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26 posts total
Molly White

"[The moderator crackdown is] just a reminder that anything you post on any of these platforms can and will be used for profit. It's just a matter of time until all your messages on Discord, Twitter etc. are scraped, fed into a model and sold back to you." – @ben

h/t @dangillmor

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@molly0xfff @ben @dangillmor That's just another reason, folks, that it is a moral imperative to use online platforms exclusively to share photos of fat, throbbing, transexual cocks with your mates.

Train you AI models on this for size, billonaires!

Mark Brady

@molly0xfff @ben @dangillmor we thought Web 3 was going to be a crypto con, but it’s actually a hallucinated cesspool of AI generated content.

Molly White

Many yearn for the "good old days" of the web. We could have those good old days back — or something even better — and if anything, it would be easier now than it ever was.

#web #newsletter #CitationNeeded

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outsidecontext 🇺🇦🕊️

@molly0xfff It's so good to read something with a positive and encouraging bottom line. Thanks for this article.


This metaphor of the garden works so well!

Jeremiah Lee

@molly0xfff This was a lovely read to start my day with. Thank you for writing it!

Molly White

So excited to hear that the Ghost blogging software is going to support federation via ActivityPub!

If you sign up for updates, they have a survey where they're asking for feedback. Now's your chance to get your suggestions in!

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Phillip :unverified:

@molly0xfff this is huge!! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for it's release 👀👀

Michael Vilain

@molly0xfff I haven't parsed how to use Ghost like I would patreon or substack. I subscribe to ghost newsletters but there doesn't seem to be a way to login to ghost without being creator and paying a fee. I want to use the ghost login like my Patreon page and my old substack page where I can subscribe and unsubscribe newsletters. I don't see a way to do that. Have I misunderstood their model? I subscribe to your newsletter and platformer as discreet content rather than under a centralized Ghost account.

thomas bohn

@molly0xfff when I read your newsletter with an RSS reader they display your icon next to the audio player above the player and very big.

Molly White

i am so over the web design trend where every piece of text on the page has to animate in

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Craig Grannell

@molly0xfff This kind of thing is really fun when you’ve a vestibular condition. As is when you scroll down and the page lurches sideways. Awful design and the web is full of it. Alas, there’s no big jolt with the web like happened when I wrote about iOS 7 – – and so the drip continues. I wish there was an off switch for all this stuff. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect me too badly but I’ve spoken for people who can feel bad for hours after getting ‘zapped’.

@molly0xfff This kind of thing is really fun when you’ve a vestibular condition. As is when you scroll down and the page lurches sideways. Awful design and the web is full of it. Alas, there’s no big jolt with the web like happened when I wrote about iOS 7 – – and so the drip continues. I wish there was an off switch for all this stuff. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect me too badly but I’ve spoken for people who can feel...

Angel Ponce

@molly0xfff The product conversation probably went something like this:

Designers/Developers: Which sections do you think we should emphasize with animation?

Stakeholder/Client: Yes.

At work, we've had clients leave because competitors offer "better" design, and by better, they mean it looks like Michael Bay directed the million animations running on the site.

Ben Munson

@molly0xfff between this and Apple scroll jacking animations it’s a real low

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Alexander The 1st


Pasta - $26.99
Sauce - $1.70
Cheese - $5.50
Subscription to read an article about how to make the food anytime this year - $50

Somebody who is good at this economy help me balance my budget.

Molly White

super cool that all these companies have decided to make customers opt OUT of having their data sold for AI training purposes

"but no one would do it if it was opt-in!"


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OldTurk🗽Focus: #FreeAssange


Hi #AI: I opt out. If you’re truly intelligent, you’ll know what to do.

Paul O'Malley

@molly0xfff in the EU illegal... There may be legals ahead.


@molly0xfff @BeefGriller well I would opt in but I’m the minority in this, so …

Molly White

finally! i've always wished i could look at my #NFTs on [checks notes] the dashboard of my mercedes

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@molly0xfff are those NFTs or just the characters Nintendo rejected for Animal Crossing?


@molly0xfff when management forgets that a dev team exists for a few years.

