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When you have been using Mastodon for a while and you finally install Linux

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@mcc mastodon has me considering it for the first time, too…but i suspect i’m like 10% not technical enough for even the newbie-friendliest of distros


Euh, not sure I follow you ??? Mastodon is an OS agnostic software.
I mean sure you will have different implemetations according to the OS but you will find a client and server software for all OSes (hem server for MacOS ?? not sure)


Something really cool that dropped on the FPGAming discord this weekend: Someone named Tom Salvo is making an FPGA core for UXN! (That's the 100 Rabbits fantasy console: This allows UXN to be run on Analogue Pocket and potentially later on MiSTers. This is the first pure-hardware (well, gateware, but that counts) implementation of a UXN execution environment I am aware of.

Tom's code Analogue Pocket Core PipelineC Uxn Code

Something really cool that dropped on the FPGAming discord this weekend: Someone named Tom Salvo is making an FPGA core for UXN! (That's the 100 Rabbits fantasy console: This allows UXN to be run on Analogue Pocket and potentially later on MiSTers. This is the first pure-hardware (well, gateware, but that counts) implementation of a UXN execution environment I am aware of.

Johann-Tobias Schäg

@mcc my mind flipped between first person gaming and FPGA related while reading this.


@mcc had kinda forgotten about 100 rabbits, last time i read something was before UXN. lovely little thing 😊


Hi. You may have seen a boost from Sunday going around containing allegations from a former contributor about financial mismanagement by the Tusky project.

The Tusky project has just posted a response from the project contributors, written by twelve of us working collaboratively. The post's quite long, and I apologize for that, but the allegations were detailed so our response also needed to be. You can read it here, if you want:

Or a TL;DR:

Hi. You may have seen a boost from Sunday going around containing allegations from a former contributor about financial mismanagement by the Tusky project.

The Tusky project has just posted a response from the project contributors, written by twelve of us working collaboratively. The post's quite long, and I apologize for that, but the allegations were detailed so our response also needed to be. You can read it here, if you want:

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Dan Shick

@mcc this was such a relief to read. I never doubted that I would be reading such a thing but it was still great to read it. thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.

Fish Id Wardrobe

@mcc The response seems really grown-up to me – FWIW

Pusher Of Pixels

@mcc much appreciate a level headed response!


1 AM. I cannot sleep. Went looking for cursed content on the internet. Succeeded harder than I intended to. Now I still can't sleep, but for a different reason.

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@mcc I am so glad that I just started learning enough about working with Cmake just enough to understand this isn’t just compiling C code for raytracing using Cmake, but is indeed actually delightfully cursed


@mcc I've sent this to a friend and got this in return:


"With a software death date baked into each model, older versions of these inexpensive computers are set to expire three to six years after their release. Despite having fully functioning hardware, an expired Chromebook will no longer receive the software updates it needs, blocking basic websites and applications from use…

[Pictured] A pile of Chromebooks with expired software sit in a classroom at Montera Middle School in Oakland, Calif"

"With a software death date baked into each model, older versions of these inexpensive computers are set to expire three to six years after their release. Despite having fully functioning hardware, an expired Chromebook will no longer receive the software updates it needs, blocking basic websites and applications from use…

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Dr. Quadragon ❌


> Kimathi Bradford, a 16-year-old Oakland tech repair intern, has looked into whether there was a way to replace the outdated Chromebook software with a non-Google brand, but it ended up being a lot of work, Kimathi said, and the open-source replacement wasn’t up to par.
> “It’s like the Fritos of software,” he said. “No one really wants to use it.”

*blink-blink* I beg your pardon?

If I have to choose between "not up to par" and "absolutely unacceptable" like sending thousands of laptops to e-waste, I will always choose the former any day.


> Kimathi Bradford, a 16-year-old Oakland tech repair intern, has looked into whether there was a way to replace the outdated Chromebook software with a non-Google brand, but it ended up being a lot of work, Kimathi said, and the open-source replacement wasn’t up to par.
> “It’s like the Fritos of software,” he said. “No one really wants to use it.”

Sukima (Wiket)

@mcc @Sonic_Little Since there is an excess of the same hardware would it be possible to start a volunteer effort to support a Linux distro dedicated to security updates and drivers for that specific hardware? A community effort that allows older systems to have a new life while still getting security updates? We have charitable organizations why not open sourced projects to do the same?


@mcc This planned death of technology, for no real reason, other than to force the purchase of more technology, is absolutely disgusting. It should be illegal.


It's official: The new Big Thing in tech is services that "plan to turn on federation in three months"


"Federation will be enabled in six months": The new "Ethereum will be moving to proof-of-stake in six months"


By the way, I just boosted a couple posts about the often-overlooked Tweetdeck-style "Advanced Mode" for Mastodon:

If you use this, you might be interested in installing the "Stylus" extension and using @Eramdam's "Compacter Mastodon" userstyle:

This looks more like the old Mastodon 3.0, fits a LOT more on the screen, and posts are indented past the avatars, which I think makes the page much easier to scan.

