Bonus rules
- ASM may be used more than once as long as it targets different language families (x86_64, RISCV, ARM, WASM).
- JavaScript and TypeScript are the same language.
- Rust and Unsafe Rust may be potentially counted as two different languages.
- I may use Perl/Python to "preprocess" file inputs into arrays of numbers or strings (but no more complex parsing) in the target language
- If I make an honest attempt at a language and fail, I may retry in Go (but only Go) (I need to learn Go)
This is my list of candidate languages. ⭐ means I feel comfortable and ready to go in the language. ☆ means a language I've used but am for whatever reason not confident I could do an AOC challenge in. Totally interested in suggestions for languages I am missing from my list, opinions as to whether Scheme and Racket are the same language, etc.
Goal here is personally/professionally enriching language tourism so I can be broad minded I expect. Maybe no intentional tarpit languages this time tho.