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Sarah Schumacher

@molly0xfff appreciate your explanation and the technical details about your migration. I'd considered Substack in the past for the network effects, but had never been able to get past not owning my own content. I build websites for a living though, so in a lot of ways it's an easier decision. I haven't followed this closely but I really feel for all the writers trying to figure out what to do.

♿🔞 Many the Mousetacular

@molly0xfff woo!! i'm glad it has a more easily found RSS link, too, gonna go migrate my feed reeder to the new link now!

Molly White

i appreciate whoever writes the @signalapp release notes

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Nour (aka Autistic Enby) 🏳️‍⚧️

@molly0xfff I also like Slack's release notes, but I don't think they're as fun as they used to be. Also honorable mention to Discord, but I think they often overdo it.


@molly0xfff @signalapp had this great message on July 19, 2023 for its 6.26.0 update:
> Diacritics (such as accent marks) are now supported in @ mentions, so you can remind Aristotélēs to answer your philosophy question in the "Ancient Greek Time Travellers" group chat.

Molly White

always remember to double check the destination wallet address before sending the down payment to the hitman you've hired to kill your girlfriend

#crypto #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin

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C++ guy

@molly0xfff The story is vague about whether the hitman was an agent or whether the FBI found out about the hit in some other way. But is $16,000 really all it costs to have someone killed? That’s scary.

Greg Stolze

@molly0xfff Ah hah ha, I wrote something very similar. It's called A SERIES OF ONE-SIDED CONVERSATIONS.

Molly White

Yes, the enthusiasm for NFTs has cratered, but we shouldn't use junk analysis to make that point. Too many news outlets uncritically reprinted a bad "study", and the resulting eye-catching headline was widely shared.

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@molly0xfff Thanks Molly for your moral integrity. I can't overstate how refreshing it feels to see someone calling out misinformation, even when it goes in the direction of their own beliefs.

Also, you're selling yourself short with that drawing 😄

Jason Petersen

@molly0xfff regardless of the study or whatever amount buyers and sellers value them at, they are still—all of them—worthless, which is the important point to drive home.

Molly White

Seeing talk of chrome orbs that will give you crypto in exchange for your biometrics? That's Worldcoin, and and these are some of the risks we would need to consider if it became widespread.

#WorldCoin #cryptocurrency

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Peter Nimmo

@molly0xfff “Innovative ideas in mechanism design and the attribution of social relationships will be necessary“ is an amazing way of saying "We don't know how to fix this"- this being an issue which, to me, looks like a fatal flaw


Looks and sounds like something Space Karen would try and do? A global app for everything and a global currency to use.

I will also admit to my great ignorance and lack of understanding of the greater cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Great article!


@molly0xfff great essay!

I am curious what your quantum computing prediction is? Sooner or later than Halpin? Or perhaps something else?

Molly White

wikipedia editors hard at work on the article about the titan submersible implosion


@molly0xfff won't be any less effective than the submarine.


@molly0xfff Mastodon needs a 'multi-boost' feature. I'm still laughing about this!! 😂

Molly White

with bluesky using domains for usernames, the time has finally come for of us who've somewhat habitually collected bizarro domains over the years


Molly White

last year i discovered that law360.​com required a "professional email address" to sign up for free, which is how i came to be the proud owner of fartbag.​lol

Molly White

every so often one of those twitter spam DMs is ever so slightly compelling

Molly White

while going through a16z's massive list of portfolio companies i found that they invested in what appears to be some sort of rent-an-egirl service

Molly White

Feedly is really out here pretending they didn't just advertise "track[ing] strikes that pose a risk to company assets"


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ryan onstott

@molly0xfff weird how gaslighting is just the outward (PR) language of tech companies now


This excuse is such a lie. If you are sending assets, as Feedly referred to human correspondents, to cover unrest in some part of the world, telling them there is unrest means that there is still a story to cover. They are still good to go!

Does Feedly want us to believe they are selling technology that can make the right call on some of the riskiest and most volatile job situations, and then refer to the benefits as assets and not human lives? They already forgot what they wrote.

Jay Adan

@molly0xfff Thank you for the reminder to stop using that app.

Molly White

happy UTC april fools' day, this wikipedian's least favorite holiday


@molly0xfff maybe all the pranksters will be on Musk's Github this weekend


@molly0xfff Oh good god d*** it.

It’s like reading server logs but they’re intentionally trolling.

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