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When you have been using Mastodon for a while and you finally install Linux


@rotopenguin @jraedisch @mcc In my experience there’s a lot Arch users don’t like. :trollface:


@rotopenguin @jraedisch @mcc

/surreptitiously hides the distrobox running archlinux on an openSUSE host.


@jraedisch @mcc Ubuntu is a good base distro... whoever is starting should take a look at various flavours of desktop environments for ubuntu. I prefer KDE the most!

Mike Oplinger

@mcc No no, now you get to hear about how you didn't install the right distro!

That's the best part of the Linux community, the fun never ends! LOL

I always just say "cool I'm currently running Mint but I'll try out a live version of yours" and then never actually try it.


@hotte @MikeOplinger @mcc Thanks for sharing that link! I haven't heard of DistroSea. Love this!

Tobias Denkinger

@MikeOplinger @mcc
The best part is: there is not even a right distro.

Eventually, you just use the distro you like to make fun of the most.

Will Clark

@mcc This place kinda reminds me of a sideways elevator too.


@mcc @raf Every time someone installs Linux, a Hans from Stuttgart gets his wings!


@mcc germany wouldn't mail you, we would send a fax

Alexa ❤️🇮🇷 🇺🇦

@mcc For me it was the other way around, I first installed Linux and then went to Mastodon


@mcc i do not get the image but like the notion of installing linux!

leo vriscrab² (homestuck) :dado_verified:

@mcc did you know that Germany will email you if you have an open telnet server


@leo is this a joke. like the german government

leo vriscrab² (homestuck) :dado_verified:

@mcc unless that was a joke which i just realized it might have been


@leo @mcc It's not, they do that (for Telnet and a bunch of other things like open database servers). Usually not directly, but rather they email the admin contacts of the IP address blocks, who are then asked/in some cases in principle legally required to tell their customers in turn.

Dan Cassidy 🦌

@HeNeArXn @leo @mcc Is this the BND (German CIA) or some other branch of the government? Because I remember the BND being quite proactive in protecting civilians from hacking attacks in the early 2000s and it's good to hear if that's still the case.

Maxi 9x 💉

@whimsy @HeNeArXn @leo @mcc The BND is for exterior espionage, if this warning procedure is still ongoing it would be the BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik).

leo vriscrab² (homestuck) :dado_verified:

@HeNeArXn I meant that @mcc's reply could've been read as calling the German government a joke


@HeNeArXn @leo no sorry I just legitimately had not heard of this before

@HeNeArXn @leo @mcc I also hadn't heard this. In such a case, what information are they asked/required to provide to their customers? (Surely not the address of the open server...?)


@1358531 @mcc BSI emails owner of the IP range, owner of the IP range looks up if they can match the IP to a customer (i.e. it's a statically assigned one and not a dynamic pool) and if they can they email the customer "hey your server has this weird open port/resolver/..., could you please check on that, and fix it if it is actually a problem?"
(I got such a mail in the past, but can't find it and can't 100% say if it was based on a BSI report or just something the provider noticed themselves)


@leo that is creepy but I suppose legitimately helpful


@mcc @leo also if you have like open ports that NFS uses for RPC or something like that

Motor Sprite

@mcc @leo this reminds me of the Dutch government sending that one person a tshirt that said “I hacked the Dutch government and all I got was this tshirt”

オセロットオセロ (VF/AC)

@leo @mcc Wow, a government that points out your security holes so you can close them instead of just exploiting them.

Panama Red

I read that at first as "open toilet server," which made it even creepier.



Which video is this from? What’s the original context?


@reclus YouTuber Tom Scott often makes videos about unusual elevators. Apparently for many years whenever he makes an elevator video Germans tell him he should make a video about an unusual elevator at the Hanover city hall, so he finally did. It's his newest video, although I think his "world's cleanest railway" video is the more interesting elevator video.


@mcc alles klar, keine emails mehr von mir

@mcc Wait, you started using Mastodon *before* Linux?


@mcc i will NEVER install Linux. not because its bad (I think its great that people can completely customise experiences) but... no. idk y, but my brain CANNOT operate 3rd party stuff. Like, if the thing I'm using isn't 1st party, and is an external thing I'm installing... then I'm doing it wrong and am bad. i know its NOT wrong and bad, but my BRAIN DISAGREES!

it used to be a lot worse, where I couldn't use anything UNLESS I CREATED IT (I was gonna create my own custom OS at some point because of it) so it being better is very good, but... still can't get it and rely on the amazing community because my brain will just go "those people don't work for Linux. This isn't the intended experience. you're using your own personal computer wrong" and ill just get sick to my stomach again-

@mcc i will NEVER install Linux. not because its bad (I think its great that people can completely customise experiences) but... no. idk y, but my brain CANNOT operate 3rd party stuff. Like, if the thing I'm using isn't 1st party, and is an external thing I'm installing... then I'm doing it wrong and am bad. i know its NOT wrong and bad, but my BRAIN DISAGREES!


@ThatDimensionalFox @mcc Considering how often the intended experience is malicious abuse of the user to the profit of the manufacturer (typical corposcum moment), is the intended experience *really* what you want?

Personally, I rather love having control of my tools, and finding new uses for them that were never foreseen.

(Simply put: There's whole "when all you have is a hammer", but what *can* you use as a hammer?)

But if it helps, they call it a "general-purpose computer" for a reason.


@mcc Just attempted to install Linux Mint on my laptop and windows just makes it so damn hard. I will find some help and get it done. Not enamored with Windows 11.

Spandex Grëghound

@PiousunynHeretic @mcc
I had a dual boot of Windows 11 and Linux Mint for awhile until Windows borked itself and Mint. It would've taken days to get Windows working again properly, and I hardly ever used it, so now I only run Linux Mint and see no reason to change that. So much less hassle.


@reallyflygreg @mcc Be my goal also. I had dual on one PC and never used Windows also.


We are penguins. We wobble off.
🦋 Watch our dust, thou phish eaters … 🫠😎🤓🤭🐧

Adam Beer

@mcc Me who watched that video earlier today: wake up babe, new meme just dropped.


@mcc mastodon has me considering it for the first time, too…but i suspect i’m like 10% not technical enough for even the newbie-friendliest of distros

@cultdev @mcc The good news is that with most issues, you can simply Google your question and (if you've used mostly the right words) you will find some kind of answer. Even if you don't, there are places you can ask for help. (That is of course a time investment. But once you learn enough, Linux is to other OSes what airplanes are to automobiles.)


@1358531 @mcc sounds like how i now feel about my ergonomic palm-well keyboard 👍 i’m in poor health these days and am already pretty overwhelmed, but i think i’ll give it a shot once i’m back on my feet

if you don’t mind me asking, what are some things you’re able to do with that airplane? i know linux is better for ram usage, modular desktops/UI, normalized terminal use…those are all big distinctions but i’m curious if i’m missing anything else

Pablonius Monk

@cultdev @mcc I encourage you to try @linuxmint out on a Live USB. 💻 🐧 💚


@pabloniusmonk @mcc @linuxmint thanks! i’ll have to get my first live USB :) do you know of any good linux news/commentary accounts on mastodon i could follow to soak up some knowledge by osmosis?


Euh, not sure I follow you ??? Mastodon is an OS agnostic software.
I mean sure you will have different implemetations according to the OS but you will find a client and server software for all OSes (hem server for MacOS ?? not sure)

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