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So, despite what rational sense as well as several dictates would seem to demand, we are attempting to use the "Cmake Projects in Visual Studio" feature of MSVS

We have… questions, which the docs don't seem to answer.

1. Many places in the VS docs refer to "the project" as if it were a singular file ( see screenshot of ). In the case of a CMake Target Project, what is "the project" in this sense? The CMakeLists.txt? The The CMakeSettings.json?


2. This one's weirder. Our CMake Target "Projects" were created automatically, using the automatic… wizard… thing, that Visual Studio asks you if you want to run it when it detects CMakeLists.txt. Each of these projects generated a CMakeSettings.json. However, it generated them *in the directory with the CMakeLists*. For one of our CMakeLists, this is very inconvenient because it's inside a submodule. Can I move the CMakeSettings.json into a directory other than the one with the CMakeLists?


I realize it is entirely possible there's no hope of getting answers because we are, in fact, the first people in the history of ever to actually try to use the "CMake Targets" feature in visual studio, but I have to try

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