@mcc i will NEVER install Linux. not because its bad (I think its great that people can completely customise experiences) but... no. idk y, but my brain CANNOT operate 3rd party stuff. Like, if the thing I'm using isn't 1st party, and is an external thing I'm installing... then I'm doing it wrong and am bad. i know its NOT wrong and bad, but my BRAIN DISAGREES!
it used to be a lot worse, where I couldn't use anything UNLESS I CREATED IT (I was gonna create my own custom OS at some point because of it) so it being better is very good, but... still can't get it and rely on the amazing community because my brain will just go "those people don't work for Linux. This isn't the intended experience. you're using your own personal computer wrong" and ill just get sick to my stomach again-
@ThatDimensionalFox @mcc Considering how often the intended experience is malicious abuse of the user to the profit of the manufacturer (typical corposcum moment), is the intended experience *really* what you want?
Personally, I rather love having control of my tools, and finding new uses for them that were never foreseen.
(Simply put: There's whole "when all you have is a hammer", but what *can* you use as a hammer?)
But if it helps, they call it a "general-purpose computer" for a reason.