@cultdev @mcc The good news is that with most issues, you can simply Google your question and (if you've used mostly the right words) you will find some kind of answer. Even if you don't, there are places you can ask for help. (That is of course a time investment. But once you learn enough, Linux is to other OSes what airplanes are to automobiles.)
@1358531 @mcc sounds like how i now feel about my ergonomic palm-well keyboard 👍 i’m in poor health these days and am already pretty overwhelmed, but i think i’ll give it a shot once i’m back on my feet
if you don’t mind me asking, what are some things you’re able to do with that airplane? i know linux is better for ram usage, modular desktops/UI, normalized terminal use…those are all big distinctions but i’m curious if i’m missing anything else