) The decolonization of Africa was made possible by communist support, 2) Cuba has historically and continues today to make available large quantities of medical professionals for poor countries, 3) the communist movements were hard-hitting pioneers in the struggle against overt western racism

Amici Nybråten 🇵🇸 🇺🇦


I think more generally though, with the collapse of properly communistic projects (China certainly isn't one), what the world today has lost is an alternative and stark comparison with which to challenge states to curtail the worst of capitalist's tendencies.

The collapse of communist projects ushered in a new era where inequality has dramatically risen in western societies and social progress in education, health, and overall well-being has been slow and lagging.


@graywolf @yogthos @jimray the bloody authoritarian regimes of the Soviet union and the likes have very little to do with communism as it was defined by idealists. Anti-communism played a big role in that framing. Guess who invented that 🙂


@graywolf @yogthos @jimray Of course, neoliberal brutal capitalism and totalitarian brutal communism are not the only options available. Capitalism is much more regulated in Europe than in the US. And there are much more socialist countries within Europe, like the Scandinavian ones. Of course, according to the neoliberal theorists, it must collapse in the next year, five years at most. They have been saying that for decades.


@graywolf @yogthos @jimray A good read is The Dawn of Everything, David Graeber, David Wengrow. It's not a book about politics, it's about history.


@plsik @yogthos @jimray Thanks for the tip, since it seems to be available on Amazon, will order it and read.

Erik Haugen

@graywolf @yogthos @jimray Well, pretty soon maybe we can get AIs that beat the free market when it comes to making resource allocation decisions. *ducks*


@graywolf @yogthos @jimray not this shit again... Get outta here with your "there is no alternative" sealioning. You only ask in order to debate, not work out a solution. Capitalism has only been around for a few centuries, it never was inevitable

Marc Godin

@graywolf @yogthos @jimray Ah yes, the only two options humans can ever come up with.

Sally Strange

@graywolf @yogthos @jimray there are billions of third options lol. If you can't think of any, what's wrong? Never read a book?


@graywolf state capitalists sometimes called red fascists are not communist despite what they want to call themselves. Communism even according to Marx(whose theories they claim to follow) is a classless, stateless, and moneyless society. Not a single one of those things are true in any country that calls itself communist, they do however have a rich ruling class, a state run by that rich ruling class, and market economy owned by the ruling class. ie state capitalism.


@graywolf Communism has never been implemented; I suspect you're thinking of various dictatorships that used the term "communism" to sell themselves but were never anything remotely resembling communist.

Amici Nybråten 🇵🇸 🇺🇦


There are libertarian versions of communism.

In historical examples they were militarily overpowered by soviets and fascists during the Russian revolution and just before WW2, in today's world you don't have anything quite like it, but you have anarchist-inspired movements in Rojava and central America

Some version of anarcho-communism is the only way imo. If you're curious about the ideas, you should read or listen to the first 3 chapters of Kropotkin's "The Conquest of Bread"

Reinhilde Bjornsdottir

@jimray This is what I mean for blaming the cattle for the actions of Exxon-Mobil.

SaanichGuy 🇨🇦🇨🇦

@jimray big corporations and ultra Rich need to do their part


@jimray 1000% this! Getting us to turn on each other over what kind of light bulbs we use or whether we bike enough or what we eat is their favorite means of keeping us too divided to take real action to stop them from destroying the planet. "Real action" as near as I can figure is comprehensive legislation with strong enforcement. Or idk guillotines maybe?

M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@paprikapink @jimray I believe this is why the fictional environmental activist George Hayduke habitually tosses his beer cans out the car window. Focus on the REAL harms, not the roadside beautification crap the System distracts us with.

(Also, beer cans back then eventually rusted and disappeared.)

Jason Petersen


Bart: “so individual action can’t make a difference?”

Homer: “ah ah ah! Individual action can’t make a _positive_ difference”

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

@jimray begging the question what we should be doing instead


@anarchiv @jimray Why not do both? Why is it always an either or solution? Are humans merely binary computers?

