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69 posts total

The GNOME terminal has a weird feature where you can copy text as HTML, which is really annoying when you activate it by accident but when you activate it on purpose turns out to be pretty nice, e.g.


So, despite what rational sense as well as several dictates would seem to demand, we are attempting to use the "Cmake Projects in Visual Studio" feature of MSVS

We have… questions, which the docs don't seem to answer.

1. Many places in the VS docs refer to "the project" as if it were a singular file ( see screenshot of ). In the case of a CMake Target Project, what is "the project" in this sense? The CMakeLists.txt? The The CMakeSettings.json?

So, despite what rational sense as well as several dictates would seem to demand, we are attempting to use the "Cmake Projects in Visual Studio" feature of MSVS

We have… questions, which the docs don't seem to answer.


2. This one's weirder. Our CMake Target "Projects" were created automatically, using the automatic… wizard… thing, that Visual Studio asks you if you want to run it when it detects CMakeLists.txt. Each of these projects generated a CMakeSettings.json. However, it generated them *in the directory with the CMakeLists*. For one of our CMakeLists, this is very inconvenient because it's inside a submodule. Can I move the CMakeSettings.json into a directory other than the one with the CMakeLists?


Did you know that Dansup who made PixelFed is working on a federated TikTok clone called Loops and it looks extremely good

Dansup has been posting a lot about the WIP and the design choices are very user-centric in a way that the Fediverse sometimes is not


Did you know that Miguel who founded the mono project is now working on porting the Godot editor to iPad

Note this is the *editor*… the games already run on iPad, this is *creating* games on iPad


Hard to imagine a signal that a website is a rugpull more intense than banning users for trying to delete their own posts

Like just incredible "burning the future to power the present" energy here


Earlier today I edited my (small) set of Stack Overflow posts to add the sentence "I do not consent to my words being used to train OpenAI" to the end. Within hours, all these edits were reversed and I got a warning email for "removing or defacing content". I did not remove any content. If this small sentence is "defacing", it is a very minor defacement. In no way was the experience of other users made worse by me adding one sentence.

To Stack Overflow, you are not a person. You are "content".


Looking into how to set up a bluesky server.

Noticed this bit here, in the documentation. That's an interesting way to spell "cannot"


Looks like installing the bsky pds server is done via the "curl this opaque and run it". This isn't necessarily so bad, but if you look inside the it turns out to silently install Docker. That's… interesting. I feel like that's a surprising thing for a script to do silently and in the background. Isn't that kinda heavyweight?


Strange science facts: In nuclear power, functional nuclear fission reactors were constructed as early as 1942, yet nuclear fusion remains elusive and can only be achieved for short periods. In jazz, on the other hand, jazz fusion was invented in the early 70s, and jazz fission remains purely theoretical even today


2008, me: I love the idea of cryptocurrency

BITCOIN: The word "cryptocurrency" now means "financial scams based on inefficient write-only ledgers"

2018, me: I love the idea of the metaverse

FACEBOOK: The word "metaverse" now means "proprietary 3D chat programs with no soul"

2022, me: I love the idea of procedurally generated content

OPENAI: From now on people will associate that only with big corporations plagiarizing small artists and turning their work into ugly content slurry

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The1goit #RedInstead

@mcc honestly ai is the most popular and fastest selling snake oil yet.

Ai uses to be a legitimate piece of tech used for telling NPCs where the player was and how to walk around an environment. Now it's just snake oil.
Generative art used to be art. Now it's snake oil.
Talking to a support agent used to be talking to a guy on tech support. Now it's talking to snake oil sold by the richest people in the world. Worst part is, it actually sells, but just like snakes, it'll eventually bite them.

Justin Pot

@mcc And then the companies and people who cynically exploit our belief in the future to promote these scams have the audacity to tell us that we’re pessimistic about technology. We’re not! We love tech! We hate the bullshit, the scams.

HyperSoop :blobfoxcomputer:​

18XX, Karl Marx: I love the idea of communism

USSR: From now on people will associate that only with murderous totalitarian regimes


Fantasy world where they have been breeding dragons to be smaller and smaller until they have little toy dragons that can sit in your lap and are popular among noble ladies and if you leave them unattended in a home they will gather up all the low denomination change under dressers and such and push them into a corner to make a tiny $4.78 hoard to sit on

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Piers Beckley

@mcc @johnayliff I think this might have to rock up in the next fantasy RPG I play in or run.

David Forsyth


Ferrets are not too different from this description.


In UI circles you sometimes see a (usually derogatory) label of "hover tunnel" given to a UI widget, like a clickless contextual menu, which requires you hover over an element then continue to hover over specific elements in order to keep the widget active. I would like to propose the term "Reverse Hover Tunnel" for the current YouTube front page, where you must move the mouse in strict and meticulous paths to avoid it beginning to autoplay random crap, possibly forever showing it as 10% watched

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Yeah and don't get me started on the netflix web interface 🤬

Kimiko-obasan ✨

@mcc With a graphics tablet* you can just magically teleport the cursor to wherever you want it, skip right past the boss battle to the win screen ^_^

(* pen tablet, Wacom, etc. dangit, why did they have to start calling oversized smaphos tablets? *shakes fist*)


@mcc idk im glad they finally gave us a way to watch uoutube videos


Various products on Amazon named "I Cannot Fulfill This Request It Goes Against OpenAI Use Policy"

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- Good day, how can I help you today?
- I'd like two "I'm sorry, Dave, but I cannot let you do that" to go please.
- Sure, coming right up!


