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@jimray I get the frustration, but IMO it's worth pointing out that 20 million people in first-world countries reducing their energy consumption by like 10% would still have a massive impact, too.

In fact, I'd point out even more so that these changes that a lot of us are making to our habits are _even more important_ in light of the people with centralized power using it to make things worse!


@jimray ...though to be clear I still fully agree with what you're saying. I shoulda found a better way to word that :/

I also don't know how to highlight this contrast - which I think is super important! - _without_ demoralizing people away from making better choices.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@pixx "the money guzzling world-destroyers are eating up 10% more than we expected, so we have to move faster than we planned to save civilization."

There’s always someone who gets paid to destroy the world, and there has always been.

(and no, killing them is *not* the answer!)


@ArneBab @jimray Okay but that just sounds like you're talking to a buncha assassins lmao

Arne Babenhauserheide

@pixx oh, you’re right. That wasn’t intended … I think I should add a disclaimer … @jimray


@ArneBab @jimray okay but to respond to the edit: not even a _little_ bit of killing? 🥺

Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱

@pixx the way to highlight the contrast is to say that we all have to do everything we possibly can to decarbonize because this is a crisis and we have no time to lose, yet these aholes are making everything exponentially worse, they’re drilling holes in the lifeboat while you’re bailing water. They’re also the ones who set the original ship on fire. The answer isn’t to stop bailing—the answer is to take away their drill and toss them into the sea.



@susankayequinn @jimray But then people will reasonably point out that you and I _cannot_ take away their drill; that's the whole reason it's so demoralizing. No matter what good we do, they will keep making the problem worse.

IMO the best phrasing I've seen so far was "the world-destroyers are acting quicker than expected, so we have to move faster than planned as well to save civilization"

Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱

@pixx We can (&have been) taking away drills collectively. Just because we haven't taken all the drills (&yes, the world-destroyers are acting quicker than expected) means we need to work to convince people that collective action IS possible. The narrative that this is impossible is part of the problem. It's not. We need narratives that show how power actually works in the world and how you effect change. That's a narrative the drillers desperately do not want you to hear.



@pixx I’m all about every individual doing everything they can — by end of year, I’ll have spent over $60k on a new HVAC and solar panels. I tend to look at the sorrier state of the world with gallows humor and have no problem heaping shame on the worst of the worst.

ikt 🇺🇦

@pixx @jimray I wish there was more thinking like you and less like the OP, when it comes to climate Mastodon is like doomscrolling

ikt 🇺🇦

@pixx @jimray

> It uses as much power and water as Guatemala

It won't but even if it did, Guatemala has a per capita co2 output of 1 ton, America in comparison is 15 tons

We're not even close even with an AI supercomputer tacked on top

Also if you think 40 billion on AI is ridiculous, what's 100 billion on renewables?

Saudi Arabia's energy minister on Monday said that the kingdom plans to invest 380 billion riyals ($101 billion) in renewable energy projects


@ikt @jimray Per capita can be deceiving, though. Most of America's emissions are _not_ from median people, they're from industry.

Per capita is actually kinda useless here, but so are numbers like "as much as Guatemala." How much does Guatemala use, as a portion of America's usage? Is this an increase to US pollution of 10%? 1%? 50%? The graph makes me think "closer to .1%", but I can't tell.

That said, bumping demand while adding renewables is a mistake; doing so is why we don't have enough!

ikt 🇺🇦

@pixx @jimray I don't see why we can't do both, if China is pumping out the same as Europe and USA combined, why can't Europe and USA independently pump out as much renewables as China?

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