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

@carolannie @jimray
I didn't mean to imply this was an either-or thing, to the contrary - I was more interested in what the "or" might entail


@anarchiv everything we can, including naming, shaming, and possibly guillotining the rich and powerful who negate our efforts



Those don’t call those motherfucking sacks of shit, of which Taylor Swifts father is one, Vulture Capitalists for nothing.


@jimray If there would be #co2 account progressive taxation could be applied and salaries could be freed. Companies accounts would be based to company id and have reductions based salary receivers.


@jimray pretty sure it's because you didn't recycle your cans that's causing global warming

Niall in Raglan :laserkiwi:

@Janne_O @jimray Sweet Jesus, I thought you were joking then I processed that or was a real URL. I guess it's a lot better than Bugattis & Ferraris but it still sure seems terrible.

Petra van Cronenburg

@jimray The idiot is definitively not you. And there's also the question of responsability and integrity where the petrostates fail.


@frog I am, in fact, not but thanks for your note!


@jimray Talking of facts, you did. You say: some person talks about bad "A", but listen, bad "B" is much worse. This _is_ #Whataboutism. If you need to know why you should avoid this: in extreme, it would justify murder, because there are other murders. BTW, I follow your arguments in part, but not your conclusion.


@frog the non-joke version of my toot was “I feel like a total idiot out here trying to effect positive change with my personal actions when giant systemic forces are negating the positive changes of millions if not billions of people” that’s not whataboutism it’s just an observation that billionaires pairing up with Saudi friggin Arabia exert disproportionate power over life on the planet.

And I would therefore be justified in murdering them.

Niall in Raglan :laserkiwi:

@jimray @frog you know your emotions are wrong? Let me tell you how you feel. /s


@jimray we should do what we can, nonetheless. Protest the injustice but don't add to the problem if you can

Rebecca Cotton-Weinhold

@jimray I would not call "destroying the society I live in and the planet I live on" smart. I think these destructive VCs just hate their kids, possibly themselves.

Patrick H. Lauke

@jimray exactly this... the biggest trick they play on us is to make it a personal responsibility thing, when it's a fundamental systemic problem that needs to be tackled

Erik Haugen

@jimray It's sort of baked in that individual efforts like reducing consumption don't work to help climate change. I mean, you should turn off the lights or whatever and buy less anyway, for other reasons. But don't kid yourself: it just makes the power you didn't use cheaper for someone else to use.


@Codhisattva @jimray To whom? They're worth less than nothing to most of us.


@thepoliticalcat @jimray concentrated wealth is also concentrated impact. One VCs decision can save or destroy the world.


@jimray That is exactly why we should be eating the billionaires.



it's hard to laugh when the joke is this on the nose...

everybody involved in creating crypto and AI should be in prison, or at least all of their assets seized, these products burned up every bit of progress made in saving energy & carbon all of us performed for decades & for what? nothing anyone needed or wanted, purely for the sick egos of the super rich


Yes, that seems to just float over the heads of the people pretending they want to do something about climate change. Same with the pretend money that sucks up all the electricity.

Maddad ☑️


1 step forward, 5 steps backwards... :blobcatpat:


That's ... disturbingly accurate in every way ...

Rūdolfs Mazurs

@jimray @peteriskrisjanis Mmmm, that is some proper doomer shit right there. Keep feeding that existential dread!


@jimray Don't forget to separate your recycling!


If you swap those children out for shareholders, you could be a lot smarter!


@jimray And this is why I stopped eating vegetarian and riding my bike everywhere after the first 10 years.

Martin Ueding

Yes, the impact of a single person can be erased so quickly.

Funnily for me it went the other way around. When I did physics research, coal was burnt to power the supercomputer. Now I work for an AI company which uses only renewable energy to power the Nordic data centers. Quite the improvement regarding climate change.


@jimray I get the frustration, but IMO it's worth pointing out that 20 million people in first-world countries reducing their energy consumption by like 10% would still have a massive impact, too.

In fact, I'd point out even more so that these changes that a lot of us are making to our habits are _even more important_ in light of the people with centralized power using it to make things worse!