@mcc i wonder if the first child named by chatgpt has already been born

remote procedure chris

@mcc i can't believe relished brands like EIIEOIY and PGNEDAR would stoop to this level of quality


Due to the extremely large number of basic functions "systemd" has usurped from other parts of the OS, a natural and interesting project would be to see if systemd can now exist independently apart from Linux, or rather, to ascertain what is the most minimal alternate kernel that could serve as a life support system for successfully running systemd. Since calling this "System System" would be absurd, the most logical name for such a project would be "d OS", or "DOS". In this Mastodon post I will

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the unbeliever

If you really hate systemd there are alternative distros like Devuan:
I'm not a fan of systemd, but I think it's too late to go back now - too many things rely on it.
The best we can hope is that its limited as much as possible to core functionality.


By the way, if of interest: Here ( ) is a command-line (Node) version of @darius 's Twitter-archiver web app ( ). The advantage is the cmdline version is easier to use with very large files (the web version has a 2GB cap because of browser limitations). The idea is you feed in the archive .zip Twitter burps out when you download your Tweets, and it spits out a web-friendly static site. I am still tweaking on the layout and such for my own purposes.

By the way, if of interest: Here ( ) is a command-line (Node) version of @darius 's Twitter-archiver web app ( ). The advantage is the cmdline version is easier to use with very large files (the web version has a 2GB cap because of browser limitations). The idea is you feed in the archive .zip Twitter burps out when you download your Tweets, and it spits out a web-friendly static...


No four words strike fear in my heart like these

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Brian Moakley

@mcc Welcome to the start of your hostage tour! You press the buttons WE want you to press. You jump through the hoops, WE want you to jump through!

There is no escape! ... unless you finish the tour.

(oh! please make sure to rate our app! k thks by!)


@mcc 🌟 Explore the enchanting world of @enigmaseduction on FanVue! 🚀 Dive into their profile for exclusive content and join the excitement: 🎉

Григорий Клюшников

At least you can always downgrade. But it's really a shame no one is making third-party apps for these kind of things anymore.


Me writing software: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

Me packaging software for release: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

Sonny Bonds

@mcc Me maintaining/supporting software: I don't know what the next phase of this meme is but it's the worst.

𝓢𝔂𝓭𝓷𝓮𝔂 <3 :v_trans: :v_bi: :v_pat:

@mcc especially if you use NSIS and some of its more... obscure... features. You can do some amazing stuff if you're comfortable with assembly and/or ghidra, but it's far from easy

Joshua Barretto

@mcc The absolute worst part is writing migration guides when you've spent too long having fun introducing new features. I have made my bed, now I must sleep in it.

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Sentence Grimes

@mcc If it were New Mexico or Colorado, I'd think this was advertising for Meow Wolf.


@mcc so, "Houses Who Walk Like Men" is a new rock band int he area? 😁

Andrew Leer



The Tautological Algorithm is the only currently known O(0) algorithm, and is an algorithm for creating a universe. The algorithm works on the principle that in order to be invoked, there must already exist a universe for it to be invoked in, and it supplies this pre-existing universe as output.

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Token Sane Person

@mcc In Haskell, the Tautological Algorithm is written "return () :: IO ()"

See for more details.



“...they discovered only a small asteroid inhabited by a solitary old man who claimed repeatedly that nothing was true, though he was later discovered to be lying.”
~ Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


I don't want things to have rounded edges anymore. I just don't.


Used to some things had rounded edges and some did not and I think that was pretty good but now everything has rounded edges and now that everything has rounded edges I want nothing to have rounded edges. I'm edged out. I simply cannot take any more edges


Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA

Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.

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Leonard Ritter

@mcc while this is nice to hear, and not unexpected, i must object to calling this "nerdsniping" as if linux users were somehow bamboozled into doing free work here.

the linux community operates under an unwritten cooperative social contract: users co-own the software & in return go the extra mile to improve it. even when the game provided is closed and for-sale, users still hold up their end of the deal; mostly out of habit, but it also renders the developer indebted to the community.


@mcc isn't that because a lot of Linux users work in IT and are themselves developers?
I'm a dev myself and I frequently report bugs I encounter in any software I use.

Zlendy That's a really good example of the FOSS spirit, even if the game itself isn't Free Software.


Consider: People often remark that cats often suddenly stop and stare in strange directions, seemingly looking at nothing at all. What humans don't understand is that the cat is in fact not looking, but *listening*; the cat has heard something, and is turning its head so its ears are cupped in the direction of the sound.

Implication: If elves were real, they would often as a group swiftly turn their heads to apparently stare at nothing at all, swiveling their ears slightly as they do so


When you have been using Mastodon for a while and you finally install Linux

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@mcc mastodon has me considering it for the first time, too…but i suspect i’m like 10% not technical enough for even the newbie-friendliest of distros


Euh, not sure I follow you ??? Mastodon is an OS agnostic software.
I mean sure you will have different implemetations according to the OS but you will find a client and server software for all OSes (hem server for MacOS ?? not sure)

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