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@rstevens it seems the important part of doing crime without facing any consequences is you have to already be rich.


@kozy138 @jimray @rstevens The docs you link are clearly based on some faulty research, because in the intro of one it states "Purposeful stupidity is contrary to human nature"

Darrin West

@jimray @kozy138 @rstevens This probably needs a content warning. Without clicking on the links it’s pretty hard to tell that your IP is going to be added to a CIA database of people that have tried to read stuff on terrorism.


@obviousdwest @jimray @rstevens maybe if enough people click and read it, we can flood their database with user data. That way, if they ever tried to narrow down suspects using the download database, it would be impossible to know who was actually doing the monkey wrenching.

Simon Magnus

@obviousdwest @rstevens @kozy138 @jimray never gonna give earth up, never gonna let her down, never gonna run away while they destroy you!


@jimray @rstevens Being rich is the best predictor for getting rich


@exterm @jimray @rstevens

The worst aspect of free-market capitalism is, I think, the fact that the richer you are, the less everything costs you. If it were the other way around, it might not be such a bad system.

Vulcwen | Tessa

@jimray It seems the real lesson that history teaches is that to get away with crime, you need to do crime at geopolitical scales.


@jimray @rstevens or we as a whole collectively practice it

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