Me, a fellow idiot: "... and that's why we're all going to die, kids."


@jimray hate to break it to you, even before AI lowering your thermostat and eating less meat would have 0 impact on climate change. Most emissions come from transport

@jimray any time you make "personal choices" for "the climate"

@jimray And this is why I don’t judge. So long as they acknowledge the problem, we can work for our own conscience. The burden doesn’t come from average humans.

Diane 🕵


It seems like people are pretty bitter about individual sacrifice in the face of corporate excess.

For what it's worth around 60-70% of economic activity eventually traces back to household spending.

You alone reducing consumption isn't enough, however a lot of people reducing consumption does have a measurable impact.

For example all the ebikes and mopeds are "already cutting demand for oil by a million barrels of oil a day – about 1% of the world’s total oil demand"

The less oil we buy the harder time terrible dictatorships like the Saudis and Putin will have to keep themselves in power. (Cutting oil use would also probably hurt the Texas GOP too, so honestly yet more wins)


It seems like people are pretty bitter about individual sacrifice in the face of corporate excess.

For what it's worth around 60-70% of economic activity eventually traces back to household spending.

You alone reducing consumption isn't enough, however a lot of people reducing consumption does have a measurable impact.

lamy, david

We need to sever the word "smart" from any adjectives applied to psychopaths.

AZ Guy 😛

@jimray Makes me think of the restarted coal power plant in new york to supply power for bitcoin

David Blodgett

@jimray gosh it does put things into perspective. Pissing into the wind to put out a wild fire.

PhDog 🇮🇪


You did the "__, an idiot:... ___, very smart" thing like you were telling a joke, but then just said what each party actually says.

Cheryl Platz :verified:

@jimray yeah a startup came calling about an AI company that helps companies “optimize staffing”. The recruiter seemed so optimistic about the impact until I asked “can you tell me what your strategy is to ensure this isn’t used just to displace a lot of humans?” Siiiiillllleeeenceeeee


@jimray Well said. This is precisely why I hate it when they want to ram this nonsense down our throats about our carbon emissions when a country like China alone is pumping out more pollution in one day than most of the average population will make in a lifetime.

Think about all those thousands of factories making anything from plastic bags to clothes, to bicycles, to toys, to gadgets, to carpets etc. You name it, there is a pollution heavy factory making it and spewing PILLARS of smoke...

Shaula Evans

@jimray I can't stop thinking about this dynamic.

For me, it's about me rinsing off ostensibly recycleable packaging and lugging the bin to the curb, while totally exhausted, so I can at least "do my part"... while billionaires fly around in private jets.

Confession: the incandescent rage I feel might be what's actually warming the planet.

Alex M. Dunne


At some point, we'll realize that AI takes doubly too much energy to operate & to cool, so we'll just put them in satellites orbiting the planet and powered by the sun.


@jimray have you thought about the real problem of this planet?

Do we realise that the big problem is us?

One species that is growing uncontrolled consuming the planet's resources rapidly.

If those were rats, cockroaches or anything else we would be running together to exterminate them or to have some controls.

I know nobody wants to talk this way about the problem, is not politically correct however it is our reality.

And many countries just don't care, because they know the problem and just sit and wait.

@jimray have you thought about the real problem of this planet?

Do we realise that the big problem is us?

One species that is growing uncontrolled consuming the planet's resources rapidly.

If those were rats, cockroaches or anything else we would be running together to exterminate them or to have some controls.


@jimray Red meat is fine if it's sourced ethically*

*from the bones of billionaires

William B Peckham

@jimray Capitalism is a powerful force and has proven far more powerful than the economic forces and socialism or communism and far better for the people than fascism. The thing is that capitalism is an economic theory that needs a government controlling it and limiting its actions so it is less predatory. A democracy that is focused on properly controlling it can absolutely work. So can a socialist government that is restrained from destroying capitalism and you turning it into a socialist economy. If the two are in nice balance so that each one controls the worst potential of the other your government and your economy can work better. The problem is that balance is fragile, and there will always be people who want to leverage each to control the other. Our problem right now is twofold: number one they are badly out of balance, and number two the wrong people are driving change away from restoring balance!

