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@carolannie the EU doesn't have socialism, they at best have social safety nets with a capitalism economy. Workers don't collectively own their work places, people aren't guaranteed home ownership, food still has to be bought by selling ones labor to someone else. Many EU countries have health care for everyone but that alone doesn't make it socialist.

1 comment

@squeakypancakes i am totally crushed by the point being made, that the EU is not a communist heaven. I see the definition of "socialism" varies a lot. To clarify, i am talking about forms of democratic socialism, which can have more or less tightly regulated capitalist or free market components. The argument to start off was that either we have mostly American style unregulated capitalism or blood soaked "socialism" aka as the USSR or other authoritarian countries, which were socialist or communist in name only. But perhaps this goes into No True Scotsman territory. Suffice it to say that i dont even think that socialism or communism need to be blood soaked. But... depends on people, right?

@squeakypancakes i am totally crushed by the point being made, that the EU is not a communist heaven. I see the definition of "socialism" varies a lot. To clarify, i am talking about forms of democratic socialism, which can have more or less tightly regulated capitalist or free market components. The argument to start off was that either we have mostly American style unregulated capitalism or blood soaked "socialism" aka as the USSR or other authoritarian countries, which were socialist or communist...

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