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Fantasy world where they have been breeding dragons to be smaller and smaller until they have little toy dragons that can sit in your lap and are popular among noble ladies and if you leave them unattended in a home they will gather up all the low denomination change under dressers and such and push them into a corner to make a tiny $4.78 hoard to sit on


@mcc very important to me that the tiny dragons also act basically the same as cats do re: their larger cousins

Neia They're a commitment! A dragon is for life, not just for Hogswatchnight.



@mcc and metallic clothing has come into fashion to entice the dragon to sit on your lap

there was no need to make riding around in a lady’s handbag more appealing

e. hashman

@mcc sounds like the fire lizards in the Pern series


@ehashman @mcc iirc that was the other way around, started as house cat sized and were bred(engineered?) to be huge and rideable. it was also my first thought tho


Imagine opening up your closet door and there in the back of your closet is your lap dragon, sitting on a rudimentary hoard of six nickels and 17 pennies. "Graaaak!", it says, as it spreads its wings wide (span 2ft 3in). The threat display is made somewhat less terrifying by its head getting caught in the underside of a coat, causing it to flap around briefly

Happiness for Stray the Cat

@mcc every house cat ever would like to discuss about this subtoot.


@mcc funny tidbit #TTRPG #Rolemaster bestiary (Creatires & Treasures vol III?) has exactly that: dragonettes.
They come in all varieties of their larger cousins, but with proportionate breath and magic that is more prosaic and quirky. Whereas dragons considered genius level intelligence, dragonettes are nore... pet like.


And then it can still set your house on fire, it doesn't take much flame. Oops. Imagine if cats could breathe even a little bit of fire, right on your head as you're asleep!


@mcc Is it weird that my first thought was the Discworld "swamp dragons"? 😁

K`shandra :fuck_verify:

@nazokiyoubinbou @mcc I went right to McCaffrey’s fire lizards, personally.


@kshandra @mcc Were there any small dragons in any of the Pern novels? As far I know even the smallest ones were large enough for a human to ride.


@nazokiyoubinbou @kshandra @mcc in the first (chronologically, not necessarily publishing order?) Pern book the riding dragons are genetically engineered from cat-sized (and quite cat-like) indigenous flying fire-lizard things!


@RAOF @kshandra @mcc Ah, I didn't remember it being mentioned what size the originals were. I see!


@nazokiyoubinbou @kshandra @mcc Yes, there were. Dragonsong (the one with the cover photo in this discussion) introduced them as the original species that got bred / genetically engineered into the big dragons.


@nazokiyoubinbou the swamp dragons sounded a little… undignified. I didn't realize they were small enough to sit in your shoulders!


@mcc Their scientific name is draconis vulgaris, lol. Pratchett did them as a sort of extreme opposite direction of the legendary dragons.

Some burp wrong when upset and explode.

This is clearly not at all what you were talking about, but I had Discworld on the brain.

Merilee D. Karr, MD, MFA

@mcc Also, getting itself totally tangled up in the coat hangers. Embarrassing.

Kazii The Avali

@mcc *takes the dragon and its hoard to a slightly larger hoard of 17 nickles 1 dime 1 quarter and 20 pennies making a lot of nickles and pennies and a lap dragon*


@mcc Watching them Orange around the table during a feast, mixing pieces of meat off of the lady’s plate, then flying over to the kid’s table knowing they’ll definitely feed it better take scraps. 😀



Imagine making it's year and undying love by tossing it a silver quarter.

Joshua H. Pollack

@mcc Sounds like a convenient way of making toast, too.


@mcc I imagine that pet-sized dragons would behave like cats


@mcc cats are independent, dependent, a trash, cute, obsessed with random things, uninterested by everything, perfect dragon behavior

Kydia Music

@eons @jmccleskey925
I always thought if kitties had wings, they’d be the terror of the skies. Birds and Teslas wouldn’t stand a chance.

Kindness is as kindness does

What about the fire breathing business? Would come in handy when the bong is passed around, but are they fully house-trained?



@mcc Picturing a more modern version with a disgruntled smolgon sitting atop a heap of credit cards and chittering and warbling its unhappiness at the indignity.


@mcc tiny dragon spinning around inside an automatic change sorter having the time of its life

Manic Pixie Dream Grandpa

@mcc Every single time someone brings up tiny beasts, I think of this commercial...

Impudent Strumpet

@mcc And they can be trained to breathe just a lil bit of fire to light a candle or something. Or maybe to flambe a gourmet dish if you're feeling particularly show-offy


@ImpudentStrumpet In some medieval societies, small trained dragons are the only way to get a flame of sufficient intensity and focus to make a proper Creme Brulee


@mcc I feel it's on us, for not effectively sharing the actual truth.


@mcc @ImpudentStrumpet my grandma had an metal disk at the end of a stick+handle. She would put it on the stove flame until it's hot then drop it on a creme with sugar to turn it into a creme brulé. The result was much better than using a flamethrower from memory. Also, you need to put the sugar as late as possible else it will soak up the creme humidity and it wont caramelize. When working at a restaurant, I had a colleague put sugar well in advance then spend minutes warming wet sugar

Mitch Burton

@mcc North American house hippo, but more burny


@mcc Pekingese dogs look a bit like tiny Chinese dragons, now you mention it.


@mcc this more or less exists in Terry Pratchett's disk world (Guards, Guards! Being a good example), but it love the change pile


@mcc Terry Pratchett's Discworld series would be very interesting to you I suspect. People there have done all of that, but it includes a shelter for all those toy dragon breeds that people buy during the holidays and dump on the side of the road later.

Pseudo Nym


I wanted a low level #ttrpg group to be able to fight a dragon. I made a wyrmling that had scared some goblins into mugging the local farmers for their copper pieces. It had a sizable amount of treasure, all in pennies. Alas, it was an acid dragon, so most of its hoard was corroded copper, but it didn't care.

A key clue came to the PCs, when the gnome used "speak with animals" to ask the cows what they had seen, to which they replied "Holy shit! A talking gnome!" @smitty @SixSider

Clifton Royston


Oh, thank you. I'd always thought it was a spontaneous mutation.

A selective breeding program makes so much sense.

Janet Vertesi

@mcc @trochee As I recall the original How to Train your Dragon books feature essentially this style of dragon. Pocket sized…


@mcc my child did this, no change drawer was safe, it was always viewed with amusement and we would sometimes put change in drawers for them to find. :ablobfoxbongo: not dragon shaped, but loved shinies. Maybe more like a raccoon. But still cute!

Piers Beckley

@mcc @johnayliff I think this might have to rock up in the next fantasy RPG I play in or run.

David Forsyth


Ferrets are not too different from this description.

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