@jimray Capitalism is a powerful force and has proven far more powerful than the economic forces and socialism or communism and far better for the people than fascism. The thing is that capitalism is an economic theory that needs a government controlling it and limiting its actions so it is less predatory. A democracy that is focused on properly controlling it can absolutely work. So can a socialist government that is restrained from destroying capitalism and you turning it into a socialist economy....


So you're about ready to come on over to my place so we can BBQ up some Humboldt grass fed beef 🐄🥩 on my propane fueled grill?

I can drive on over and pick you up from the airport at ✈️ LAX ✈️ in my big, fire engine red V8 powered 4x4 pickup truck with absolutely no apologies too, because I truly don't give a good goddamn about any of that nonsensically manufacturered emotional blackmail that you're so effectively and quite eloquently exposing as hipocracy. 🖖

#tallship @smallcircles

So you're about ready to come on over to my place so we can BBQ up some Humboldt grass fed beef 🐄🥩 on my propane fueled grill?

I can drive on over and pick you up from the airport at ✈️ LAX ✈️ in my big, fire engine red V8 powered 4x4 pickup truck with absolutely no apologies too, because I truly don't give a good goddamn about any of that nonsensically manufacturered emotional blackmail that you're so effectively and quite eloquently exposing as hipocracy. 🖖


@jimray Don't bother with your meat and termostat, mankind is a lost case.


@jimray It does use a lot of energy, and if unchecked wants to kill us.

Glenn Fleishman

@jimray @darius The hugest thing today is to not give in to despair *and* also eat the rich. We should both strive for reasonable individual efforts and destroy the infrastructure that allows like 28% of globing warming to happen through methane leaks and other simple bullshit byproducts of unregulated capitalism (and, also, dictatorships).

Jonah Stein

@jimray Just remember that "Carbon Footprint" was a concept created by a UK PR firm working for BP Petroleum to shift the conversation away from capitalism and toward individual responsibility for global warming, which they branded Climate Change.

Rob Fahrni

@jimray I feel ya, Jim. We all have to keep pushing and digging! I know it can be discouraging, I get down quite a bit. ❤️

Alexander Schmidt-Lebuhn

@jimray The VC massively cancels out an individual consumer. That being said, if a billion people all ate less meat, they would have an enormous impact. Companies produce a lot of CO2 to create products and services that consumers buy and could just decide not to buy, if they wanted. I know it is a depressing conclusion, but ultimately, most of the people around me do not *want* to consume less. They hope carbon capture will work out so that everything can go on unchanged.


The human social system is under control o the Jewish God! That is why nothing makes sense

John Brophy

@jimray Just started reading 'A Friend of the Earth' by T.C. Boyle and was hit hard by this line on page 1.

"...the woman who routinely chained herself to cranes and bulldozers and seven-hundred-thousand-dollar Feller Buncher machines back in a time when we thought it mattered..."


@jimray @mastodonmigration
And that is why I never rinse out and recycle anything that takes more than 30 seconds to do. As long as my contribution is a tiny fraction of the problem that could be significantly mitigated by legislation and systemic policy changes, I'm not going to add daily aggravation to the emotional load of knowing we're destroying our earth and atmosphere.


@jimray Capitalism does not allocate resources efficiently

Seasonal Stompy Robot


Yeah, what really matters is charging a correct price for carbon. Then everyone will make the right choices. Some people will still fly for vacation, or eat meat, or whatever. And maybe they compensate by taking the train or biking for their commute.

The challenge is: the "correct price" for carbon is currently something like 6x the market price...

Ed Wiebe

I feel this and it’s depressing but it doesn’t mean we should stop trying to reduce our own impact. Add advocacy to our own actions. @jimray

farhaven 🇪🇺

@jimray Me, an idiot: "Maybe I shouldn't take the car for this trip, it's bad for the environment after all."

Taylor Swift: *boards her private plane*

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