My Mastodon looks like this:

By the way, I just boosted a couple posts about the often-overlooked Tweetdeck-style "Advanced Mode" for Mastodon:

If you use this, you might be interested in installing the "Stylus" extension and using @Eramdam's "Compacter Mastodon" userstyle:


I also, incidentally, run with my own very small userstyle. This removes the "ALT" badge on images with alt text, which I find distracting. (I think the *ideal* would be to put a "NO ALT" penalty badge on images that DON'T have alt text, but this is harder to do in pure CSS.)


Logging on to Mastodon… I think I will read six hundred posts today. Perhaps I shall even indulge myself and read six hundred and one


[Sarcastically] I guess now we know what "data pillagers" means


Incidentally, here is a article from this week I thought had some interesting detail.

"Twitter's API keeps breaking, even for developers paying $42,000"


2006 - 2022: Corporate content hosts are so cheap and easy that no one has an incentive to learn to self-host content, and people who were previously self-hosting content move over to big "social" platforms

2022 - … : Platforms close off in every imaginable way and start taking every opportunity to extract rents from users, benefits that originally got people to move over now gone, but the network effects are such you can no longer switch to open alternatives or convince other people to do so


Cyberpunk / SCP / Empty Spaces warning labels


You have been warned by the Android Police


Continued absurd Linux problems:

If I run in Wayland,
and run Chrome,
my custom .XCompose file is ignored.

Chrome on X11 does not have this problem,
Wayland apps other than Chrome do not have a problem,
if I use default XCompose sequences instead of custom XCompose there is no problem.

It's just this one combination of things.

Checking the Chromium bug tracker I find variations of this bug repeatedly filed, then closed, as far back as 2015 and as recently as 2021, closed as "fixed".

Continued absurd Linux problems:

If I run in Wayland,
and run Chrome,
my custom .XCompose file is ignored.

Chrome on X11 does not have this problem,
Wayland apps other than Chrome do not have a problem,
if I use default XCompose sequences instead of custom XCompose there is no problem.

It's just this one combination of things.


So I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to tell if a particular app is running in Wayland or XWayland.

This is the answer I get off Stack Overflow. I'm thinking… No. No, that's too silly. It can't be the best way.

I keep researching. It's the best way.

You run xeyes.

Wayland has security that keeps windows from knowing about mouse events in other windows. XWayland doesn't.

Xeyes will track your cursor whenever you're over an XWayland window, then stop if you pass over anything else.


When the computer suddenly says some fantasy novel shit


I was in the Rust help discord last night, and someone was having problems with async, and somebody said this. I don't think they realized how incredibly evocative this is.

…looking at this again, the avatar really sells it


(Caveats: Although the research is peer-reviewed many experimental medical technologies do not work out. The hard part with insulin is not making it but making it in a form that takes effect quickly and stably, and it's those modern "stable" forms of Insulin that are expensive, because they're patented. The plant… also appears to be patented, by the University of Pennslyvania, although growing an illegal plant to treat diabetes is also very Solarpunk.)


@mcc I'm excited for the day they give us "girl lettuce"


A thing that I do not like about the world we live in is that you're given two options, Windows where any application at any time can and usually will just demand you give it 100% permission to install stuff in the kernel and you really have no choice but to proceed because that's the only way to run the software, and Apple where you're not allowed to do anything with your devices ever at all.


The thing that I *really* want— every application is running inside of a sandbox I fully control, such that all attempted OS-level changes are accepted from the app's perspective but actually logged and tracked, and then I'm allowed pijul-style to decide which "patchsets" of sandboxes are simultaneously active for any one piece of software— might be kinda hard to implement and implement efficiently. But it seems *some* third option must be possible


"What's that?" Y'all this is four features covering three and a half hours of seminal 80s-90s experimental dance, plus special features. I bought this JUST for a single 15 minute piece which is the best film representation of a Steve Reich piece I've ever seen ( ) and there's so much other stuff in the box. It's oversize actually so either there's multiple DVDs in here or it comes with a nice meaty paper book


Galaxy brain: generate a nostr public key, register a domain name consisting of that public key in base58, sign up using that domain name to bluesky. Everyone in the extended fediverse groans at your shit


How do I use. Lemmy. How do I use Lemmy and have it look like Lemmy instead of trying to squeeze it into the Mastodon frontend. Is there some site I need to sign up for. It's probably a little confusing how to sign up for Mastodon but signing up for Lemmy is more confusing still

Please do not reply to this to tell me how to *listen* to Lemmy. I already know how to listen to Motörhead. I am listening to Motörhead right now. The only card I need is the ace of spades

How do I use. Lemmy. How do I use Lemmy and have it look like Lemmy instead of trying to squeeze it into the Mastodon frontend. Is there some site I need to sign up for. It's probably a little confusing how to sign up for Mastodon but signing up for Lemmy is more confusing still


I use Reddit to obtain YouTube links of people playing synthesizers and I am interested in using Lemmy to obtain YouTube links of people playing synthesizers.

Also what is "Piped". Is that a thing at all

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